How true is pic related in relation to music scenes?
How true is pic related in relation to music scenes?
Scenes havent been a thing since pop punk died
>tryhards are virgins and hate fun
It's not really true at all, it was made by a bitter faggot.
People will post this shit and then deny that cultural appropriation exists
reminder that every time you see this image it means OP is a loser who doesn't know how to have fun with other people
Look at the image again retard
>t. autist that can't play well with others
Pretty much always the case. Normalfags are a plague.
>can only enjoy things when it's with people who understand his special needs
Yeah, my standards are:
- don't be black
- don't be retarded
Now have sex.
why did the table become a trash can at the end
you can't say some incel shit then say have sex, doesn't make any sense
can someone explain how this scenario could have been prevented? Were the two guys just going to continue playing cards alone forever? How is the green guy bad for wanting to join?
first two guys could've had sex
Stop being rude to each other this is pathetic
It’s Metallica
The green guy wasn't necessarily the problem itself, it was actually kind of the other two guys not gatekeeping and letting whoever in.
>why do you have to put effort into your hobbies?
>just turn it into a social event, you incel, it's almost like all you wanted was to enjoy your hobby
very true
black metal scene is full of fags whining about racism, average noise fan is a fat twitter soiboy, "punk" is upper middle class white kids larping as homeless, this has happened to pretty much every genre in existence already, most of them decades ago
so there needs to be an equal amount of gatekeeping and "non-gatekeeping"/inclusiveness for a community to be perfect?
elitism and making sure the scene is edgy enough to keep normies out
for instance in a game like mtg all the players being fat and smelly and having naked anime chicks on their cards kept normies out for decades, a small price to pay for the game actually being good. sadly now mtg is overrun with normies and theyre constantly printing cards with fags, trannies, black women, trying to turn the game into hearthstone, etc. and unsurprisingly the game is complete garbage now
good normie filters are stuff like gore, pedophilia, misogyny, and racism
nothing can be perfect
hmmm i never played mtg but i did notice that most fans fit a certain profile. Are negative qualities really the only way to keep a community alive and good?
>haha I know I'll attribute two contradictory statements to the person that made this image, even though he didn't make one of those statements
conservacunts OWNED...
why do you think the average skrewdriver fan is a fat british football hooligan who loves to drink and fight while the average dead kennedys fan is some 120lb philosophy major fag who posts about racism on twitter? "negative" qualities are absolutely necessary and if you really view them as that negative youve probably been normie filtered yourself
no one who has ever said "go have sex" on this board has ever had sex
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Fanbase Degradation Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From People You Dont Like Nigga Dont Talk To Them Haha
Not true for music or really anything else. But music, and anything else dies due to a dearth of creativity or lack of freshness. Both of those are more likely to happen when a scene or subculture for something is closed off rather than being more inclusive.
this literally never happens. people who don't want to be there to do the thing are shooed away. if a hobby follows OP's pic, then it's because the original participants didn't care enough
the average screwdriver fan is insignificant, are you still shilling that forgettable band
The people who say this image is wrong are the exact type of people who make this image true.
this literally happened in Wynwood, the hipsters are trying to realocate to a new place now
I feel like this post is proof that the OP image applies to the Have Sex meme
>b-b-but onwy da coow undagwound kids wike mee could be into bands wike Deaf Gwips awe bwack metal and gwindcaw, evewyone I don't wike who says dey wike dem is just a faker!!!
I don’t understand your point but you put too much effort into making it
applies more toward macro-level imperialism than individuals dressing up incorrectly
>muh gaming space
five years later people are still sperging out about this lmao. yeah content farms are shitty and consumer drones are illiterates with bad political opinions. get over it, move on
If there's anything to learn from it, is to never make some company's product a part of your identity. They would sell this product to anyone. ANYONE. They don't care about the "core audience".
If stuff like pic related was ever such a serious issue just make up a fictional language/learn esperanto or some shit. People can’t join in if they can’t communicate with you.
This, the absolute state of late capitalist drones
And this, kids, is why simply enjoying things is infinitely superior to "being part of a fanbase"
Music scenes are just like the rest of music business and business totally. You scratch my back and I’ll do yours. More followers and better content leads to better gigs. A lot of it has nothing to do with music but good music does get recognized slowly, despite there being a bunch of idiots who also do well or better
remember when people cared more about doing stuff they like over how the stuff they do makes them seem like X?
for fuckers who say that someone's based for liking king crimson, y'all are really fucking insecure
Nothing's perfect but the idea is to only include people who have genuine love for it and not those who are just there to look cool
have sex
>community is bad because new people join but thats NOT OKAY because they don't "truly" care about the game
dumb image and in no way connects to music seeing as it doesn't even connect to video games
Nothing is wrong with community as long as it stays niche, that's the point of the image.