Now that the dust has settled, which one is the best album of the 90s ?
Now that the dust has settled, which one is the best album of the 90s ?
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Come on, i can name 10 albums better than these without much effort, they are classic albums and some of the 90's best but the best 90's album outright, nahh
Neither of them would be in my top 100 albums of all time, top 500 sure.
Morning Glory is better than Nevermind by still not the best 90s album.
Mellon Collie
Definitely Maybe was better than Morning Glory, and In Utero was better than Nevermind
It depends on how much of a faggot you are.
Chads listen to Oasis, and ONLY Oasis.
>the best album of the 90s ?
Definitely Maybe
In Utero
How could it not be Nevermind. Nevermind changed EVERYTHING. Like we went from hair metal to alt rock on the radio in weeks due to it.
He gave 7 to Nevermind and 6.5 to Bleach
And who cares about what some italian manlet pedo has to say anyway?
OK Computer
It's got better guitars, lyrics, rhythm and production.
Fuck off faggot.
it's a lame Jesus Lizard rip-off and half the songs are leftovers from Nevermind
Endless Nameless blows anything on In Utero out of the fucking water
>gen x revisionism
Metallica's black album came out the same year and has sold 10 million more copies.
>Jesus Lizard rip-off
JL is not nearly as heavy or as well built.
Pretty based, I am glad he doesn't fall for the memes and recognizes that Nevermind has generally superior songwriting to their other releases.
Pablo Honey was the bong Nevermind, Thom our Kurt and the Bends what Nirvana could have been
Nirvana wasn't going to get better. Radiohead's band members are much smarter than Nirvana and had so much room to grow.
>that hair
I only care about his original opinion
*blocks your path*