How do i sound androgynous while singing?
How do i sound androgynous while singing?
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Oh, well
like this:
what website is this?
i always wished my parents castrated me before i reached puberty so i could have an amazing castrato voice. if i ever have a child ill probably have it done
why do you want to
i get gender dysphoria when i hear my voice recorded
idk, it sounds cool, kind of mysterious i guess
Look up voice feminization training. It takes a lot of practice and commitment. A lot of it has to do with training the muscles surrounding your larynx to hold it there while you talk up till the point where lowering it feels weird. It’ll take months before you hear noticeable progress, maybe a year or more for a passing voice including singing. A lot of people will tell you about pitch, but tone, resonance and mouth space are more important. There are vocal coaches available online or in person. I can link some starter videos if u want me to
im biologically female and want a more masc voice tho
sounds great user, thanks.
wouldn't mind checking out those videos
Not sure sorry. If you’re trans T will drop ur voice
smoke cigarette
thanks man
nice. 900+ is pretty hard to beat
I wouldn't want my voice to sound more feminine but it'd be nice to be able to sing higher
just go full ween and constantly pitch you voice up and down virtually
this too
it's pretty doable
You have to be a nigger to be above 900.
i keep getting 750 but I'm drunk ae shit, is that a good excuse
i bet you could get some pretty horrific vocals with this. neat
guess im a nigger
lol i'm drunk too mate, let's see how i do
lmao i got 820 while listening to slayer while half asleep at midnight