/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

Fixed links edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:


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Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself

Should I take lessons to try to fix 10 years of bad playing, or should I just learn a new instrument? I'm mainly interested in writing songs.

we all know its you little attention starved faggot. you can turn the contrast up on images of your guitar all you want but you never left and all you do is shitpost and troll kys

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You could. That'll be pretty hard to correct, probably take a year or 2 to re-learn shit. Either option will be tough.


are there any other brands who make good basses under 1000 similar to fender MIM jazz basses in tone?

I like the look of those natural/walnut ESP and Peavey basses but they're usually active and I can't find much about them and I'm also not sure if it would be retarded to buy a 'metal' bass but not play any metal.

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Depends on what you consider "bad playing". What specifically do you think you need to correct?

That image is part of my culture.

I'm not sure. I basically have no knowledge of theory, I feel like playing tires my hands more than it should, probably due to bad technique, and any time I try to write a song, it just comes across as boring and uninspired.

I'm thinking of getting a thr10 for practicing. Are there any alternatives worth considering or is the thr10 pretty much the holy grail as far as bedroom amps go?

I like my Katana 50. I know they're kind of overhyped, but being able to adjust all the effects on the computer is well worth it.

thr10 is pretty dated now desu

fender mustang lt25

You can sort the theory out without lessons mate, just learn the notes on the fretboard, learn scales and their positions etc

me except i never try to make songs and am starting to have some basic understanding of the fretboard

>tfw your "tele" weighs 2lbs more than your "Les Paul"

Have a look at Schecter mate, they make some nice basses. Pic related is
and looks fucking great, it's also got PJ pickups so you get a mix of tones.
They also make
Love the colour on that.
This one is probably more like a P bass tone but I haven't looked into it.

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I've read many posts saying that the THR10s sound better than the katana's at bedroom level. Then again, I haven't done a side-by-side comparison of the two amps and I likely won't be able to do so.

What makes the Mustang a better choice?

Oh also Reverend do some nice basses

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>this is the last image froosh ever posted and it's from like 2014
>roman hasnt been here in 5 years
So why is he telling everyone he hasn't been here in five years? What does he think he gaining by doing stupid shit like this?

I really don't know what people hear in the Katana. This might be the worst possible tone I've heard at this price point:

Like seriously? I tried one in person and it was muddy and thin sounding as well. The cleans are passable but anything after that is shit. You can definitely get a better solid state than this thing.

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What's up guitarists

I have two learn to songs for band rehearsal of tonight

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Why do they call it Boss instead of Roland as always

Thoughts on the Roland cube 20xl

>finally find frooshs address
>knock on the door, ready to beat him up for fucking with /gg/ for years
>door opens
>see this
>"Hey user! Did you bring your guitar? Let's play! Oh, you didn't? That's okay user, you can borrow my K-Line™! Come on in!"
OwO.... o-okay...

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kys you little faggot shit everyone hates you here

Hes scared of jcm900 fag

please do another puppet show where you make jcum fight the macaco again

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>pretend to be roman for years
>make the local schizophrenic freak out thinking he's actually still here
I've done this for so long now.

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Whats he going to do with his microdick though?

>I've done this for so long now.
Oh I'm sorry user.

masturbate it like a clit while he gets fucked in the ass

This. Its kind of embarassing to admit something like that. Like dont you have a life or something?

Explain your anger. You can vent here. What about him upsets you like this? Does this picture of him taunting you upset you?

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>jcm 900 fag

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*dances to celebrate angering inferior tripfags years later by proxy of anons*

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More like other people made trips to join the fun. Dont give yourself too much credit

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lol could you imagine a troll giving you a name on an anonymous message board and it hurting you so deeply that you couldn't even bring yourself to type it out?

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Roman owns /gg/ now and forever. There has never been a legitimate challenger to the throne and there never will be. When you come here you're just playing in his sandbox full of rancid cat turds and sooner or later you will contract Toxoplasmosis (aka Kakabrain).

Am I right in my understanding that a baritone guitar (when tuned BEADF#B) is basically a standard guitar, with the high E string removed, and a B string added? Oh and an F# where a normal G string is.

I like the idea of a baritone, but I was hoping it wouldn't just be a standard guitar pushed down, if that makes sense. I'd like to still have the same chord fingerings, but just at a lower octave.

