#BelieveWomen edition
RYM / Sonemic general
Other urls found in this thread:
I remember AntiWarhol
>#BelieveWomen edition
kill yourselves
there are no women on rym
>#BelieveWomen edition
And what about transwomen? Can we please remake this thread?
bro what does that even mean
yes there is.
Fry Me Up Some Dubs AntiWonton
great start to the thread guys
why would you post this picture of men
if dubs all trannies die
10 replies in under a few minutes as the previous thread was dead because no one wanted to make a new one. amazing
but I'm not a tranny
you fucked up
nice script my dubs are free range and organic
stfu faggot. your sick mind makes you see men where there's none - DISGUSTING
it's ok if you like men bro i'm here for you
girls don't exist
just kiss already
Antiwarhol is the fat pretentious tranny, right?
get the fuck out already faggot
he's a voluptuous two-spirit
Yes hello, where are all the posts about music?
Dont Taze Me Mods
who here likes onkyo music
more like onkno music
who here likes detroit techno music
Bitch You Think I'm One Of This 'Sweet Girls' That Suck, But I Tell You You Suck, Because I'm Really Obsessed Of This Music, Don't Waste My Time, I Grab From Music Much More Than Other Ever Have, I Hate All People That Don't Know The Definition Of Emo So Search Silly People Not Here...
Ancient violin
Chinese improvisations:
Hair coiffed like a paintbrush.
what user should I follow for electronic music
define electronic music
what user should i follow for japanese music
who here likes tech house music
I miss black twitter /rym/
who here likes dub techno music
almost 3.5 post average lmoa
Oh yeah so you can post the same unfunny dead cringy joke about antiwarhol again? Kill yourself you waste of life mong and either discuss MUSIC or gtfo
we're a contributive community
NS pop is good
granny hair
Which user has the best taste in GILFs (Grannies I'd Like to Fuck)?
Where's the fucking tunes
Because they don't associate with people like you user
i need a woman to associate with my dick
If you need a friend
I’ll be there
someone update this
oh shit youfound it
we need a '19 version
what did woosh do
keep posting shitheads
any critical thinking man in?
I'm critical of faggots and trannies
ive fucked a girl from rym once. ama i guess
also, my favorite artist is rolling stones
>a girl from rym
this defaults to a mentally ill man nowadays unless otherwise stated
uh, natural born girl? a real girl
recommend me classical music
>visits fruitforks profile once
Laugh at them
Laugh at them every time when they mention their favorite African compilation
Laugh at them every time when they mention their favorite French philosopher
Laugh at them every time when they mention their favorite avant-garde artist
Laugh at them every time when they post their RYM accounts
Laugh at them every time when they post under their /daily/ trips
Laugh at them for simply existing
Laugh at them until they realize this place isn't their home
katelynn beach boys peado anime lolicon
Bitches Don’t Know Bout My UHS System
>ultimate hacking system system
did you attend this year’s amren conference?
me on the left
>he doesn't treat UHS with the respect it deserves
which rymer has the biggest butt?
the web wunderkid
Who is the rightful King of /rym/?
so what is the point of this thread again?
kill yourself
who can beat him?
he's literally never posted here
running the odds
you guys are autistic
RYMers Be 25 Years Old No House No Car No Job No Education No Girlfriend Never Shower Sit All Day In Front Of Screen Talking About "Drain Gang"
RYMers Be Ethnically Jewish But Talk Like Black People
Bruhnemic Cinemoment
how bout i drain my balls in your ass
bklynrussell too
weird, never realized how many jews there are on rym but now they're everywhere
So what's The Final Solution to the RYMer Question?
2% of the population, yet 50% of the avant-teens...
essential friendly gentiles?
did this fat bastard kill himself yet
Who would you guys consider a Neo-RYMer?
Anyone who joined in the past four years.
oh no no no no
2015 or 16 would be the cutoff for me, whenever discord and tranny shit became really prominent
rp me on rym's jewish community
How would I go about asking out a gilr through rym?
