Japanese songs are awful cause they have no rhymes
Japanese songs are awful cause they have no rhymes
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>that tit gap
They do though.
She's not using a bra, virgin
Japanese music sucks
Clairo songs are awful because they have no intergrity
What do these women do when they hit the wall and they can't attract likes on social media anymore?
Settle for some idiot, divorce later, and probably fade into obscurity.
that's not Clairo
Get married
Become pharmaceutical reps.
>rhymes = quality
what a babby tier way to experience music
Well she should
Imagine putting your penis between her breast and rub it until you cum under her chin and make a huge pearl necklace, lol wouldn't that be a nice thing ahah
ahah what a funny thing to say lol
Shut up, stupid!
Goddammit I already have too many waifus
I wonder how sex feels like with a girl like that.
White knighting skanks
she needs to hit the gym
>pointing out that you are a homosexual
have sex fucking incel
Is this Tara Strong
>defending women
better a roastie than a smeggie
Just a reminder that she has posed nude(amazing floppy tits) and has a leaked BJ video of her blowing Chad at the mountains
there are a lot of annoying retards that are women and a lot that are men, you realize that selecting the biggest retards to represent a demographic is the same thing the SJWs you hate so much are doing when they say all white people are racist and all men are potential rapists right?
t. Extremely angry art hoe or boyfriend of art hoe who only lurks here to boost their clout by pretending bands they find here are something they found on their own
why did you post a photograph of yourself
damn you got me that meme image of a dozen thots really does represent every woman ever in the world. you're never wrong anyone who disagrees with you is a retard how based praise kek
What a beautiful face
t. makes sweeping generalizations about the half of the population they’ve never talked to
Nice counterargument faggot
it's a good thing you have meme images to dictate your worldview otherwise you might have to think
Caylee Cowen, apparently.
They're trannies...
Who IS this semen demon?
Sorry I don't argue with women,particularly not arthoes or their cuck boyfriends when they become hysterical over something that makes then uncomfortable for 2 seconds
Might as well be trying to reason with a child throwing a tempe tantrum because you got him the wrong flavor ice cream
I’m a single 24 year old dude, seethe harder baby boy
>they become hysterical over something that makes then uncomfortable for 2 seconds
yet as soon as someone says something that deviates from your /pol/ faggotry you reach into your epic libtard meme folder
Literal retard.
Too much Japanese pop is just a ripoff of Western music
>defending women
who's giving her the money?
You're not going to get through to the programmed, just save yourself the time
Sweaty neck beards are the ones that allow her to make a living doing that
how do you figure the guy mindlessly spouting >defending women and r/thedonald reaction memes isn't the programmed one
Wow it's almost like if you're a woman you literally have to be semi attractive and you're set
wow, i wish men could do that
Biebs is a talented singer/dancer though
that's the fault of autist zoomers throwing money at her for being a pretty girl on the internet
>post guy whose stardom stems from the mindless consumption of vapid bullshit the vast majority of women participate in throughout their lives to defend why women are actually smart and capable
Leave Jimmy Nu-Male alone
So what you're saying is...if youre a semi attractive woman you get to make more money and live in comfort than the average male? I'm glad we agree man
>if a woman consumes vapid bullshit that's women's fault!
>if a man consumes vapid bullshit that's women's fault!
No shit, so what
Tell men to stop being horny retards giving money to some cosplay bitch
>there are camgirls on the same level as Justin bieber
I mean that's demonstrably true. But you should be frustrated with weak men enabling that bullshit rather than acting like a riled up incel
he can't dance for shit
>Catherine Caylee Cowan is an American actress born on March 19, 1998 in Los Angeles, California. She is of Russian-Jewish descent
>you're right that women literally do nothing in society but be fuckholes but it isn't their fault because men should just flip their horny switch off
It's amazing how you people bend reality to conform to your comfort
>women are bad because they're too successful for their looks
>no wait men are more successful
>women are bad because they're not successful enough
how can you say that while twisting literally everything into a reason to sperg out about women
>man gets called a rapist and put on trial either literally or on normie internet for looking at a woman these days (if they don't look like Chad of course)
>decides to withdraw and fap instead
>wow what a weak man hahaha
You enable it, and yes you should control yourself. You give them their power.
>wow what a weak man hahaha
Very weak, and cowardly
Ah, so you're just mad at fantasy scenarios. Seems like wasted effort to invent caricatures to tard-rage over
>Jimmy Neutron has a cute girlfriend that cosplays Toga
>meanwhile I'm at my dead-end job shitposting about John Frusciante and guitar pedals on Yea Forums
Where did my life go so wrong...
My favorite part of women's existence is when men built literally everything for them and then they got mad and decided that was oppressive so they intstitutionalized that the only man who could every be allowed to even glance at them had to be the biggest Chad on the planet no matter how fugly they are and then shamed the guys who aren t allowed to even inhale the same air as them for fapping to camwhores despite admitting they serve no real purpose in society other than to confuse and distort people and project their insecurities onto their cuck bfs and incels
ok schizo
>women serve no purpose in society but men are weaker for wanting to do what is as natural as shitting and pissing
You're literally saying "if everyone held in their farts air pollution wouldn't be so bad"
chin up, you could probably find a sadbrains indie gf to sperg about niandra lades with
I've got some bad news user, it's not feminists' fault you can't find a girlfriend.