My Modern Plus Tele is so much heavier than my LP Tribute. Maybe it's the pine?

>make jcum so mad he change his name
>but he attack shadows
>punch brick wall
>bloody knuckles
>broken bones in hands
>roman yawn
>driving his moped to see Avengers End Game
>he haven't been here in 5 years

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>that time froosh made everyone think that new trip(owl?) was him and the new guy flipped out after being bullied by everyone and left within 3 days

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That's exactly what it is. He's spooked. I guess Jcm900fag is getting too close for comfort and now Roman's trying to convince him someone else has been doing all this shit for the last few years. I hope he gets his fucking teeth knocked out when Jcm900fag shows up at his door.

Can anyone ID the guitar Poppy is playing? It looks like a D'Angelico, but I'm not 100% convinced.

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>I like the idea of a baritone, but I was hoping it wouldn't just be a standard guitar pushed down
that's what baritone means you idiot

what's retarded is that a "tenor" guitar is even higher than a regular guitar.

baritone guitars are actually bass range guitars but manufacturers dont have the balls for that

>consequences will never be the same


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friendly reminder this poster is jcum at the end of his rope and his last resort is attempting to scare roman by saying he's going to go to his house and beat him up. in other words roman won

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>rent free

What if i told you jcum hasnt posted in 5 years?

Kemper + Yamaha DXR8



What's sad is both these posts are unironically true


Dimebag was essentially a riff martyr.

Everyone is claiming this was a random robbery, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of riffs. They wanted riffs of their own and found it in gunning down a 38-year old.

As Dimebag was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids stealing tabs from him. Why? For riffs. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their chink tier pointy metal guitars out as his body was clinging to life.

The moral lesson of Dimebag's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of dank nasty ass riffs and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.

RIP Dimebag. See you in Heaven...

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Why what?

Why does it exist?


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Why does anything exist?

I figured out the main riff of Never Meant haha :)

>bolted pickguard


Hes probably a third worlder

>21 frets

Why do fenderfags do this?

It's only on the reissues. The rest have 22.

That might explain the term used, but no the fact that all electric pickguards are screwed on.

based fake sam

The reissues, and the cheaper mexican ones in order to justify paying more for the american model

just the vintage spec ones

overrated and overpriced

the holy grail of practice is a scarlett solo and a pirated copy of amplitube

Whats with the shitposting lately over 22 vs 21 fret necks
who cares

Even if you bought amplitube you would still spend less than you would on a new yamaha thr.

>$300 low wattage solid state amp with like a 4" speaker
>costs as much as a lot of valvestate and cheaper tube heads
>could get a used mini-head and 1x12 for the same price and sound better

the thr10 doesn't even have an effects loop ffs

And what culture would that be? Incelhood?

i know right, 24 is the only correct number of frets

Incel is the worst meme of this clown world. There's no such thing as involuntary celibacy even if you have AIDS, an amputated dick, and a prolapsed rectum. It's always voluntary. It's always your fault, your choice, all you.

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irig mini amp would be much better than scarlett and you can plug it into a 4 x 12 speaker

>muh loudness

bedroom/apartment practice demands the opposite of this

Why does FACGCE sounds so fucking nice

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irig mini its a small speaker in it self and you can plug it into any cab

I'm more comfortable paying $1000 for a guitar than I am paying more than $100 for a cab.

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cool tech but when does it get put into an amp that actually sounds good

I don't like amps that have more than 2 knobs

RIP Wallet Cletus

it does sound good

I worry that the latency will be an issue, especially considering I like to make use of effects.

I'd date whoever this is

the effects are built into the software

t. has several dozen knobs on his pedalboard

preamp+combo > piss > amp head > combo

Real talk why would you ever have less than 24 frets?

Fingers too fat for the smaller ones?


>t. has several dozen knobs on his pedalboard
100% true

Did you figure out how to use your interface yet? Or is it still confusing you?

people who could pass this test


all good old guitars that mattered like SG and Rickenbacker had 24 frets

Not being good enough to play fast melodic lines and so never going very far past the 12th

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I don't like guitars with more than two knobs

What would I do up there, I'm not into hair metal

A tube screamer, a reverb pedal, and a delay pedal
Combo amp or amp head with cab
>"Soundscape artist"
pedalboard costs more than their guitar
power amp directly into the PA system

The effects being built into the software is exactly the problem. The more processing that is needed, the more latency you theoretically should have.