We live in different countries but I'd travel to fuck her.
the girls are cute, the guys are balding sjw cucks
add her to a list called girls i have a crush on
then send her a PM of your erect penis
Anyone have the very first one of these?
why do you fags care so much about a random ratings site. if you use rym to socialize you're deep in the autistic spectrum and you know it
I don't care about the site, I care about the people on the site because some of them are among the most forward-thinking and intellectual elites on the planet today.
i thought you were a cool dude and then i got cancer seeing your steam profile
>if you use rym to socialize you're deep in the autistic spectrum and you know it
same could be said about Yea Forums yet youre still here
Philosopher, Cultural Critic, Post-Marxist
vacuously laconic
yes if you mean beleville and not berlin kick kick kick cosmic synth shit
PM ~fruitfork on rym for it, it's all good
ya Kenny Larkin, Robert Hood, Jeff Mills, Scan 7
that GOOD shit
Undead Warrior
I only believe in I Juh so fuck you women niggas.
How to fakerate like a pro?
why is weirdoslam so goddamn fat? it’s cartoonish how fat and unattractive he is. a revisionist liberal pussy who wants socialism but is too scared of a little authoritarianism, as well.
U "H" S
Couldn't ever get into Dan Curtin
>go to rym thread
>ctrl f username
>no results
see u guys next thread
Because I am a dick - literally. My name is Richard and I'm a dick.
i finally cracked the code your url is actually rateyourmusic.com
i’m gonna throw up
he's a pacifist and an anarcho-communist at the same time LMFAO
Creepy motherfucker has been outed as an abuser in his own weird discord tranny community. Apparently he sent unsolicited nudes while he was underage.
"the white genocide cant come any sooner." – slam, weirdo
redpill me on anarkiddies who think america will ever be communist without prior authoritarianism
why don’t they just grow up and embrace stalinism already?
is it because they believe the lie that the soviet union was fundamentally state capitalist under lenin and stalin ? because it only became state capitalist when stalin died and that khrushchev fag took power.
wow that’s such an anti-authoritarian thing to say
libertarians and anarchists get the bullet too.
i thought you were a leftist now? why is the fash coming out?
ironically anarchists criticize marxism for its "enlightenment" values when the valorization of the individual is more immediately an "enlightenment" value that they refuse to let go of. and also they don't really understand how politics works
btw sal what are your thoughts on third worldism
it’s like saying oh my god if you’re an atheist, it’s just an expression.
proliferating hateful speech towards marginalized people has a demonstrably harmful effect on their lives regardless of your intentions or "irony." using slurs in any context is literally violence
you’re right, i’m sorry. that’s just how i talk on here.
that's not abuse that's just being autistic
lol i made sal cuck by pretending to be a leftist
t. high IQ fascist
A moment of silence for all those who lost their lives during the Great Xbox Live War of the early 2000s.
The roaring boom of 14 year old Midwestern boys shouting "nigger faggot" into their microphones still rings to this day.
i don’t follow it because i’m not a maoist
mao was a great visionary though
The one with pink background is a landwhale innit?
If you recognize how harmful hate speech is but still call yourself a fascist then that just makes you an asshole.
you realize he was fucking with you right
from the perspective of a sodomite sure
that’s not a bad thing
reminder that when stalin finally became redpilled on jews and tried to dispose of them they poisoned him.
if most of these are pro-israel then that just makes them zionist racists
zionism is an ideology, you can’t choose to be born jewish but you can choose to be a zionist.
clearly you don't know about the jewish autonomous oblast, brainlet
stalin was most likely antisemitic on a personal basis which is a shame, but he still made antisemitism punishable by death.
