>aesthetic Yea Forums clothing
Aesthetic Yea Forums clothing
Bad Brains sucked.
First of all their music wasn't that good.
Secondly I don't want to be converted whilst I'm at a show.
Thirdly they were such religious buttfucks they wouldn't do shows with The Big Boys or The Dicks because their singers were gay. (Also MDC but Dave Dictor isn't gay) anyways let's keep this 30 year pass going for homophobia because they're black.
t. bati boy
lmao u take up the ass or what
connor hagerman out
fuck off faggot
I was gonna reply with this >:(
How many of you actually own this shirt?
I wish I would
I do. Bought it when I was 14
Nobody actually listened to this band. They just bought the merch to show everyone how hip they were. I doubt most people who own this shirt can even name one song.
I assume that you wanted to reply to
first of all, that's not how you greentext
second of all, if you're gonna be a hipster atleast be good at it
i was in a fb music discussion page and this dude wrote out a serious 3 paragraph dissertation about that shirt being a white power signal, his proof was an ex-nazi, Fantano and I think the guy that heads Adult swims music
thank you for reminding me of that dipshit lmao
lmao gayboy
>i don't like it so everyone who does is just pretending
he's got a point and you know it
he doesn't, because i listen to bad brains. boom, point disproven.
i 100% agree
i hate blacks but love gays
I'm waring it right now.
*wearing, I'm quite drunk and can't type for shit.
taehyung poggers
I like their music
just copped this bitch and honestly it's my favorite rn
Or maybe fags are just gross and Bad Brains get a pass because everyone recognizes faggotry for what it is.
me too. its falling apart but i will never trown in the trash
would i be cringe or based if i wore this?
depends what you look like
fuck you
a hottie