I've never messed around with sound interfaces before and I'm interested in hearing what your experiences are with them.

>im a pansy
Could have fooled us m8

You want to count those again?

what do you think pianists do with even more range than you? play megadeth solos?


>Real guitarist
One pickup straight into the amp

>kaepora gaebora - gone
>ace - gone
>be - gone
based froosh obliterating tripfags forever

If your computer is not shit the latency is lower than what is humanly noticeable with a normal number of active effects.

If you use so many fucking effects it gets to be too much you can put actual pedals between the guitar and the interface.

>unironic tripfags
Damn i wish i was around to help the dago kike boi out. How long ago was that?

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>realer guitarist
no pickup or amp

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May 4th, 2014


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if i recall correctly he took your trip away to didn't he?

heh, kiddos

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That's not a Gibson. It's a St. Mortiz version of Iommi's Monkey SG.

This is beautiful.

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Actual music goes up and beyond that high E very often, it also uses lower bass notes

Maybe play fingerstyle arrangements of songs meant for more capable instruments on a 24 fret 7/8 string

Making good use of more range does mean you have to be good at music, not just the pentatonic minor scale

Naw i still have many trips.

except the one he took away

good times :)

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I don't even remember which one it was. But i have more.

I do that but i like to WEE on the 24th fret.

Who else likes baritones?

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lol except you do

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He cried about how he was getting banned and it was all because the boogey man was a now a mod but he was too dumb to realize he was actually breaking rules.

Oh yeah, he remembers alright.

Look at him go ;^)

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Less Soap Opera
More guitar

Post a vocaroo pussyfaggot and then I will deem you worthy of talking to or not

You're not getting upset...
....are you?

So you were BTFO by a based and redpilled little kid over five years ago so hard that you haven't gotten over it after all of this time.


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kek he is starting to. post gibson les pauls he can not afford

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Give him a break he’s never even gigged before. He’s the 30 year old beginner after all

you're like 3 steps away from being put in a mental asylum and you'll be doing the exact same thing on your walls; writing out insane phrases over and over again with your own shit or something
You should stop now before things get too out of hand, buddy. I'm worried for you

The only way to put an end to your torment is to go to his house and confront him, Jcum.

There's no other way out for you at this point, I'm sorry.

No let him its funnier that way. He really thinks hes accomplishing something. Like a rat in a wheel.

>t. jcum
oh no no nO NO NO NO NONONO


I havent even brought up the fact that this kids mom is a literal jewish crack whore. Thats why her and his dad arent together. She was sucking cock for meth. The kids been starved for attention all his life its no wonder yet it is a slight pity that he is like this.

>rent free
Not everyone is me dude

>posts just over one min apart


So I have been practicing every day for about 30 minutes to an hour, yet my fingers are not getting resilient enough, because they start hurting after 10 minutes of practice. Should I stop practice for a few days and start again or should I keep going? I am also thinking about asking a physician too, kek.

Wew lad take your meds. This aint a good look for you kid.

Pressing too hard/bad technique

Move up a gauge of strings

I don't know what to tell you buddy. But I ain't jcum and jcum isn't me. I'm just out here looking out for your wellbeing

are your fingertips hurting or is it your entire fingers
if the former make sure you just stop practicing after they start hurting and they will start callousing up
if the latter, you're fretting too hard

What I am puzzled about is that when I was a total beginner I didn't have this issue.

Strings I got are indeed new, so I will try this possibility suggested here:

>starved for attention
I like how you take things people say about you and project them on roman lol

Fingertips only, so most likely will have to wait as suggested.

Do you have calluses? You need to let it build. Do you practice bends? Practicing bends on heavy gauges will give you calluses real quick.

>giving advice on playing

every time jcum gets btfo’d he tries to give shitty recycled advice lol

>I need help playing guitar
>hope someone who can't play will teach me everyone knows

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>Lack of any capitalization
>misuse of punctuation or non existent
Lmfao this is salty sam, isnt it? Hows pops doing? Kek

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You tried.

kek someone post the vocaroo
oooh sensitive

Upload a clyp so we can cringe and laugh at you.