"As I am a woman as I a man"
tukat ;3
communism and zionism are just two expressions of the same jewish ethno-nationalism
why do goyim think communism would ever serve them, instead of the jewish oligarchs who made up the vanguard of every historical communist revolution? communism is a way for minority jews to topple their host countries and neutralize anything that threatens them
>Jews rule over you
>Jews rule over you
No escape
if only there were a... third way, so to speak...
going to space
Third positionism like Gaddafi or Tito
So both Hitler and the Holocaust were Jewish backed ventures as part of their eugenics program and to strengthen the power of "antisemitism" as a mortal sin right?
im so happy im not a politics retarad
>communism and zionism are just two expressions of the same jewish ethno-nationalism
boring nazi talking point
>instead of the jewish oligarchs who made up the vanguard of every historical communist revolution?
why is their jewishness relevant in this context? because you’re an antisemite, right?
>communism is a way for minority jews to topple their host countries and neutralize anything that threatens them
and they do this by virtue of them being jewish? if so, can you prove it?
inb4 using zionism as an example but 1. not all jewish people are zionists and 2. you don’t have to be jewish to be a zionist
what a fucking idiot you are. stop browsing /pol/.
lol tito was a revisionist piece of shit
im fucking genderfluid yall. i’m a boy and a girl. i’m a fucking boy and a fucking girl!! and i don’t give a fuck if u think that’s “wrong” or “greedy” or whatever cuz like, this shit is all made up anyway, and that’s ok!! it still means something to us and we should appreciate that. cuz. i’m a man and a woman. i’m a boy and a girl. i’m two people but one person and i’m both genders and i’m so happy. i’m so happy that i’m both. i’m so happy i’m not just both but also all the other genders i know and have yet to know. i’m a fucking #girlboy, i’m a fucking #boygirl, i’m a fucking everything. i’m #bigender. i’m #genderfluid. i’m both a boy and a girl. and that’s fucking awesome yo. that’s so awesome ;u;
>because you’re an antisemite, right?
no, i love syrians and afghans
>and they do this by virtue of them being jewish? if so, can you prove it?
if you looked into the extent to which jews historically dominated communism, you'd be floored. they literally brought in goyim on purpose just to seem less like a jewish cult
world history doesn't make sense if you ignore all this. why do you think ex-trotskyites became neo-conservatives? the neoconservative movement was literally created by ex-communists
didnt ~WS have a roleplay discord with underages and made them extremely uncomfortable
Honestly better option than the other two.
i have a dress now. i’m a fucking girl
never forget christmas nut
wake the fuck up sal
they believe they're the "chosen people," they hate you
Bearskin Sal
>i love syrians and afghans
piss poor deflection, antisemitism is universally understood as being specifically prejudiced against jews. the very word antisemite was created in germany to mean “jewish hatred,” you uneducated loser.
>if you looked into the extent to which jews historically dominated communism, you'd be floored. they literally brought in goyim on purpose just to seem less like a jewish cult
irrelevant and doesn’t answer my question
quit your squirming and prove to me that these jews you’re referring to are/were acting on behalf of their jewishness. communism has nothing to do with the nationalist, fringe ideology of zionism; communism is explicitly internationalist and anti-chauvinist, the very opposite of israel.
read lenin’s take on the national question.
yikes and shibbolethpilled
is this every single person who works for these networks? i don’t think so. cute lie through omission, though. wake the fuck up yourself and develop some self-criticism.
wtf i hate jews now
wtf I love sal now
Gullible Shabbos Goy Like Sal
Sal is a tool of the jew
why do jews have a special word for when people dislike them? why is everything else just racism, but the jews are special?
>quit your squirming and prove to me that these jews you’re referring to are/were acting on behalf of their jewishness.
prove that the material conditions of jews was such that they would develop class consciousness more than non-jews by factors up to 2000%
2% of the population
what does jewish cock taste like sal?
Sal is the leader the proletariat need
Yea Forums really has poisoned the youth of today
so what you're saying is Yea Forums is a jewish psyop?
it's worrying how many people unironically believe in the jew boogeyman
most jews in the history of the left (rosa luxembourg, trotsky, et al.) oftentimes rejected the jewish religion as reactionary, the jewish intelligentsia such as the frankfurt school had an incredibly complicated relationship to judaism qua judaism and oftentimes rejected judaism as religion, etc. this has been a tenet of the jewish left since spinoza. any other explanation would somehow be ascribing this idealist, mythical dominator status to jews as an ethnic group, which is incoherent especially considering how assimilated/mixed jews have been for millennia now
since you worship marx's big yiddish cock so much, maybe you'll take it from him?
