What are some music chads listen to?
What are some music chads listen to?
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>are some music
Tim would hate this guy if he knew he was a Yea Forums user
enjoying your first day here?
AND he voted Trump lol. Real Chads voted for Gary Johnson
nah he'd be reasonable enough to love him as a person but hate many of his opinions
Hey, what's this guy's name?
How do you know?
>doesn't even mention based gregg
he mentioned it in a thread a couple days ago
Lol. Another reason to keep posting.
How much is he going to flip that one for?
Tim hates everyone he’s a psychopath lol
Gregg is the only chad in this picture.
This guy is literally just like me then in terms of music taste and political stance and being a latino but I’m not THAT big of an attention whore to plaster my face all over Yea Forums to humble brag about famous musicians I have met and become a meme. I make music though so at least I have one up on him.
honestly don't know what he thought would happen posting his tinder on Yea Forums
Obviously he wanted responses and attention. I’ve seen him post his profile on /soc/ too lol.
One of you nerds just called me, awkward little fuck kept asking me what I thought of Igor and help with his tinder lmfao.
no one fucking cares
What's your name? Ricky?
Hey Ricky, you down to see champagne girl tomorrow
I don't either, at least it kinda confirms it's autists posting me here and not my ex.
sage btw
Hahahahahahaha holy shit
sys.Yea Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvocaroo.com%2Fi%2Fs1CskfW1iDoR
>sage btw
dude i just refreshed and this was top of the front page of Yea Forums with your reply, why are you such a pathetic liar?
Yea sure, hmu on insta I guess?
why would you even make this trite ass reply
of course it's not your ex posting no one gives a flying fuck about you outside your suitability for memes
HAHA, this is you. Post the convo.
what is this shit thread
a sad fat mexican pretending to be important
I'm the d00d that added u on snap lol. didn't actually expect u to reply
>didn't actually expect u to reply
why wouldn't the desperate shitskin reply?
Didn't think he would pick up lol
>a sad fat 6 FOOT 1 mexican
get it right
top kek
get deported
>One of you nerds
>this 4/10 looking like he thinks he's an 8 at least
straight dudes are ugly and sad
Hey, do Americans really care so much about height? This guy would die alone in my country, but he gets laid pretty easily.
It's pretty much a meme except for the kinds of thots that still use tinder
Americans?? I'm not American. It's one of the most fundamental physical characteristics of a person. Height matters as much as weight. The girls in his country aren't allowed to read, so they don't even know the word height.
He’s ballsy enough to post his pic on Yea Forums, how do you look like? Probably like the most generic white dude on Earth. Who the fuck cares? You just sound insecure or like some chad and chad is always a fucking scumbag. He’s not bad, easily one of the cuter latino non-chads out there.
>Who the fuck cares?
him, hence posting the pic, what a dumb fucking question. I'm not a narcissist who needs to be validated, there's nothing courageous about posting your face. I wouldn't even let that ugly douche eat my ass.
bruh he has a little boy face still
Ricky sounds chill, why the bully.
>you trying to get laid? I don't know, go to Asia or something, you sound white
>You just sound insecure
the dude posting his pic all over the place is the insecure one fishing for compliments lol
I'm not even the one posting the pictures anymore.
Yeah well theres tons of people who will never let you eat their ass whether they find you ugly or not
Hi Ricky
some1 knows this annoying kids phone # aleady can we just ruin his life lol i bet its prob not that hard im tired of seeing his face around here
You know that's gonna fuel the fire right
The fire rises
but at this point people are just kinda making fun of him if we can completely dox him or ruin his life or whatever the guy himself will go away and we can all laugh at how we ruined this pricks life instead of just being like "haha he fat mexican" and posting pics
i want him to suffer
On cinema is unfunny shit , we know you get the joke , it's not that hard lmao.
>b-b-but muh oscar special!!
People actually waste hours to watch this shit just because they '''''get it''''. The hack doesn't even have to try. Just wink at the camera and his ''lol so randum'' crowd goes apeshit.
>also did you get that really obscure reference about his personal life???