>tfw khv
>tfw cant relate to love songs
Tfw khv
You're in control of your life to change that you know.
sucks for you virgin
t. kv
>dude if you aren’t a chad don’t even bother improving yourself
>I’m a khv :((((
very intelligent posts found everyday on www.4channel.org/mu/
lol fucking normies. you do realize this is similar to a white person preaching to a black about racism? you just don’t understand
That's what I mean. You've only convinced yourself that you're not good enough but that's bullshit. Maybe you'll never feel the same way about yourself that other people do. Life is about faking it and acting as if. You're supposed to feel uncomfortable and fuck things up if you're ever going to get anywhere. You've probably got some anxiety and that's alright. It's not a death sentence and there's no reason to not get used to socializing.
What do you want to talk about? Anxiety? Depression? Feeling lost and thinking you're always going to feel like shit. I know about all of it. There are ways to climb out of it
>Life is about faking it and acting as if
this is the life for normalfaggots. the blackpilled incel is too intelligent to “play the game” because it is a losing one. the incel wraps himself in a blanket of cynicism and casts the cruel world aside, sees nothing as sacred and everything as detestable. he sees the world as it is and refuses to take part.
Right, so you agree that you're going out of your way to feel like shit. It's a choice you made. Why complain then?
what don’t i understand retard, I was a lanky awkward fuck in my formative years and people probably thought I was a school shooter, I’d still be that if I didn’t take my life into my own hands and actually make an effort to better myself
you are in control of this shit, you just pretend otherwise because it's easier than putting any effort into changing. how sad
it’s the result of my circumstance. being born ugly, awkward, anxious, deformed, or some other combination of societal reject, you either cope endlessly or realize the situation. your normalcy has afforded you a comfortable life, one with many simple pleasures and moments of joy. you would never come close to understanding the plight of an incel. you read this and see a sob story, a loser making excuses. you just don’t fucking get it and you never will.
>"Life doesn't bend to my will and accomplishing things takes actual effort, so I'll just stay in my basement masturbating to anime and being a nuisance for everyone around me."
Based and resignationpilled
I've spent a lot of time in therapy trying to overcome the same things. There have been a lot of days of not wanting to get out of bed in the morning and clothes piling up on the bedroom floor and filthy dishes piling up in the sink and making my whole apartment stink and wearing the same 3 pairs of underwear over and over unwashed and waking up in the middle of night with this absolute feeling of despair and hopelessness.
When I was around other people, I was miserable, because I wanted to be at home alone. When I was at home alone, I was miserable because I felt like I needed to be somewhere doing something with someone. At a certain point it dawned on me that I wasn't appreciating whatever was true about my life in the present moment. I was only focused on the idea that wherever I was, I needed to be somewhere else doing something else. I was stuck in this syrupy sap like shit that flowed from the cock of lucifer himself. That's another issue entirely though.
Is there anything you want in life? Be honest
the fall of man and for the cities to be overtaken by nature
I said be honest. Any evidence that earth and humankind ever existed is going to be wiped out at some point when the sun explodes. Probably sooner. What do you want to get out of the only existence you're ever going to experience?
I'm 5'8 at best, a 3/10 face on a bad day and a 6.5 on a good one, have ADHD, anxiety disorder, and I'm on the spectrum.
I still got laid, and the reason why is because I decided to actually branch out and take risks even if a lot of them ended badly for me. Almost anyone can have sex if they just put themselves out there enough, but those who are less inherently fortunate do have to try harder. Legitimately not shitposting here.
i expect and crave nothing
You crave the internet and sounds going into your ears which is why you're here to begin with.
What else?
I'm sorry user, the REAL blackpill is that you cannot help people who do not want to be helped.
They've spent too much time cultivating a helpless worldview and confer with an insular community that runs defeatism on a feedback loop. They can wake up eventually, but it will not be from anyone but themselves.
This is very true and goes back to my point about acting as if. The human brain adapts. At a certain point, you actually become the person you used to pretend to be. In reality everyone is a worthless blank canvas. Interacting with people comes more naturally to some. But if you're severely introverted with a lack of self-esteem and filled with anxiety, it's just a matter of normalizing not being that person. Just like with everything else in life, socialization is just a matter of practice. Do it or not. Just realize there's value in not giving a shit, and people appreciate it.