>It has been 4 years and still haven't gotten over her
Music for this feel?
>It has been 4 years and still haven't gotten over her
Music for this feel?
"Go On Tinder And Get Your Dick Wet By Fucking A Few Different Fat 6's" by Bitches Ain't Shit And The Anontones
viper - get over it pussy
Chopin's Funeral Marchyoutube.com
everybody thinks their gangsta until they fall in love
the emmure album helped me through my first breakup bro
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
wow are you literally me OP?
i even still fap to her pics once in a while
couldn't believe how good this actually was. i had thought of them as some one hit wonder with the meme song about meth but that album is great.
>i even still fap to her pics once in a while
bruh, this is a 100% certified no-no.
Cringe and gross dude
You never get over them. Even if you find someone or something new, you still have those memories.You just keep going. That's life.
you need to let go.
it's also gross, like said.
oh fuck i meant fuck.
How's that gross
I couldn't even imagine doing that. I can barely imagine looking at her picture.
Get angry, start lifting and bang some 10s. You'll forget all about her.
i'd honestly rather hear you explain why you don't think it's gross.
you gotta look at /momcore/
I fail to see why masturbating to an attractive girl would be gross, or why it would become gross under some specific circumstance. Maybe you could consider it morally wrong but "gross" or "disgusting"? Unless you think cum is icky idk
i dunno man, i guess i just think masturbating to pictures of people you know/knew in real life is just poor form. it's a synthesis of fantasy and reality that you should not partake in for the sake of your own mental well-being. and yeah cum is 'icky' it's fucking dick-snot.
>i dunno man, i guess i just think masturbating to pictures of people you know/knew in real life is just poor form
What why the fuck? I didn't even know anyone thought like this.
And I don't know about girls but I'm sure that most guys, if they found out someone was masturbating to them, would be fucking honoured
you sound pretty gay bro
>he doesn’t jerk off to girls he knows irl
>he hasn’t jerked off to his gfs comatose body while she’s in the hospital
Not everyone is a demented incel like you
Basically all zoomer rap
I'm gonna hit and run this thread since there isn't really a good way this discussion can go, but lil peep's music is incredibly cathartic dealing my wife's death.
watching from the distance
yeah, what of it? you a hoMopHoBE?
Sex is fucking gross when you really analyze it
the human body is fucking gross when you really analyze it.
losing fouuuur whole yeaaaars
But I'm not an incel
Implying we were ever dating
in the right context it's fine. the common consensus of it is fucking vulgar and disgusting though
I bet you browse /pol/
This one girl I used to date I still follow around sometimes. I usually driver around her job and look for her car parked or leaving. So far, I've got her work scheduled for the week mostly figured out. It's a little hard because she works part time but there are certain days when she's always there. Haven't talked to her in two years by the way
that board is a wasteland
yeah actually I am faggot
yeah, do you?
that's cool.
Yes and I have been since we stopped talking. Sometimes I call her job with a phone spoofer and pretend to be a customer just to talk to her. I can't help it
its fuckin weird how good this actually is for this feel
>4 years
Just murder her at this point.
Whatever you want to listen to really.