>swings at roman
>swings at sam
>shadows hurting him deep inside

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>ordered tx set from EMG for my tele
>took them 5 days to build it
>shipped 2 day usps
>supposed to arrive yesterday
>left usps facility in SF on the 16th

build it?

You live in the sticks
Should have got fedex or ups and not been a cheap ass.

Have you ever seen a telecaster? Whats that thing they out the pickups in?
Dont be a retard

>know all the scales in the world
>still have no one to play with because i'm a gay theory fag that no one likes
this is in your future homos

What the fuck are you talking about? I want to know what they're building? They don't make the pups to order.

You really cant be this stupid right? Go ahead and use google images to look at a tele.


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He ordered pickups, not a goddamn tele.

this will never not be funny

And here’s the explanation

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Wew lad. You really are dumb. Im not even trying to bully you. Its not that hard to figure it out.

>he got bullied and is trying to give advice again
Lmao stop dude

>The majority of EMG product is built to order meaning when you place the order we make the product.

>Orders typically ship within 2 to 7 days depending on our production schedule.

Wrong. I get 1-day deliveries from Amazon all the time. USPS is incompetent. You're right, I should've went with UPS.

holy shit now that's a lol cow right there

Anyone practices other instruments? Is it a good idea? I sort of want to play violin alongside guitar, but I have heard violin is a bitch to learn

Get a mandolin. Its tuned like a violin. I used to play one. It will build up your finger strength also

Every time they get to him and he realizes he can't hang in the /gg/ troll game he tries to pretend like he's here to help newfags. Could you imagine being so obvious and transparent?

Lol look at this hot mess

As much as you guys want to put jcum down, he keeps these threads alive. We should not bully him so much

kek so another string instrument you have no idea how to play?

This Mando is fun and a better stepping stone from guitar. Get a A-style instead of F-style. The A-style looks more like a lute or teardrop but sounds mostly the same. Better value since it doesn't have the ornate carving of an F-style.

That's why guitar stores are stocked with their product.

I ordered my EMGs from Sweetwater and had them in 3 days.

>t. jcm900 wetback

>but I have heard violin is a bitch to learn
ikr its a demanding instrument you need to practice it everyday but is p fun nevertheless.

>I used to play one
He must have gone to a mandolin forum and gotten bullied into submission like he was here and decided to try something else like guitar.

Is pic rel worth anything?

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The TX set was not in stock anywhere, you massive faggot. Obviously, I checked Sweetwater, et al. first. Neck yourself.

ha ha haa this is fucking terrible

No sir

>he took his trip off

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Well you didn't say that. Now it makes sense.

PS. Walmart has them.

Do you know any fretless 5 stringers in this price range?

Jcum will you play us some improvised jazz without a back track?

I wonder what the sound difference is between the TX and the T

Bass buying help pls.

Should I start bass with active or passive? I don't really understand the need for active with an amp.
Can you play an active bass as passive/does it sound good?

I'm deciding between a Fender Player Jazz bass or this one and idk which to pick and why.


kek i think he rage quit

EMG X series have slightly lower output on average but much greater range if you play with the tone knob

I'd probably lean towards the Fender for simplicity sake but the Player is kind of shit since it only comes in a cardboard box with no case. I'd go for a used MIJ one, I've seen them for $500 with a case and they're generally high quality.

Yeah that's what I was thinking but desu I find all of the players to look so fucking ugly and the look of the ESP is what I love most about it.

I'm not sure which used MIJ to consider and I'm in UK so market isnt that huge on reverb?

probably a stupid question but google doesn't give me any results. is there a resource where I can pay a person to do a fingerstyle arrangement of a song by ear?

does anyone know anyone good alternatives to a thinline tele with 24 frets and good upper fret access? I'm looking for a good versatile semi hollow and I think a thinline tele is the best bet


Holy shit calm down daddy is back i was just busy.

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Import straight from Japan, the shipping rate is reasonable or at least it is for me. The ESP is probably fine, if you like it then go for it. For the MIJ models they're mostly vintage spec/reissues from Japan.. its good if you are familiar with the neck shape. They also have stuff like the Aerodyne models which are unique to MIJ.

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yeah next step is load off that pos at fleabay and craiglist

Your fear of is palpable.

damn that bass is so fucking sexy, shame about those inlays

he can't figure out his interface remember

>Can you play an active bass as passive/does it sound good?
Some actives have a passive mode toggle, look through specs to find out.

