You have awful taste OP
objectively wrong
people who inflate scores will have a special place in hell'
Enough about your dick, what did you think of the album?
8.5/10 to 9/10
great album.
I'm not inflating it. I think it's a 9/10 and on par with some of my favorite albums. Just because it's new doesn't mean it can't have a high score.
9/10 great album
On par with Igor for the aoty for me so far.
it's not a 9/10
What's an album that does what it does but better?
what exactly do you think it does?
Live at the dentist's office was ok all around
Floss had some fantastic songs and some bad songs
I dont think s/t has any fantastic songs. Kind of disappointed. Mostly they're either skeletal or downright annoying.
Mix of concious, songwriting focused raps and aggressive battle raps with extremely varied production, often going from minimal to densely textured.
opinions, user
Can’t believe both this an Igor were garbage
It’s actually shit, 9/10 is an absolutely insane rating
3 man Weave
New Hawaii
The Cold Vein
It’s also the best hip hop album of all time
Funcrusher Plus
Liquid Swordz
You’re a fucking zoomed faggot mate