The absolute state of punk rock
The absolute state of punk rock
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"punk rock" is fucking dead. You still have bands that have a punk aesthetic but the genre is down the toilet
I couldn't agree more. IDLES is nothing but a boy band with punk aesthetics and liberal propaganda, which is more than cliché, not punk at all
fuck is wrong with white people, always looking weird in selfies
much of what punk stood for in the past politically is done bt gov't mandate now, punk is pretty meaningless now
sure thing buddy, the world is perfect now
>not a single MAGA hat in sight
Cringe and bluepilled
based retard.
this to be honest family
come up with new shit already
They're white, not Jewish.
I like Idles and even saw them live.
onions, the band
Did they tell you to move to the back because the front is reserved to women and POC?
When was the last time you went to a concert, buddy?
Midori was the last good punk band.
There are half-dozen of good bands, but other than that it is just onions-hipsters larping as punks
When was the last time you saw an actual good band/artist live?
No but a fat handicaped woman got to get on the stage.
And the singer spent the whole evening saying how great the guys from the security were (It was in Le Bataclan in Paris, where the terrorist attack took place)
>how great the guys from the security were
>where the terrorist attack took place
>The band's music has been associated with punk rock and related genres including post-punk, hardcore punk, and post-hardcore. Singer Joe Talbot, however, rejects all of these labels. In 2017, he was quoted as saying: "We're not a post punk band. I guess we have that motorik, engine-like drive in the rhythm section that some post punk bands have but we have plenty of songs that aren't like that at all." At a 2018 concert in Manchester, he said: "for the last time, we're not a fucking punk band".
>upper middle class college kids LARPing as a voice of the working class
Is there anything more cringeworthy?
IDLES are the MLP of music. Prove me wrong.
>make songs about sexism, working class issues, and immigrants
>fanbase is 99% middle-class white males
Considering punk was all about communism it was hardly going to end in a perfect world, unless you like your perfect world with a big side of genocide.
>MLP of music
No that's Devin Townsend or some prog metal band
I sung this post to the tune of I Am A Cuck
I guess it wasn't the same guys since the original ones might be dead now.
But I chuckled a bit too when he said that desu.
Most of the audience was younger than me and there were a few very cute art hoes.
And a very smelly english man yelling and trying to fight some kids.
After the first song I went on the right side of the room to avoid the slams and pits, I felt like an old sack of shit.
they're coming to Toronto soon. i might go but its on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
You. Sex. Now.
lose weight
punk rock was never good
Fucking hate bands that reject a genre they are clearly playing. If you didn't want to be a punk band, why are you playing punk music????
"we don't like labels bruh"
This Also, shave that ridicule patchy beard
You. Pregnant. Now.
Punk """rock""" was always for protoreddit cuckolds
Delfest every year memorial day weekend
Punk used to be about nihilism, apathy and making normies seethe for the fun of it. Now it's about selling diet coke, creating a "safe space" for weak people and pushing the agenda of multinational corporations and politicians who pretend to care about people while stealing their tax money. I would say that Noise is the new Punk but the scene is almost as corrupted.
I agree that IDLES sucks, but there’s some good recent punk out there if you know where to look
Punk was NEVER really counterculture, prove me wrong
you're right cause rich educated music critics loved it from the beginning
But that's music for nerds by nerds.
the chats are still cool
Yea Forums talking about punk is pure cringe because everybody here has only heard like 6 really normie punk albums like London Calling and Damaged and think the only shit happening on contemporary punk is stuff that Fantano and Pitchfork review.
But P4K and Fantano have reviewed more than 6 punk albums. So by following them, you become aware of more punk even if it's not super obscure.
Unless you're an autistic record collector with loads of obscure 7"s then your punk opinions don't matter.
>you only know 6 punk albums
>you only know about the punk Fantano and P4K talk about, which is definitely more than 6
That still doesn't add up.
I don't know how damaged is entry level. Black flag was the last punk band I listened to and they ended up being my favorite. Fuck posers.
>autistic record collector with loads of obscure 7"s
By this logic stamp collecting and birdspotting are more hardcore than any punk record
this is correct though. so are trainspotters
Is this all any modern band in a subgenre of rock is nowadays? Some liberal cliche garbage, with no real heart or substance behind what their own, original message is? Because they don't have one? I mean, read the lyrics to these newer songs. It's a bunch of bozos spewing meaningless nonsense, in poorly slapped together lyrics. The genre itself has become a big travesty of what once was.
Punk rock already died at the 80s. No point of listening the records released after Dead Kennedys' albums. Punk mentality and attitude now lives with the crust.
posting band from Northern Europe is cheating.
Their first act is a band called John and they are pretty good.
Even my mom knows who Black flag is. They're a fucking t-shirt band kek. Good but still the definition of entry level tourist core.
>Unironically thinking DK are the pinnacle of punk
>Hurr punk isn't hateful and nihilistic anymore
Nice, where did you find bands like this?
when and where sweatie
YouTube. The channel No Deal is my favorite punk channel. Otherwise read interviews with artists, pick up zines if you can, pay attention to shirts at shows. If you live in a city with a decently sized scene you should go to shows. Talk to punx, find and support good local stuff. Punk thrives in the underground.
my man
do even rudimentary research into punk rock and you'll learn this isn't true
When are we gonna get another Iggy? Also how is his radio show? Any good?
