There's something sinister about music made just before 9/11. It was all so twee and happy like the calm before the storm.
For example:
What else has that tail-end-of-the-90s feel?
There's something sinister about music made just before 9/11. It was all so twee and happy like the calm before the storm.
For example:
What else has that tail-end-of-the-90s feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
I was 11 when 9/11 happened and didn't give a shit it was just another news item, maybe cause I'm a bong or was too young
the same "twee" mindless crappy pop still pollutes the airwaves
what's wrong with you, the nostalgia for the 90's is so stupid: it was such a miserable decade
Why do Americans make such a big fucking deal about 9/11. It was a terrorist attack and it was terrible but they just can't seem to shut the fuck about it. And phrases like "we live in a post 9/11 world" just confuse me. So, why do Americans have such a big 9/11 fetish?
theres happy go lucky shit from every period of popular music
honestly this. they bombed japan with 2 nukes and then get bitchy about two towers
Yeah, it’s weird how blowing up two of the most iconic buildings in the US on one of the most densely populated major city would cause such a ruckus.
Don't tell me that before 9/11 anyone gave a shit about the twin towers
They deserved it.
being icons of capitalism and american imperialism isnt exactly a great thing. sorry for some of the individuals who died (like the janitors, doormen, etc) but fuck all the fat cat capitalists that infested that shithole
Whether you care about 9/11 or not, it impacted America in a lot of ways. The biggest being airport security which is a fucking pain in the ass now
because 9/11 spawned so many changes and pieces of legislation that it only makes sense to refer to things as pre and post 9/11. Euros should roughly remember it the same way, once 9/11 happened it was time to party in the desert even if you weren't American.
>it impacted America in a lot of ways. The biggest being airport security which is a fucking pain in the ass now
only an upperclass white person woudl say this... it caused a surge of xenophobia and racism and white nationalism that led to the invasion of afghanastan. waiting a little bit at the airport is nothing... who even rides in a plane more than once every few years besides the super rich?
>because 9/11 spawned so many changes and pieces of legislation
Yeah, but why?
it caused a surge in white nationalism and xenophobia which allowed the fat cats in power to pursuit moneyed interests in foreign policy and war under the guise of safety and fighting for whats right...
Shut the fuck up you cocksucking tranny. Absolute dog shit post
Yeah, there's some smoke and some dust for sure but does that really warrant all those changes and all the fuss?
It was political suicide to not be "tough on terrorism". At the time if you even mentioned not being comfortable with the Patriot Act you were seen as a crank and anti-American.
What on earth are you talking about? The 2008 market crash is what was the spark that lit the fuse of political extremism on both sides in this country. Poor, unhappy people don't become nazis or commies.
The only good post in this thread so far.
>The 2008 market crash is what was the spark that lit the fuse of political extremism on both sides in this country. Poor, unhappy people don't become nazis or commies.
im talking about the war on terror and post 911 white supremecy--- its always there just certain events and cultural tides allwo it to poke through
Made after 2001 but sounds like the era
>who even rides in a plane more than once every few years besides the super rich?
Anyone who was to work abroad and/or has family on the other side of the country.
>post 911 white supremecy
Wait, what?
Americans used to think were disconnected from world events, but now right wingers are scared shitless of everything and everyone else is more critical of our foreign policy. As a burger that was old enough to clearly remember, things changed a lot. Fight Club actually sums up the pre 9/11 culture very well. The economy was strong, we felt invincible and everything was boring.
you dont remember the wave of patriotism and white nationalism that occured. especially islamophobia that excused fat cat politician moneyed interests in invading afghanastan
You guys are more annoying than the jews with their 6gorillions
>you dont remember
I'm a zoomer so i dont remember shit but from what ive heard there wasnt any white nationalism or whatever, but just xenophobia. The event united America more than it seperated america . Post 9/11 was a liberal world you dunce
same. I remember the janitors in my school and my father being happy about it. I didn't give a shit.
what do you mean "you guys"?
America is STILL at war because of it, it was and is still a big fucking deal.
t. not even american
This. I was 5 when 9/11 happened and I'm 23 now; I have no memories of peacetime. Most of my life, my country has been at war.
>but just xenophobia. The event united America more than it seperated america
united white america against nonwhite, non christian ppl.... you are retarded if you dont think it sparked a wave of racist foreign policy
Wouldnt really call that white nationalism, its just xenophobia
I'm old enough to remember what the mood was like at the time. There was, yes, rampant Islamophobia (and rightfully so). You could argue that the 90's LEO focus on militias/nazis/etc. being diverted to spying on every Mohammad after 9/11 left a vacuum where the far right could ascend. This rewriting of history in terms of shoehorning "white supremacy" is nonsense, though. Even back then most white people would think you were an idiot if you couched hating arabs in what your skin color was.
>The economy was strong, we felt invincible and everything was boring.
Not true. The dot com bubble bursting and the rapid collapse of Enron were the canaries in the coal mine.
>Most of my life, my country has been at war.
I'm 34 and can say the same thing, kiddo.
