ITT: Post your favorite album and we will tell you your personality

ITT: Post your favorite album and we will tell you your personality

Attached: C57EEB2E-0A06-4CAC-B547-066DCD7680D5.jpg (700x700, 54K)

Fuck off onions boy

Attached: 6108EC06-7CFA-4DC9-8430-3B577FB33AC6.jpg (355x351, 7K)

Attached: around the fur.jpg (300x293, 12K)

Attached: Front.jpg (300x300, 59K)

Would guess but i haven't listened to any of the albums above me lol

Attached: afc5dc0514f683b79f6498e4c293f9f62750d436.jpg (640x640, 121K)

Fire away

Attached: 220px-ButtholeSurfersLocustAbortionTechnician.jpg (220x196, 18K)

You’re stuck in the 2000s. You probabbly still have that Geocities website. Either that or you need to listen to better post punk

Attached: C138D5DE-9500-4CDD-A693-B25692AB9EE3.jpg (307x307, 21K)

Attached: a1355304862_10.jpg (1195x1200, 382K)

Attached: Literal Perfection.jpg (1000x1000, 118K)

I always thought that girl on the cover looks hilariously retarded.

i don't have a favorite album

Attached: ee8c84-20160823-frank-ocean-blond.jpg (620x620, 25K)


Attached: tmr.jpg (474x479, 41K)


You should probably get some more drugs in you or take a nap for a few weeks

Attached: R-567881-1262883986.jpeg.jpg (600x600, 193K)

Attached: take a look at these hands.jpg (474x474, 43K)

either this or

Attached: 220px-In_Utero_(Nirvana)_album_cover.jpg (220x217, 9K)

Attached: cover.png (715x704, 101K)


Attached: MrBungle.jpg (220x220, 18K)

Attached: 1.jpg (574x572, 42K)


gay lol

Attached: Contours cover.jpg (1181x1181, 206K)

You're either a chad that get's all the pussy, or you're extremely addicted to porn


Attached: A_Flame_to_the_Ground_Beneath.jpg (300x300, 59K)

Ur probably gay/bi

Attached: arctic-monkeys-humbug-capa.jpg (700x700, 131K)

Is peak Yea Forumscore but it is my fav.

Attached: tumblr_m6g0nib4C01qehrn4o1_500.jpg (455x455, 68K)


Awesome way to create an album

Attached: best album.jpg (700x700, 157K)

Attached: 600x600bf.png (600x600, 775K)

you wouldn't know my favorite album

Your quiet with a surprisingly good sense of style. You worry too much and you've probably had a mental breakdown once. You suck at playing an instrument because you dont practice. Pretty much everyone is tired of you


Attached: 81yztaDve2L._SX355_.jpg (355x305, 32K)

Attached: a2111376060_10.jpg (1200x1200, 178K)

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Attached: 1282482140_cover.jpg (1416x1406, 1.02M)

Attached: thelonious-monk-monks-dream-front-cover-vinyl-lp.jpg (650x657, 520K)

Attached: slowdive-souvlaki.jpg (600x600, 72K)

Attached: Deep Purple Burn.jpg (953x953, 79K)

You are attracted to doomers or are a doomer. You hate social norms. You get attached to people to hard sometimes over small things.

You are boring

You're an arthoe at heart and nothing is wrong with that. You arent materialistic.

Attached: velocitydesigncomfort.jpg (225x225, 13K)

Attached: a0102733853_10.jpg (1200x1200, 414K)

you are hoping someone asks you what kind of music you listen to

Attached: nmh beauty.jpg (300x300, 88K)

Attached: 257010802_222620.jpg (220x199, 15K)

Openness: High
Conscientiousness: Low
Extraversion: Mid
Agreeableness: Mid
Neuroticism: Mid

Openness: High
Conscientiousness: Mid
Extraversion: Low
Agreeableness: Mid
Neuroticism: High

Openness: Mid
Conscientiousness: Mid
Extraversion: Mid
Agreeableness: Mid
Neuroticism: Mid

Attached: tehillim-desert-music.jpg (500x500, 30K)

socially awkward and wears a jacket everywhere
contrarian just for the sake of feeling special
the music geek of his friend's circle
under 30
plays guitar and writes music but won't show anyone
urban outfitters shopper
vinyl but only barnes and noble core
smells like cigs
never leaves the computer
reads in his free time

Attached: The-Beach-Boys-Pet-Sounds.jpg (820x820, 201K)