I'll wait.
I'll wait.
Other urls found in this thread:
R&B and soul has a lot of basslines kind of like that, but Quincy Jones is a retarded faggot who doesn't really make music.
You forgot to name one, user
>Paul McCartney
You sure don't know a lot of bass virtuosos, do you?
You forgot to name one, user
Glass Museum by Tortoise
Frizzle Fry by Primus
Chinese Arithmetic by Faith No More
The New by Interpol
When We Almost Kill Ourselves by Tarentel
Thief Of Fire by The Pop Group
Guns Before Butter by Gang Of Four
The list goes on and on...
>Alt rock that had no staying power then, and only appeals to "music geeks"
Loling @ new Yea Forumstants trying to look good on this board
Listened to the ones I didn't already know and while they're all good, they're not as inventive and creative as Rain's, not to mention nowhere near as influential.
No one played bass like McCartney does on Rain before this song was released
I Feel Good by James Brown is pretty close, but nowhere near as good though
>Alt rock
Are you fucking retarded? Have you even heard a single song I've listed? All these bands are well-known among their respective genres except for maybe Tarentel, and the fact that they can be strictly categorised to real genres and not some vague bullshit like alt-rock since they all were quite influential doesn't help making them alt-rock either
>they're not as inventive and creative as Rain's
Glass Museum alone simply is infinitely more creative than anything that McCartney has ever released just because of how original and impressive yet organic and meaningful the changing of time signatures on this song is; Frizzle Fry and Chinese Arithmetic are more interesting both dynamically and technically; The New and WWAKOS are both more progressive and thougthful; Thief Of Fire and Guns Before Butter though don't stand out on their own make their respective tracks much more interesting to listen to as they are perfectly suit other instruments despite still being to some degree experimental
>All these bands are well-known among their respective genres
Thank you for proving me right
lol fuck off with your Primus nobody cares about Seinfield bass boy
>20 seconds into the song and the bass already showed all it has to offer
>Thank you for proving me right
Thanks for proving me right
Mum help I've just got OWNED xD
Another god tier Macca bassline
Forgot link
are you like 12
Do you really not see the one dimensional irony in my post?
yeah, and that's the part that makes me think you're 12.
And what kind of posts did you expect to get as a response to people who can't explain why supposedly greatest bassline in rock that is basically a fairly average (though decent) pattern that lasts for twenty seconds repeated for the rest of the song is the greatest bassline of all time?
>fairly average (though decent)
are you even english senpai
im not effort posting for someone that listens to primus
Although I do love the bassline in Rain, everyone knows the bassline in Shine On You Crazy Diamond part VIII is where it's at
You should definitely look up Joe Dart and some the basslines he plays with Vulfpeck.
here little bitch
Hey Bulldog
Actual answer
>rock music
oh wow it's fucking nothing
my man im not op but jesus anyone can play that bass line
>anyone can play it
That has no bearing on whether it’s good or not
not even the best beatles bassline
It's not that interesting
But it’s good
It's not as amazing but it still slaps
>Nobody posting the GOAT bassist