What do you guys think of the new Carly Rae Jepsen album?
What do you guys think of the new Carly Rae Jepsen album?
why is she topless
Instantly forgettable unfortunately.
I have to say I kind of liked it but have no reason to come back to it as none of it was really interesting or catchy enough. Emotion is way better.
cause it's a sexy A R T
pretty good. has some fillers and some bangers. whatever
I have only seen homosexuals praising it, if that means anything. I haven't seen a single woman or straight man say anything about it
this is an anonymous forum you ding dong
i don't
how do we know youre not a homo, homo
I'm talking off this website ya dummy like on Instagram and Facebook and Snapchat and shit
It's very good, i love it, better than Emotion even
pretty good desu
there isn't as much of a high as run away with me but there's also no floor as low as I really like you
and also the sound is more cohesive focused, unlike emotion where it does a variety of "DAE remember the 80s"
We love you Carly!
reminder that run away with me is her only good song
Name a bad song. I'll wait
Tiny Little Bows is fantastic.
which one of you autists did this
I thought it was great. Might take time to grow on me. I doubt it will replace Emotion in my rotation seeing as its one of my favorite albums, but very satisfying although it lacks some of the charm she had before.
Carly a cute!
It's a great album, but the cover art is fucking abysmal.
Honestly it's fine. That "want you in my room" song is really catchy.
She looks like my ex
Sorry I'm not a faggot, I don't listen to teen bubblegum pop unironically and then discuss it as if it was actual music. Faggot.
basedboy music
has some bangers but way too much filler
>too much filler
This isn't a rap album, you fucking retard.
why aren't you
Anyone's got a 320 link?
post actual music
that makes the album a 9/10 in my book
>“I don’t love the way that in pop music, your body and face seem to be a big selling point,” she says. “I told them, I’m 33, I’ve had years of putting my face on stuff. I want it to be purposeful. I’m not wanting to hide away but image can be everything for some artists, and I thought, God, I can’t compete with that. I feel more confident in my age and my weirdness now, and the fact that my fashion doesn’t really have anything to do with what’s fashionable. Now, I might make a bad outfit choice, but at least it’s me making the decision.”
God I love her
I love it but desu nothing is ever gonna beat the first 4 songs of emotion.
NTIFY, WYIMR, and Feels Right can go toe to toe with any other song on emotion but its definitely lower key than emotion and not as instantly scream-able as "I AM GROWING TEN FEET, TEN FEET TALL" and julien as an intro definitely can't touch run away with me
I think it slap bang bops
Someone post the original cover with her sitting
No Drug Like Me is so good
was thinking the same thing. opening track didnt do much for me but holy fuck No Drug Like Me just hits
Not as good as EMOTION. It sounds very samey and the songs do not go anywhere unfortunately.
Some good pop tunes really like Want You In My Room
Fucking cringe
Do you think MatPat’s wife Stephanie likes Carly Rae Jepsen?
dumb phoneposter