who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
He's 100% right, fuck that dumb show. Capeshit tier
Based 50 forehead
this, people are scared to say it
game of thrones, 50 cent has never steered me wrong. except for the show power
I think it's better than capeshit because it doesn't have forced reddit humour and fanservice. Not great, though.
>doesn't have fanservice
it excludes tons of shit from the books but keeps the sex scenes and makes sure to draw them out
that's not how fan service works
based fifty
50 is always right even when he is 100% wrong
Nothing makes me dismiss someone's taste more than knowing they watch game of thrones or those superhero movies.
>gratuitous sex scenes
Isn't it?
I've watched a couple of episodes, and honestly I wasn't that impressed.
>hey man wanna come over and watch softcore porn and gore with me and my girlfriend
the normies have become the betas
50 Cent directed game of thrones knock off when? It could star Martin Lawrence and Chris Tucker
Already happened.
that’s the whole reason he said this because people are paying attention to GoT and not his shitty negro drama
>superhero movies
Holy shit, this. I've never seen such an insufferable fanbase
>I've never seen such an insufferable fanbase
Tyler the Creator fanboys the past few days.
nope, that isnt fan service. That's not aimed at the fan, it's aimed at the whole general public. That's not FAN service, although I understand your point of view
>they watch game of thrones or those superhero movies.
So the entirety of Yea Forums then. Same to be honest, that board has sunk in quality to the point it's almost unrecognizable.
90% of those are paid shitposters
>Tyler the creator
Big oof
Fan service traditionally refers to putting popular characters in risque/sexual clothing or situations. The anime panty shot is a great example of OG Fan service. You're describing pandering.
thats because normies think because its based on a thick book it cant be bad, 'you just dont get it' books are irredemable trash for anyone that has actually read anything before
Holy fucking based