>What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
- your god, karl marx.
> jews as an ethnic group, which is incoherent especially considering how assimilated/mixed jews have been for millennia now
KEK (Kill Every Kike)
the fact that you think that is something able to be quantified in percentages as well as your ignorance on the specific character of anti-semitism and its history is laughable and shows how you need to read a fucking history book
Culkin looks cute in that photo no homo
have you actually read that essay lol, it just confirms what i said. why don't you read it instead of taking those quotes out of context (a response to bruno bauer?) illiterate wikipedia brain over here
>believing the times of israel, which has historically been aggressive to diasporic jews, aka, most jews in the world
>tfw you get tired of arguing so you appeal to the authority of someone you don't even like
he figured it out. if you agree with someone about something, you have to agree with them about everything. politics is solved.
so you're one of those fags who completely ignores mizrahi and sephardi jews
facts don't care about your feelings
>why do jews have a special word for when people dislike them? why is everything else just racism, but the jews are special?
because the material conditions you speak of (and have no respect for in any case) surrounding the discrimination of the jews in 19th century europe (especially around germany and austria) pushed certain jews to fight back and criticize antisemites, specifically the ones who saw jews as inferior to the so-called aryan races (remember that the nazis merely appropriated this theory)
>prove that the material conditions of jews was such that they would develop class consciousness more than non-jews by factors up to 2000%
cute goalpost shifting. you’re a fucking coward and have no business debating anyone.
he hasn’t read it. he’s disingenuous as hell, like all antisemites.
you're trying to put a high burden of proof on me ("prove") while neglecting to provide a better alternative explanation. the reality is that we're both applying broad theories to explain a wide range of facts
music is my life, and i love rating it!
(((salvatore modica)))
hey what's your favorite prog electronic record
east asians had a similar population bottleneck. that must mean they're all part of the same ethnic group and all love each other very much right
jews are my life, and i love obeying them!
do i have to start posting the expulsions?
*and criticize antisemites, creating a word in the process
other races simply haven’t been as discriminated against as much as jewish people, so no one really bothered to create terms for themselves. it’s not some grand conspiracy you fucking moron.
Gas the Juice
it's perhaps best to ignore these people - they are brain damaged and unable to think for themselves or read. they're just trying to blame the outside world for their own stupidity and incompetence, which they sense. adorno illustrated this well in dialectic of enlightenment when he discusses the projection of the half-educated masses in the form of anti-semitism
jews rule
Eat My Own Cum, Yeah I'm Pullin' a Modica
how come the best defense antiantisemites have is always just u mad cause you aint rich lol
give me your favorite Klezmer recordings
Sal only eats semitic cum now
look, i get it, user, you don’t actually have any proof. hysterical how the worldview of antisemites can be shut down under the slightest bit of scrutiny.
this is YOUR worldview, these are your assertions, your arguments. you are the one who’s responsible to back them up. quit being a manipulative weasel and put up.
ctrl+F "Jewish Ethnocentrism"
>he thinks that's the best defense
t. poorfag
sal isnt a good example for arguments
asking anyone to "prove" a sociological claim is disingenuous
These threads are fun again for the first time in a year
This kills the antisemite
check AW's ratings
oh well that’s convenient for you then isn’t it
so why do you believe what you believe without evidence to show for it then?
my money is on the same people who are super vocal about wanting to fuck applecat are the same people sperging about the joos every thread
why didn't lad add himself?