I sure hope so cause it's been 4 months since my last relationship and I'm sad as shit.
>women serve no purpose in society
Reproduction? Wouldn't be much of a society with no people being born.
Go to r/incels you make us look bad
Buddy women literally won't tolerate you even walking in the same direction as them if they take one look at you and declare that you won't be able to make them have multiple orgasms by just taking their pants off. The thing is, This applies to every woman too. Women don't have to settle unless they want to and that's usually only if the man has some kind of surplus of money or if they're a Sadboy faggot that can be used for social media clout who they cuck constantly on the side. If you're a bug fat fugly bitch you can claim you're being discriminated against if you can't find a hot boyfriend and nobody corrects you because they don't want to look like a misogynist
I can't wait for you to say "okay you're right but you're still wrong" again
ok schizo
Yeah dude let's keep making more humans that's been a net good experiment so far
I agree but I wish I didn't
No I mean this isn't even an argument. I know you're angry cause girls won't look at you but why would you work so hard for girls to also not only look at you but actively despise everything you say or write lmao. It's like you're making your chances go from 0% to -100%.
Have you been outside or interacted with society literally ever
>we should end the human race because a fag owns the napalm company
Look, I lost the genetic lottery and I don't feel like killing myself yet so I post my grievances when I get a chance. The thing is, it doesn't make what I'm saying "biased". You and the other cuck already said I was correct just that the solution is for everyone to literally castrate themselves, which has already happened on /r9k/ to some extent so hey maybe you're right. But I don't want to become a tranny either so fuck it and fuck you.
did you know that teenage girls want to fuck it the clown
Wait, you do know like, their entire language has 5 sounds? Everything ends in Ah, Ee, Ooh, Eh, or Oh
Or N sometimes.
Like, it rhymes way more.
Might just be bait though but just saying for the goofs that don't know and might believe the bait.
Or you could stop taking the most extreme examples and using them to form your perception of the whole world, quit your retarded extremist beliefs, and go be a normal fucking person. There are a ton of ugly women banging ugly men. Your perception of reality is so skewed by internet autism lmao
Who gives a shit.
people who think there's a such thing as being too ugly for women
This guy actually has talent.
goodness, imagine this sexy titcow if she were pregnant and lactating
Aight start with yourself bro
He's a pretty attractive guy. I don't remember anyone wanting to fuck Tim Curry's Pennywise though
We should kill capitalists not everyone
user, you probably won't believe me, but I have been cucked irl multiple times. There was a period of my life where I legitimately tried to get better and go out and so on and in that time I had a few "relationships" with women. We never fucked and in the end they were always just using me and either were already fucking some other guy or went and fucked some other guy immediately after.
I was shitposting before but the fact is that guys like me weren't made to be anything in the world. We're basically byproducts of actual people being creates. It's like how Vienna sausages are just shit scraped off the bottom of a processing plant while actual good product is being made. I realized after everything blowing up in my face, including things outside of a romantic relationship, I'm not cut out for the world and I'm definitely not cut out to exist in what the world is becoming.
I ponder suicide every single day but can't so that yet due to having a couple of obligations still left, including an animal that would probably die without me. But after they're gone trust me I'm going to suck off a pistol and swallow as hard as I can. Until then I distract myself with shitposting and bitterness no matter how dishonest it is. I envy people like you but you already knew that so fuck it
Anyway, you're right that I'm a huge loser but what can be done? I'm never going to succeed I already wasted 3 years of my life trying and failing. Better to just withdraw and leave my failure on the internet where I don't have to be so embarrassed by it
that happened too
Blackpill : it IS your fault that you got cucked. But that means you can change your behavior and avoid getting in that scenario again. You're not some woe-is-me doomer cursed to never be happy, you're just had a bad break and now you're acting like a bitch. Learn from your mistake, don't dwell on it and be an incel forever.
Fact. Those bastards sure do know how to put a pretty face on their evil.
It's the same thing as arthoes wanting to fuck serial killers or soundcloud rappers or whatever it has nothing to do with attraction it's just edgy and gives them attention
Nah I don't care man. If I'm a bitch I'm a bitch but I just don't have the energy to try anymore in life. Even if I would have had great relationships with women my whole life there's a life of other shit. The cucking just hyper compounded it. It makes no difference to you so who cares
oh no trust me this is real
most of the girls who do this are also too repulsive to attract men
Japan's first black singer from the United States.
BASED nicovideoposter
fuck I love the tit gap
my first girlfriend had huge sloppy tits and of course at first I was like wtf but after a few years I grew to love them
now I always look for women with huge natural slightly saggy tits
absolute virgin
Nah it’s the jews fault