Stop calling emo bands math rock

Stop calling emo bands math rock

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someone post the pearl jam copypasta

Geography jazz

Chris a cute.

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And you get Pearl Jam, who, yeah I know Pearl Jam were already a band, and Green River, Mother Love Bone, and all that fucking crap. That was fucking hair metal, funk metal, bullshit. Fuck that band, fuck Green River, Mother Love Bone, that shit was fucking lame when it came out. None of us liked those bands. Those were fucking funk metal jam bands. Anybody who is trying to tell you that those bands were like, you know, proto-grunge, get the fuck out of here. Those were fucking hair metal bands who didn't have enough money to move to LA. They're fucking like high-five-ing each other on the cover? Like, are you kidding me? This was like the ultimate fucking bro, shit, stoner, fucking lame ass jam band, battle of the bands, music smith, fucking stratocaster, velvet, fucking top hat, fucking scarf wearing, paisley bullshit ever. Man did I fucking hate that band ugh. And that was the thing, like, anybody who came to Nirvana from like the punk/skater, like kinda confrontational thing? They fucking hated Pearl Jam. You know who liked Pearl Jam? Girls, girls. Girls liked Pearl Jam. No, I'm kidding, what I meant to say is that my girlfriend liked Pearl Jam.

the laird hamilton/eddie vedder episode of "iconoclasts" supports this argument pretty well

ttng is a screamo band have you heard their demo?

how are you in every ott thread

I miss him bros

he has a discord that you can join only by begging in reddit

both need to die

Stop calling math rock bands emo

Idk man, he'd probably call me a poser or something and I'd be left with my tail between my legs

it's a shame chris wont just start doing music reviews again. i think if he did them in the same sort of format as shallow rewards he could get a ton of views.

Here's Chris Ott's top 100 albums of the 90s chart.

Attached: Chris Ott Top 100 albums of the 90s (in order, L to R).png (3834x2800, 3.01M)

Back backz

I would've thought he hates DMB

Yeah I found that really funny. There's a couple of really shitty punk bands as well.
I think these albums are more shit that was important to him than shit he really loves. Maybe the Dmb helped him with transitioning into softer indie pop later.

he reposts old reviews on his medium page occasionally

>Archers of Loaf
Based and LOAFpilled


Every pitchfork reviewer in 2003 top 100 of the 90s.

for someone who is so vocal about dlj what the fuck is seefeel doing above them. what weird tourist taste

not sure why you singling out seefeel here
also he made that list back in 2003 it's probably changed a lot since then

because it stands out like a tranny in a sundress. his taste is all over the place. and of course taste changes, I’m not denying that. tell chris I said hi

>2 liz phair albums
>neither one is whitechocolatespaceegg

i dont talk to chris but if i see him ill tell him that you were extremely mad

>critiquing a professional music critics taste means I’m mad
classic (you) b8

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Its because Hot Snakes making solid albums throughout the 00s, then DLJ reuniting, along with Hot Snakes reuniting made DLJ worthy of chatting up again.

yes i too am extremely calm and not mad

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>reddit image

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up brahs

you lost bud

>my brain hurts

i *think* ott has copped to making this list conform to the p4k doctrine at the time. he brought it up once when venting his spleen about the flaming lips, saying that he only included soft bulletin in his top '90s albums list because you were 'supposed to'

which sorta checks out, like i can't imagine chris ott listening to weezer, let alone enjoying them

though the entire thing probably leans more toward top 100 as in 'important in the grand scheme of things', with a dozen or so 'favorite' picks sprinkled throughout

beef boy are here. take a bite.


>toward top 100 as in 'important in the grand scheme of things', with a dozen or so 'favorite' picks sprinkled throughou
that's what a list like that should be

>mfw fake emo finger tapping bands think they are math rock

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Dogs 4 otts