Boomer music thread

I love boomer music and want to make a complete and satisfying playlist of it.
No, I don't give a shit what you sad niche-listening little pieces of snowflake have to say about it.
Get in here and post some dad rock.

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You're right up me alley OP*

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Do you appreciate some old tharsh metal?

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Attached: jethro-tull-aqualung.jpg (900x885, 146K)

Whats the years for boomer music

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Attached: Creatures_Of_The_Night-Frontal.jpg (953x953, 108K)

23 May 1618 – 15 May 1648

Oh it means Kiss then i'm outta here

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I get a feeling you like kiss

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Dad rock as a religious experience.

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Was Alive II better than the first one? And is this a Kiss thread?

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