So you guys think that America is in war because of the twin towers?
everyone around here
everyone is so near
>I'm 34 and can say the same thing, kiddo.
Except you got to experience a country who was largely united against a common enemy; the filthy fucking commies.
Airfare isn't even expensive. It's like $40-$80 round trip.
>you guys think that America is in war because of the twin towers?
no but i think it helped fat cat capitalists disguise their invasions as humanitarian acts for a period of time when they were anything but
>united white america against nonwhite, non christian ppl.... you are retarded if you dont think it sparked a wave of racist foreign policy
Explain to me how BEFORE 9/11, you just never saw Muslims in America. At least, not in the Middle Atlantic. I'd literally see maybe 2 headscarves A YEAR. And that was in a heavy year. Today, if I go to ANY mall around here, I'll see headscarves, hijabs, even niqabs -- the head-to-toe black tents -- WITHIN 2 MINUTES of entering the mall.
How did they go from true rarity before 2001 to as common as maple trees now if what you say about us becoming more prejudiced is true?
Why would a country decide after it was hit with the greatest terrorist act ever to import the exact same people & philosophy behind it? That still beats the hell out of me.
I was barely old enough to remember stuff like the Iron Curtain collapsing. In hindsight, culturally, it felt like rudderless party time since there was no longer the specter of nuclear holocaust.
And I was barely old enough to remember watching the towers burning on TV before heading to school that day. Pic related is about as much closure as my generation is gonna get as far as the 9/11 chapter goes.
Well we kind of romanticize tragedies. Titanic (1995) is a perfect example. I think twice as many people died in 9/11, and it was televised, and for the first time in history people could watch what it was like to kind of see an apocalyptic scene live. It made the world kind of get PTSD.
All of the wars and such since then have created a lot of refugees
white imperialism has made their homelands dangerous or destablized and caused ppl to seek refuge in other countries
yeah so twee
no they fucking didn’t, imperial japan was specifically a *military dictatorship*; emperor hirohito HIMSELF had very little to do with japanese war crimes (tojo did, which is why he was executed), so why the FUCK would you blame innocent civilians for what they did?
the only genocide you should be applauding or excusing is the holodomor, cuz let’s be honest, those capitalist pigs deserved much worse.
Do you like not remember the entire 90's?
You reap what you sow, and back in '45 the Japs reaped hellfire.
>There was, yes, rampant Islamophobia (and rightfully so)
it’s kind of careless not to wonder why 9/11 was committed in the first place, don’t you think?
i’ll give you a hint: our support for the apartheid state of israel and american imperialism in general
believe me man i’m well aware of what the japanese did to korea, china, taiwan etc but the civilians had no say whatsoever. imperial japan was a totalitarian one-party state and it was specifically ran by the military. it was not a democracy, it was fascist. a lot of people seem to forget this.
t. reactionary kulak
We didn't forget, we just didn't care. Nobody had a single problem with nuking Japan twice other than wishing we had more bombs.
horseshit, everybody just wanted the war to be done with by 1945. at best people just saw it as a necessary evil.
even nuking berlin would have been an atrocious idea. it’s just not worth it, man.
Just like Firebombing Tokyo repeatedly and causing far more devastation than the nukes was considered a necessary evil, right?
>even nuking berlin would have been an atrocious idea.
That's where you're wrong.
Weren't Hiroshima targeted because of it's military significance, if the US wanted to go for the populous they would have nuked Kyoto
9/11 is directly tied to the Civil War in Afghanistan. In very short terms:
>Soviet Union invades Afghanistan to make it bend to the party
>US sees it as an opportunity, runs guns to militias
>one man, Ahmad Shah Massoud, becomes the Lion of Panjshir, for beating back the Soviets time and time again, as well as providing peace and basic rights of freedom of speech in the areas he controlled
>Soviet government in Afghanistan is toppled; power vacuum, militias now armed and seeking power
>Power flip flops from hand to hand, on one the Northern Alliance, led by Massoud, on the other the Taliban
>pretty much everyone hates the latter
>the Northern Alliance has slowly but surely won the land and the people
>Taliban do a suicide bomber attack on Ahmad Shah Massoud, who had been asking for US intervention
>2 days later, 9/11 happens
Read the fucking OP maybe
The United States and thus Americans are the only thing that matters. The entire world was and still is impacted by 9/11 and the shitstorm that followed in the few years after it.
Anyone that contributes to the war effort against you is your enemy.
It's when America became a mad dog nation that could no longer be trusted
>implying america wasn’t always an imperialist shitheap just begging for annihilation
imagine 350,000,000 cultureless, consumerist, brainwashed americans wiped off the earth. only then will the world know peace.
takbir insh'allah brother
Yeah. I'm sure things would be much better for you. I'm sure you would enjoy China pushing your shit in on a daily basis.
i’m a marxist-leninist you camel fucker
It's when the rest of the world finally got to see America like the dogs we always knew they were in Latin America
>i’m a marxist-leninist
>i'm a marxist-leninist
Fuck yeah, Marxist unite.
