im gonna make the most disgusting, depraved noise album ever
Im gonna make the most disgusting, depraved noise album ever
i absolutely guarantee you will not
Make it 120 minutes of fart and poop noises
You wont
Just listen to Cardi B.
best of luck, thats a hard title to take
loru reed and takiashi muizutani already have user
Nothing could ever top pic related. Give up now.
I met lex marshal irl. He was working in newbury comics
>im gonna make the most disgusting, depraved noise album ever
so abrasive
Prove it faggot
out of hatred for normalslime
That's not a healthy way to think, user
This assaulted my ears, desu.
health is a false god
Chaos reigns
Health is the reason you're having this coversation you pothead
i loved this movie
You weren't ear-prepared for so much abrasiveness.
posting this album shouldn't be allowed, somebody might get curious and listen to it, it's dangerous
Hi, Zenjin.
arbasive music is so special
This album is objectively shit (and the entire purpose of it is literally to provoke a negative reaction.)
Call me a wimp all you want but this is one of those albums that just plain suck and are meant to be unbearably aggressive and 'scary.' Can't see why anyone would like this except just to say they do, or if they were going through some horribly traumatic shit and wanted to listen to equally horribly garbage to equipoise.
Its shit but its not scary at all and not even that aggressive