Real punk rock is dead, surf rock is the only way.
Strong reddit vibes from this comment
Slaves band says hi.
Listen to Sockets:
industrial techno is the only way
it's the future
show me
>major label
this whole thread needs to educate itself
maybe later
Real Punk Rock is only alive outside of the US, primarily Australia, Canada, UK etc. Politics has ruined US punk
For example, The Chats (Straya)
musically IDLES are fucking way beyond The Chats. idky Yea Forums keeps jerking off this band. yh they're cool but they know like 10 songs with 3 chords. the album Joy is one of the best punk albums of the 2010's.
Based cottage industry crusty
The Chats are good but there are good underground bands in the US. Most of the shit on Youth Attack, a lot of Boston bands like Green Beret and Sunshine Ward, some Austin bands like Impalers and Institute etc. There's also way better Aus bands than The Chats. Geld are one of my favs atm. Psychedelic d-beat goodness.
wow that says a lot about the state of that genre then
>Geld are one of my favs atm. Psychedelic d-beat goodness.
Oh really, this i have to hear.
have you listened to the album? what about it didn't you like?
>Joy is one of the best punk albums of the 2010's.
t. Somebody who only listens to like 3 Pitchfork approves punk records a year
too high fidelity
i don't like their singer or the lyrics
just very boring music in my opinion
who /iceage/ here?
They take themselves too seriously but it is a good band
Oh for sure, all the good punk is still 'underground' mainly played in middle of nowhere areas.
Here in Vancouver, Canada really the only good punk still being played is out at Trash Mansion, a derelict building that is destroyed nightly which is way out in Chilliwack hicksville your typical rural town filled with junkies and crime
Oddly enough most of he bands are unpolitically correct queers, pic related of band that bills themselves as 'Hate Crime Core'
This is a documentary by some spanish guy about the Trash Mansion
Figures that fags would take over punk and be the only legit one's still left around
lmao i went to high school with some of those vancouver "punk" faggots. they pretend to be homeless for 6 months a year and spend the rest of the time in their rich white parents suburban homes
>liberal and leftist messaging
Yep that's punk
You seem triggered, it's about the music not how individually hardcore junky crust you are. This is like rappers constantly chasing clout for who can call themself the lord of clout when almost all of them are 'frauds' too
Best part of the pistols was how utterly they fucked they were by McLaren. After every show they essentially had to take a bus home, where they would routinely run into crown loyalists who took offense to their shit and tried to stab and attack them numerous times.
I cant tell which genre I hate more, punk, or metal, both are utterly devoid of music and exist solely to perpetuate signifiers that show one is down with their hollow aesthetic.
>””punk rock”” band talking about how good security is
McLaren knew they hated him and made them feed off that.
I mean he was a bdsm artist or some shit. He's tapped in the head.
>devoid of music
Royalty literally wanted to "silence" the pistols at points.
I prefer Amyls Sniffers
People in WA cringe at this shit on the east coast. They're doing 70's fucking punk and we're mixing rap, metal, indie, jazz and all kinds of shit.
This is legit good punk music
>thinking a single person from the east coast cares about anything going on in WA
i feel like a lot of punk needs a pinch of salt to be properly digested anyway
like there's an element of theatre in it, which isn't to take away it's potency
terrible horseshit you mean
>Inside the world of the buzzy garage group fighting Trump
>signed by Julian Casablancas’s Cult Records, unlikely stars of a 2019 Gucci campaign
>In the video for Trash, she vomits on a TV showing a picture of the president.
Absolute middle of the road corporate poprock 100%. Shilling for Gucci, signed to a Casablanca's label, "feted by liberal elite".
Everything that is wrong with punk in 2019.
Mixing Jazz with punk was already done in the 70s ehhh ie: Xray Spex, FEAR.. etc.
They gotta pay their bills, user
Lmfao fucking shameless
this is now a punk rock thread post good bands
Post abrasive punk
imagine being a leftist and thinking you're punk in 2019 lol
For sure there's nothing wrong with making money. But shilling for products (Gucci) and prancing around in a safe space of acceptable opinion is not punk rock.
Amyl and The Sniffers ain't too bad
it's all bluster and he's justified in dismissing them both, trust fund tankies as well
These guy's are way too pretentious.
Props to them making original sludgecore with a banjo but the lead singer prancing around shilling hyper liberalism and making intepretative dancet/silent films is just too cringe. They also engage in propaganda 'touring holocaust sites (because of my jewish heritage)' and then making a short film called Work Will Set you Free about the US prison industry complex which could have been good if they didn't get all totally jewish with it. "It was just too powerful to flm, we couldn't do it so made a silent film". Then going on about Trump being the next Hitler. Cringe.
These guy's are way too pretentious.
Props to them making original sludgecore with a banjo but the lead singer prancing around shilling hyper liberalism and making intepretative dance/silent films is just too cringe. It's political activism masquerading as music.
i dont know if pretentious is the word to describe them at all, but i do agree they are shilling hyper liberalism, but at the same time what they do for the music community is great, they really care about the local scene and i guess if youre out of nyc it doesnt really matter so i see some of what youre saying. the majority of punk is leftist ideals anyway