Why does every album this faggot recommends has like one or two decent songs and the rest is mediocre trash?
>Down Colorful Hill
Medicine bottle is good, the rest trash.
>Rock Bottom
Sea song is good, the rest is trash.
Throne of Agony is good, the rest is straight up trash.
>Parable of Arable Land
War Sucks is good, the rest is trash.
>The Good Son
The Good son is good, the rest is trash.
I'm noticing a pattern here. Most of these "good" albums have the first 1 or 2 songs as really good, and the rest falls off. Now, this faggot has reviewed thousands and thousands of albums, and there's no way he listened to all of them. He obviously listens to the first couple of songs and if they're good he gives a decent score.
Why does every album this faggot recommends has like one or two decent songs and the rest is mediocre trash?
You used literally the worst examples you possibly could.
Not really, you just have mediocre taste, i'm sorry.
Rock Bottom has 0 good songs
You really showed me.
because you listened to the albums once or twice, stopped paying attention after the first or second song, and then assumed the rest was trash.
Not really, i was just listening to Frigid Stars, recommended by him, and again, the first two songs, D and Gravel Bed were fantastic, and the rest just made me want to sleep. This faggot has just been exposed desu, i'll never listen to anything he recommends again
Nail and Rock Bottom are both perfect wth you talkin about. Suicide is a good example
Die in a fire
Not really. The only 'perfect' Scarufficore albums are:
>Fare Forward Voyagers
>Well Oiled
ok adhd z o o m e r
>unironically fangirling a pedophile """""music critic"""""
For what purpose?
nice trips. he's based. like an Yea Forums shitposter, but with a website with profiles on thousands of bands and musicians.
And 6 great ones.
That he has never really listened to. Also he feature books he hasn't read.
>he's based. like an Yea Forums shitposter
So the opposite of based?
yeah, but it doesn't really matter if he listened or not. It's what he says, like (not a big loss for music) and the 27 page "the fact that" essay that make him based. nobody takes him completely seriously.
"Based" as in "Basedboy"
show us an album with lots of good songs OP
Oh the zoomer card, What other ones do you have? Incel, Reddit, faggot, nigger?couldn't You bring real arguments?
Because you are a plebeian.
Shut up zoomer