check oinopa's jewish music list
sal is a puzzle
you'd think from his argument style he's trolling, but he takes these very seriously and personally
he puts much effort to figuring out WHO he is arguing with in order to make it illegitimate in his mind
demanding proof and avoiding giving his own at all costs
he is a sad little man
So the jews /do/ want to kill everyone
nobody has argued this ITT btw
its like todestrieb and notebooks and them
what, that communism is a jewish strategy? there's a wealth of scholarship behind this claim
the effect of jewish communities on societies has been one of the most widely discussed questions in human history
>they're just trying to blame the outside world for their own stupidity and incompetence, which they sense
it all returns to money
>he puts much effort to figuring out WHO he is arguing with in order to make it illegitimate in his mind
where am i doing this ITT
>demanding proof and avoiding giving his own at all costs
you need proof that jews were heavily discriminated against in europe during the 19th century? what are you referring to exactly? stop being vague, it’s cowedly.
People are reading the Culture of Critique.
going out to lunch now btw
t. ebil nazi arguing with sal
that’s literally not what he said, that’s just you committing a strawman.
>he puts much effort to figuring out WHO he is arguing with in order to make it illegitimate in his mind
this thread is the first time this year he didn't do that (yet)
Fry Me Up Some Dubs
it's not about money though, that was not the point of my post
That Meal Fucking Sucked
Frying Up Some Dubs
not the person you're arguing with, just letting them know that arguing with you is useless
hows your therapy going?
Missing Some Ingredients, Going To The Store
please just read a book for once in your life that isn't either total kitsch, the blog of someone with schizotypal personality disorder, or an infograph from pol
Come On Down To Sal's Yummy Cummies, We Only Have One Customer And He Ordered The Dub Cum Salad
He Was Not Pleased
lol sal has accused me of being so many different people for making fun of him
not quite
>they literally brought in goyim on purpose just to seem less like a jewish cult
prove this, and prove to me that jewish people supposedly dominating communist movements is/was being done because of a pro-jewish (not pro-zionist, because they’re not the same thing, but go ahead and prove that too since you think zionism and communism are interchangeable) conspiracy.
demanding proof and avoiding giving his own at all costs
why do the antisemites in this thread that i've been arguing with think that i'm sal
Lad Like L"Y"J
nobody cares what someone on the sidelines of a debate thinks. stop posting.
>where am i doing this ITT
hows therapy
Semitic Anal Latrine
what do you want evidence for, i’m not going to prove something you want me to prove just to deviate from the topic, that being your worldview.
Sparks? More like Stark!
>>where am i doing this ITT
yes, where. i’m not concerned with who you are, i’m only focusing on the debate at hand. either you’re the one i’m arguing with or you’re not, and if you’re not, stop posting.
hows therapy
hows therapy
hows therapy
cute fake concern, i’ll take that as a concession.
hows therapy
hows therapy
My Therapist Has Fat Thighs So I Fake Mental Illnesses Like Gender Disphoria And Believing In Communism Just To Stare At Them
hows therapy
>cute fake concern
are you autistic? its not even fake concern they're just making fun of you.
I Killed My Older Brother For Some Facetime With Those Thighs, My Little Brother Is Next
hows therapy
thats what i would do
what a fucking idiot this guy is, i asked him to prove that jews dominating communist movements is some secret pro-jewish conspiracy and in response he says “prove that the material conditions of jews was such that they would develop class consciousness more than non-jews by factors up to 2000%.” i’ll leave that to the viewers of this thread if this is blatant goalpost shifting or not.
these posts aren't funny not even offended or a transperson it's not so desperate
let me guess, you're gonna do that rym thing of replying to this with this post copy and pasted!!!! hehe
damn, ur legit retarded
hows therapy
>implying it isn’t both
profoundly stupid
hows therapy
yes and considering the fact it only brought up more claims and no evidence didnt help
neither definition posted fits the bill because noone is trying to convince you anything and you are actually in therapy for your mental disorder
hows therapy
the nazis in this thread can only think in memes, pathetic. if a global aryan state were instituted they would all die out from inbreeding and stupidity
new thread
hows therapy
Holy shit sending this to CNN
fake concern and making fun of someone has nothing to do with persuasion
you’re really bad at this
hows therapy