>btfos Zappa
>btfos Rick Rubin
>btfos Odd Future
>btfos jazz
>btfos /fa/
>btfos McDonalds
How can one man be so based?
>btfos Zappa
>btfos Rick Rubin
>btfos Odd Future
>btfos jazz
>btfos /fa/
>btfos McDonalds
How can one man be so based?
>btfo taco bell out of his asshole
He's the best producer ever
He doesn't produce, he engineers. Or is that why he is good? Because he captures the band as they are?
>tells GQ that he hopes they go under in the middle of an interview
101% based.
Why he dresses like me when I was 13?
same mental age
>I fucking hate producers who aren’t also engineers, and as such, don’t have the slightest fucking idea what they’re doing in a studio, besides talking all the time. Historically, the progression of effort required to become a producer went like this: Go to college, get an EE degree. Get a job as an assistant at a studio. Eventually become a second engineer. Learn the job and become an engineer. Do that for a few years, then you can try your hand at producing. Now, all that’s required to be a full-fledged “producer” is the gall it takes to claim to be one.
>The term has taken on perjorative qualities in some circles. Engineers tell jokes about producers the way people back in Montana tell jokes about North Dakotans: “How many producers does it take to change a light bulb? — Hmmm. I don’t know. What do you think?” “Why did the producer cross the road? — Because that’s the way the Beatles did it, man.” That’s why few self-respecting engineers will allow themselves to be called “producers.”
he's the type of guy who thinks a punk band using a synthesizer equates to "selling out". sure he's been involved with some good or even great music. but he's totally a dumb asshole
Not really, he praises The Ex, an experimental punk rock band, and even recorded them. I'm sure he's very open-minded for music but very cynical as well, he can tell if your music is bs or not
>he's the type of guy who thinks a punk band using a synthesizer equates to "selling out".
lol no he's not, have you even listened to early Big Black
some of his favourite bands of all time are Suicide and DAF, both punk bands with synth
His very first EP has a fucking sax.
what's his opinion on oasis?
We were on tour in England when that album was released and we made it to number two in the Indie Chart. What surprised me was that number one was a band called Oasis who I was unfamiliar with because I was an American and Americans didn't know anything about Oasis. While we were on tour, I saw a television interview with one of the brothers in Oasis. I don't know which one. He was going on about how if he was a kid and he heard this band Oasis, they would be his favourite fucking band. They were so fucking exciting, he couldn't believe how fucking incredible this band was. He was in the best fucking band there ever was and if he wasn't in the band then Oasis would be his favourite band because they were so far ahead of everybody else and so much more powerful and exciting. I thought, "Fuck. If a dude in the band is going off about how they blow him away, I really want to hear this band."
Then they followed that interview with filmed footage of that band playing a bunch of songs in concert for twenty minutes or something and I'll assume you know what Oasis sounds like. It was fucking horrible. It's just the most trivial, whiny reiteration of the lowest denominator of English rock and pop clichés. Don't get me wrong, bearing in mind my profession, I have heard worse music. But the dissonance between this guy's enthusiasm for the band that he was describing in the interview, which sounded like a band I would fucking love, and then the actual [starts impersonating the signature Gallagher vocal bleat] "aah-eee-yaaaah" of it. The dissonance was just stunning. It was like a guy talking about how impressive this bodybuilder was and then out trots a toddler infant.
based and sound engineerpilled. did he follow the route to a sound engineer he described? thought he just started from DIY and built up his knowledge from there
Albini dabbing on industry plants:
>The Strokes fucking suck man. They’re a hype job. They have purchased publicity, they have purchased media attention. They are not a band that has their own organic following. I would consider the Strokes a parasitic aberration.
No lie, The Strokes had some next level PR going on. I don't think they were a bad band tho
mac big
If Albino decides to start to write music reviews, he will be the only critic I'll take the opinion into consideration
lol he was an industry plant as well
jokes on you everyone is an industry plant
Same. I would quote him and make artist's fans cry.
How? Big Black was one of the most anti industry bands ever. They were underground.
Same incombustible spirit and enjoyment of life.
there was some guy who used to get tied to a chair and wouldn't be untied until he listened to an album and gave a review. I was certain that was Albini, but I'm looking it up and can't find a thing. Can anyone help me out on this one?
fairly sure Nardwaur mentioned this in his Albini interview
>btfos /fa/
what is this a reference to? just the clothes he wears?
>"I think fashion is repulsive. The whole idea that someone else can make clothing that is supposed to be in style and make other people look good is ridiculous. It sickens me to think that there is an industry that plays to the low self-esteem of the general public. I would like the fashion industry to collapse. I think it plays to the most superficial, most insecure parts of human nature. I hope GQ as a magazine fails. I hope that all of these people who make a living by looking pretty are eventually made destitute or forced to do something of substance. At least pornography has a function."
He gave GQ an interview a while back, and when they asked about themselves, Albini just said that he hates everything their magazine stands for.
based retard
I believe he's just describing the orthodox path. He engineered his first album in 81. Before that he was studying journalism and painting, apparently.
Because youre young and impressionable and need someone to look up to
okay, what the fuck is the origin of this photo? Was that an accident or did he stick a knife through his mouth for a selfie?
>name is albino
>he's not an albino
what the fuck!?
Albini has never been wrong
I'm pretty sure he's self-taught.
Don't forget
>BTFOs bread
>"Toast is bread made delicious and useful. Un-toasted bread is okay for children's sandwiches and sopping up barbecue sauce, but for pretty much all other uses, toast is better than bread. An exception is when the bread is fresh from the oven, piping hot, with butter melting all over it. Then it's fantastic, but I would argue that bread fresh out of the oven is a kind of toast. Because I'm an asshole and I refuse to be wrong about something."
There's something kind of admirably pathetic about how insistent on his opinions he is, even when talking about something as banal as fucking toast.
>"Hey steve, what do you think about paint drying?"
>"if it ain't emulsion, get the fuck out of here. Otherwise its one hell of an afternoon"
>I'm an asshole
Holy shit Steve Albini even btfoed himself
Go ahead and eat just plain bread then ;)
im just saying he only sees things in terms of punk rock/indie scene politics or whatever. he is blind to the fact that punk rock is just another strain of popular music