Generally any bass type would do as a start but you can't go wrong with passives, can't vouch for jazz basses but I had a cheap PJ for 10 years now and it was pretty great. I like precisions better personally and I think you can't go wrong with them but it's a matter of taste mostly. If you mostly do heavy music actives might give you a better tone there. And if you really do like the looks and how it feels, especially the neck, absolutely go for it. ESPs are fine in terms of bass guitars, I don't think you can go wrong with them.

Passives in my experience mostly sound similarly good no matter the bass. With actives you're better off listening to them in person, really depends on what you play. Just yesterday got myself a bass with EMG35j's in it and it's everything I want out of bass sound right now. Fell in love with it right away.

I think it's better without the pickup ring

PRS CE24 Semihollow if you're not completely poor

How much would you buy it for?

>tfw been playing guitar for 10 years and the last time i bought a new one was almost 9 years ago (cheap one for 300 bucks)
>tfw the selection of guitars is so big that it's pretty much impossible for me to choose one

It does look sleeker

Its pretty easy desu. If you've been playing this long you should know exactly what you like imo. I can easily filter through 1000s of guitars I'd never touch.

>he doesn't want to play anymore

Me? i wouldn't ever consider it. Im a gibson guy.

Whats your budget?

>the resident /gg/ troll got to him
poor jcum

yea the problem is whenever i find one that i like i'm like "okay but there are like 3000 more i could try that could be even better!"
my autism is killing me.

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I'm not sure what I'd like to play right now. Originally just looking at a passive J bass as it seems to be said that it's versatile and "the" bass to go with when you think of bass.

ESPs look lovely but it's mainly the style and the fact that its wood grain, I can only get that on a fender bass at £1000+. I assume the necks feel comparable, I have nowhere near where I can try an ESP neck.

I'd be weary of this incase I need to pay for returns if it's fucked up and I don't know how much import duty I'd have to pay at all. Which stores in Japan should I be importing from or specific models?

I did see the all black aerodyne on fenders UK website but even then it's £1000+. Really wanted to max budget at around £600.

Looking for an amp. I like clean sounds. I was thinking the Champion 40. The Champion 100 looks too.

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up to 1000€ i'd say
the problem is just that it's almost impossible to pick one because there are many great guitars.
i just have this enormous fear of regretting my purchase after i find something better.

Go try some out.

You should be fine. Japan has a ridiculously strict customer service standard and almost anywhere you buy from has a 60 day return window. Import duties can be greatly reduced if you ask them to lower the invoice amount. I would just go on Reverb and look at the Japanese sellers, seriously they don't fuck around when it comes to selling guitars. I've always gotten great stuff from there.

i've tried over 200 at this point

A $300 one is "fine" but if you have like $600-1000 budget you should aim at better feel rather than sound. Don't order online, up from this point it's mostly a playability upgrade for you, you should try them out in a store before spending money.
I have a kind of a similar situation right now
>had the same $700 guitar for 7 years now
>want to try out something else, maybe get a second one
>everything I try in a store doesn't really justify the price
>either less comfortable than mine or the sound isn't all that much better
>realize the only "upgrade" I can get is a guitar 2-3 times more expensive than mine, otherwise I can just buy new pickups/hardware for my current one and be done with it
>come home, take my guitar in my hands, realize how much I actually love it
I thought about sidegrading with something entirely different but other than that I think if it ain't broke no reason to fix it.

thanks user

And you don't know what you like or what you need for the styles you want to play?

Im too busy to play your games atm maybe later. Im wiring up this guitar
Do you prefer single coils or humbucker or want both?

Thoughts on Guild basses?

Hello jcum, why are you desperately trying to ignore this ? What about this bothers you?

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pls respond

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For £600 there's still a lot of wiggle room in terms of tone, especially if you're not afraid of buying used. If you can visit a store to get an idea of how different types of pickups sound you should do that to at least know if it's your thing.

>he actually admitted he doesn't want to play anymore

Im soldering foo. Ill play some on the squier when i finish it. Happy?

Funnily enough I was considering the Champion 100 as well because it had an effects loop and some nice effects built in

I know how they sound and I like both a lot, I don’t have a preference yet.

