Reddits down

reddits down

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In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
May 18, 22:30 PDT

What are some good subreddits subreddits? I like r/boardsofcanada.

yes it is

for music I have never found one unfortunately. I sort by "best all" and scroll through hundreds of threads and I never see any music subs ever. Which is just to say that it seems that all music traffic on reddit is extremely slow. The only sub I ever tried to participate in was indieheads.

spend a couple hours reading the top posts on /relationshipadvice
some of it is made up, but still worth reading for the batshit craziness of it all

You know, I'm from reddit and even I'm annoyed that you reddit fags are here shamelessly. You need to go back.

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Reddit people, go home please. You fuckers drive me crazy !

I used to think that the ratio of people who use reddit to people who have never used reddit on Yea Forums was like 1:25
I'm starting to think it's more like 1:5
what the fuck went wrong


What’s up
/r/waterniggas represent

hydro homies

>tfw have diarrhea

reddits down
bottoms up

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i know it is fucking sad

fuck your normy reddit shit and get the fuck out

Yeah honestly I've stopped caring. I swear this is a better place to discuss music than reddit anyway.

dont let them take your true identity from you brother


Unironically follow both of these, rip incels and sanctionedsuicide.

None of them are good desu. I used to browse the death grips subreddit to stay updated with the band and that subreddit is completely 50y tier



legaladvice is both fucked up stories and information on how to avoid them


guessing you don't have many friends

holy fuckin shit lmao

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You need to go back

Well I hope it stays down

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imagine being this angry

is mu really this reddit that nobody told this guy to fuck off

reddit is kino
fuck off


Get the fuck off this site, reddit faggots


there is no "good" reddit sub you dipshits
If you spend any amount of time on reddit you are fucking AIDS

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Yea Forums is dead

literally all electionfags