What non meme instrument has the most hideous timbre and why is it Theremin?
Even Clair de Lune which sounds beautiful in any other instrument, sounds like musical barf in this piece of shit
What non meme instrument has the most hideous timbre and why is it Theremin?
Even Clair de Lune which sounds beautiful in any other instrument, sounds like musical barf in this piece of shit
>implying the theremin isnt a meme
Its one of the first meme instruments
That kid is also playing on a cheap theremin on a stupid setting that makes it sound like 50s UFOs
It can sound more like a viola if its settings can be changed
>virgin theremin hater can never understand the beautiful warbles of the theremin
>will never be able to enjoy Plantasia or Yellow Magic Orchestra
>Pic related
It's you.
JOKES ON YOU FAGGOT, I play the guitar, I just have to take it out to be insta liked by girls, while you have to 'get good' for people to not look at you funny
Even if you were good you'd sound like shit
>cherrypicks one of the worst tuned theremins ever to shit on the entire instrument
Demonstrate something 'good' with a Theremin then.
I play guitar and nobody cares
Im also ugly as fuck though
Good Vibrations
>herp derp thats not a theremin
Its a theremin set up in a certain way
Fender strats played clean on marshall amps.
That sounded nice OP I don't know what
you're on about
Violin. Horrible screeching sound even when played by top-tier players.
>T. terrible taste guy
If you can actually claim to dislike this, you might as well become deaf as it would make no difference for you
That shit is sweet. Shut the fuck up.
Feel like this is bait since no one could unironically have such a shit opinion
>Playing just a few notes
At least you tried
See real instruments at work:
misty is cute
I don't know, why is it?
Imagine if you listened to it in a real instrument