Post some improvised jazz without a backing track or forever be known as the posterboy butthurt faggot in /gg/ who talked a bunch of shit he couldn't back up when it came time to put up or shut up. And do it within the next 20 minutes so we all know it's fresh and original.

Now thats a nice looking bass

Bass players and, by extension, bass gear don't matter

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we need the arbiter jcum is trying to buy time pretending he will do it later when he working on it now to try to save face

I know what i like.
My dilemma is that it's difficult for me to single out a single guitar and go for that one.
And when i thing about how i could potentially find something even nicer i put off the purchase.
This is because i just don't have much experience with buying a good instrument.
When i bought my last guitar i was 17 and i liked les paul so i got a VGS les paul, and only later did i realize that it was a literal fucking brick that was so heavy that it cut off the blood circulation to my leg whenever i played with it resting on my lap.
>Do you prefer single coils or humbucker or want both?
To be honest i'm mostly looking at telecasters and other single coil guitars. I also recently tried out some SSS strats and i liked some of those a lot as well. In the back of my mind i always remind myself that i also really like the aesthetics of a semi-acoustic ES model like that classic Gibson one, but like i said that has more of an aesthetic appeal and i haven't actually played any.
To be honest, i also really want to try out pic related because i love Deerhoof, but i've heard mixed things about Eastwood in general, and literally the only way for me to try out this guitar would be to order it which kind of makes it impossible.

Buying a new instrument and wanting to really min/max is suffering. By the way, it took me 3 months to buy some studio headphones, that's how indecisive i am.

Attached: eeg-deerhoof.jpg (2636x904, 169K)

Get a guitar custom built then Jesus christ. Your autism is too advanced

Lots of used ones around $250.

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Buy used, get a good deal, if you don't like it you sell it for about the same price.

he cant play jazz he can steal lines at google but he cant swing.

We all know. The clock is ticking.

bad idea to buy a used bass if I wont be able to see it in person first?

unrelated to this but I see some people selling stuff with stickers still on, why do they do this instead of just returning like most stores allow for?

5 minutes left jcum!

Gibson didn't have monopoly on SGs
Iommi popularized 24 fret guitars in hard rock with John Birch SGs

so this guy is not Brazilian?

Well Gibson owns the name SG, so when you say SG, most people assume Gibson, because those are the only true SGs.

I have no fucking idea ho is who in your stupid games, I'm even more perplexed
is that roman guy the brazilian guy?
are jcum, jcm, and jem the same person?

Welcome new friend

>Gibson owns the name SG
SG just means solid guitar, there's Yamaha SG, for christs sake

nah I've been around for ages, but I only care about some technical stuff and don't stay here for too long

Served him right for playing a Dean.

I hope jcum comes back with more bad advice

Nice headcanon

There's a special place in hell reserved for Dean's "designers".

lol no you haven’t

Go be autistic somewhere else

at least 5 years, I just don't care about your shit hurling

Go be autistic somewhere else


t. jem

pro tip jem was a short lived roman persona.


hes not even claiming to be sam
>rent free

neck pickup toan

What's the point of eating "flavored" things? Seriously, why eat apple flavored candy or drink apple flavored water when you can just eat an apple or drink apple juice?


I'm glad you realize your shortcomings


I am using guitar rig is there like a sort of usb pedal you use that if you press it it changes my tone inbetween a song?

Asking for a friend, how and where would one acquire a microphone banana ?

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Hey /gg/ complete newfag here, wanted to ask where the best place to pick up a guitar online would be. Also I heard beginners should start with electric guitars because they are easier than acoustic. Is this true?


can any classical be arranged for bass tapping and actually sound decent like the vid?

Anyways time to move on lets see if it all works good.

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Lol I love you sammy


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It didnt want to attach to the bridge gold plating.


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Like I said, lrn2solder.

obviously fur elise can

candy has more sugar

why is the switch in such a weird place?

I play synth/keyboard too

Is that some sort of super pickup in black there?

finger ramp

That is a D'Angelico guitar; don't know the modal.

He had a chance to prove himself with a jazz improvisation but
>he was too scared
Guess now he knows what everyone else already knew. He ain't shit

D'Angelico Deluxe SS

He’s too busy not actually playing guitar. He got so mad when I made that epic troll about how you’re stupid for buying gear instead of lessons.

all jelly my coordination



clean off the surface first, then sandpaper a little bit to give more grip, then flux and solder.