Post your 5 stars on RYM and we'll guess personalities

post your 5 stars on RYM and we'll guess personalities

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Other urls found in this thread:

>actually having one page of 5’s

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>implying anyone cares enough about your genetic ass to click past page 1


I thought it was AntiWarhol for a while.

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Made an account recently.

You're chill, easy to please. Smokes weed but only with friends.

You're the opposite

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>wrong beatles album(their worst)
>wrong Radiohead album(2nd worst)

At least you picked the right PF and Weezer albums
Fuck Sung Tongs, also I’ve never seen an AntiWarhol drone before so that’s interesting
Transfiguration > princess
Good CAN pick, brilliant album. Best Smiths albums by miles and YMO are great. Best one so far

Do you like Chamge better than Emergency & I? How do you feel about dismemberment plan's other work?

you're that guy who prides himself on not watching sports
secretly a girl (female)

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I approve

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emergency and i has some really bad consistency, You Are invited is my fav song of theirs but i can't stand memory machine, the jitters, and I love a magician

>Transfiguration > Princess
I totally respect this opinion. It's a solid 8 for me.
What are your thoughts on his other records, like Vol. 4 and Fare Forward Voyagers?

>MMT worst Beatles album

>can't stand memory machine
woah wtf thats a top tier track my man
this is all pretty based
except 4 dg
popol vuh be like
bwoooooo dunnnnnnn doooooo

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>Anything before Help! possibly being better than MMT
>Anything after Amnesiac possibly being better than the Bends
nice try

>KSG, the worst Kanye album
>having over 100 5's
>the Nocturnes
Loveless aside, I like you
hello Scaruffi
I don't recognize enough albums to judge
>having over 100 5's
based Negativland, but why not Dispepsi?
aside from Loveless and Spiderland, I like you
based Flood, based Tsumanne, meh everything else

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City of Caterpillar are fucking amazing. Spain was a great EP too. They have to drop a new record ASAP
Yeah X is incredible. Check out Spacecraft- s/t
Spiderland and Marquee are masterpieces. Good taste
Ya RoC and First Utterance are 10/10. Well done

Great stuff

>based Negativland, but why not Dispepsi?
dispepsi is the one that I listened to the most, but idk, not my favorite
but it's up there with guns, helter stupid and U2

>Fare Forward

As usual Fahey has some great guitar work but it's probably one of his least evocative I’ve heard. It lacks the beauty of Yellow Princess and the painfulness of Configuration. Less passionate but still technically speaking a phenomenon from the legend. This is more a testament to his skill for me than a full fledged work that strikes the heart.

There’s my review since it’s pretty short. Vol. 4 is probably his least impressive technically at least in my opinion but better than Fare Forward and worse than Princess


depressed & mildly psychotic


grad student

you love jesus

indie gamer/programmer

Yea Forums


gay and 'abstract'


Jane Doe’s a 10/10 masterpiece. Romantic’s a great album but I definitely wouldn’t go 5*. I can respect it tho
In Rainbows is their 2nd best album you FOOL
>listening to 5000 albums with thinking +100 are worthy of 5*

Why would somebody like that even want to live?

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in rainbows is music for fags and you know it


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humongous faggot.

>the Paranoid Android EP