Why are people trying to tear down his legacy?
All they do is take the nuance out of his actions and his situations on call him “le piece of shit hurrr”. It’s almost like they can’t think for themselves or something.
Why are people trying to tear down his legacy?
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He abused women. That's why.
i agree with you
xD funny meme!!!!
Go back to le plebbit, nigger.
Because he’s a white male, sweetie
got a friend who goes on all the time about lennon being a wife beater but won't hear about jimmy page being a nonce
He used to beat his dick but he's getting better
pic related
It actually happened. You can condone it but don't deny it.
Because the fact that
i think the most ugly narcissistic sides of John were probably in how he treated Julian and Cynthia. he was a pretty shit father and husband by most accounts and behaved pretty selfishly. the story of him breaking up with Cynthia for Yoko is fucking savage, selfish and childish. basically he didn't break up with her, Cynthia just came home to find Yoko in her bathrobe. i still think you can love his work and know that he was a piece of shit to some people. he was also an angel to others. i find some eras of John downright annoying and spoiled. to say that those aspects to who John was as a person devalue or ruin the work kind of implies that you should look up to him as like an example and because he failed in his role to be a good person then his work suffers. i dont think his work suffers because i dont think he should be seen as on a pedestal or someone you want to be like as a person. you can want to be like him as a singer or learn his chords or whatever but once we start attaching all this personal shit and the art becomes the artist, it has this gross celebrity worship people cant think for themselves aspect to it. history has tons of monsters in it worse than John who made undeniable and essential contributions.
>smacks wife in heat of a moment once
>apologizes profusely and vows to never do so again
Wow yeah John sounds like a piece of shit
Because he's a shit human being and his art is garbage.
Yes, r/music is infinitely better than here, because we don't praise this disgusting racist wifebeater there. So I don't understand why you're mocking reddit when you're the low standard here.
@87881502 (You)
Baiting is fucking dead.
Show me a single flaw on my pic related.
It's not bait, retard. John IS a shit human being.
>a scouser being a piece of shit
dunno why some people are shocked
He never actually beat cynthia and ono has far as I know. I do know he almost beat one of their producers to death in a fit of rage.
*punches wife*
*calls women niggers*
*imagines no religion*
Yeah, he's based .
He’s just a jealous guy
nobody cared until the all the various intersectional effortposts were being made so you're one third correct. this was never a secret, these people just saw a part of themselves reflected in him and felt the need to lash out