Is Slaves the future of punk rock?
I mean yeah they're liberal and shit but their punk is top tier.
>punk rock
Why so cynical friend?
>Fontaines DC
>Savages(Not working currently)
These were the best punk bands of this decade.
punk rock basically died when it got rid of its original DIY and no selling out ethos to cater to teeny boppers with garbage like green day and blink 182
If there is any future of punk it would be something like peeking a look at metals notes in class and realizing it has to fuse itself with black metal, death metal, etc to create black punk, death punk.
didntt they get cancelled for their shitty name?
basic bitch
>black metal, death metal
both these genres owe a lot to punk rock, especially black metal
Why don't they look it?
Picture this, a guy with a black moehawk, corpse paint, and a leather jacket with pins in it. Sort of like a xeroxed copy of punk that fuses black metal with punk. Its been the most obvious thing in the world to do
Listen to this and tell me you pls tell me their material is good.
Not hardcore enough.
black metal owes more to kiss. punk rockers are faggots who killed themselves with politics and selling out.
Metal heads keep the eternal flame of "Fuck normies" going
>More than 2M views
No thanks.
I never said it was hardcore punk you twat. It's just classic meat and potato punk.
>Selling out
Not good bands. Dead Kennedys maybe. Also, just because it's political doesn't mean it's normie. You're always going to piss off like half of your potential listeners.
Shitty normie band that sounds like edgier Arctic Monkeys
Iceage are good.
Black/punk already exists you tourist faggot.
So are Savages.
Ok love I understand you advocating underground punk. But why that number though?
How did you come to the conclusion that above 2M meant normie shit?
too poppy for my tastes but i like it
>Metal heads keep the eternal flame of "Fuck normies" going
Metal is 100 times normier than punk is these days if you're not counting pop punk.
Only posers wear punk clothes
What is Limp Bizkit and Slipknot?
Based af user
Bet you NME would like this if it was released in 2004.
All of you fuckers. I unironically encourage you to listen to KVELERTAK.. They're literally the future of punk and metal at the same time.
Listen to this modern masterpiece:
dont you faggots even realize, every time metal goes mainstream real true cvlt metal heads break out the baseball bats and start beating the shit out of posers.
Like when hair metal happend. metal heads didnt sit there and take it. They made thrash metal
Lmao Kvelertak. Is it 2012 again? Awful music for craft beer dudes with beards. Listen to Midnight if you want black n' roll thats actually good.
Thrash also went mainstream. Are you literally 15?
Punk-rap is the only plausible future.
What is that garbage? These are the superior slaves.
Sounds electro to me.
Digital hardore is trully the future.
what is Bathory?