>i’m a marxist-leninist
all reactionaries are paper tigers
why don’t you guys sit down and read das kapital, then afterwards the state and revolution by lenin? you might find that you’ll agree with lot of what they had to say.
Smelly Capitalist are too stuck up their ego to do such a thing.
>i’m a marxist-leninist
Kek and that's the Republicans god? God, what a pussy just because he got shot one time. Should of got the assassin first retard.
Found the SJW
Found the incel
Their homeland was dangerous to begin with and always will be.these goatfuckers have been fighting eachother for thousands of years all because one of them stole a goat from another one 6,000 years ago...probably so they could fuck it.
who fucking cares about 9/11 i got my own problems. music didnt change because of 9/11.
>racist marxist
fuck off communism doesnt work with racism. go back to capitalism if you want to treat ppl as different classes bootlicker
>implying 9/11 wasn't the beginning of the end for america's global empire
don't yall have a retard in charge now?
Found the fucking retard who believes none of that shit was around before 911 and America was just lollipops and gumdrops.people have always been that way,after 911 they didn't care to hide it anymore.
ITT: narcissistic Americans think they're the world.
Fucking cancerous reddit cunts
you should be glad we don't have socialism because even if you identify as a marxist-leninist you would still be locked away for that racism (which is a good thing by the way)
have we ever not?
>white nationalism led to the invasion of Afghanistan, not oil or wanting to control that region
Okay, this is epic.
under communism there is no prison idiot
Silently killing dissenters in the night is more "progressive" than prisons, I guess.
are you still the guy who claims to be a marxist-leninist? because that's some stupid anarcho take. of course there are prisons under communism. (theres also still police!)
Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower, FDR, JFK, Roosevelt, Polk...
Not in recent history though no
You forgot how that mutilation of Lady Marmalade was ruling the airwaves in the summer of 2001.
there's a difference between "their decisions benefit people other than me," and "incompetent."
i meant as a factor. if you read my other posts i said that fat cat politicians used hightened white nationalism that emerged after 9/11 as an excuse to chase their moneyed interests in those areas
he wouldnt be locked away there is no prison. but you cant be racist and communist. communism demands equality. capitalism thrives off of power imbalances tied to racism
The jews orchestrated 9/11 and this particular jew was able to collect 2x on his terrorist insurance taken a few months before “the attack”
Silver Side Up was released on 9/11. Let that sink in.
>head of american government
>american empire provably declining under their leadership
found the trump voter
im not that guy who originaly posted but i am an anarcho-communist
>there is no prison
what the fuck is going on. how can you honestly believe there would be no prison in communism? criminals suddenly disappear and we live in a perfect utopia where there is no theft, murder, assault, terrorism or conflict of any kind .... ??
>i am an anarcho-communist
makes sense then
the fact the other side of planet earth was spooky and otherized to a lot of Americans has nothing to do with white nationalism. You think every black or eastern Asian American was accepting of Isam back then?
lay off the twitter.
I mean marxism is predicated on theft to begin with, so
i have no idea what you are trying to say but it's probably really stupid
Of the last ten or so posts in this thread, three had anything to do with music and two of those posts were mine.
you can't expect every discussion to always stay about music just because its the music board
>we live in a perfect utopia where there is no theft, murder, assault, terrorism or conflict of any kind .... ??
no those things still exist. just are addressed with community rehabilitation and education rather than punishment. the prison system is designed to make profit and make criminals repeat crimes and come back to jail. they are inhumane
Moulin Rouge was like the summer movie of 01, but Xtinct and friends probably didn't even know the Patti LaBelle original, they most likely learned about the song from from All Saints.
>tfw when the first step of your ideology is stealing the means of production from others at gunpoint, instead of coming up with your own
Being self-aware that you're doing off-topic shitposting doesn't make it acceptable.
typical anarcho & left-com type of argumentation:
>no there won't be x
>explains how there definitely would be x just with a ~~fancy name~~ instead
what you said is a prison: people who do crime get put there because they are a danger to society & need to rehabilitate. that's a prison. of course prisons would be DIFFERENT under communism. but there still would be prisons.
>starts a thread that is inherently political
>gets mad that people talk about politics and not just music
you think "the american empire" is suddenly crumbling under trump? you're batshit insane.
There are people fighting in the Middle East who weren't born when 9/11 happened.
never even implied it was only crumbling because of alzheimers donald. i happen to think obummer was worse
try to read a little better next time
Kill yourself you immature little commie faggot. I bet you work at some minimum wage Starbucks gig and blame those more successful than you for your pitiful lot in life
lmao airfare is a couple hundred bucks max to most places on earth, how fucking poor are you?
And stop blaming white people for all your problems you faggot
xenophobia is such a stupid fucking buzzword. It's natural to be cautious of those not like yourself and shitskin Muzzies are as backwards as it gets. They deserved to be bombed and cast out
For the first time in a long time we were united about something, and that was bombing those backwards shitskins into the stone age (not that they were far from it to begin with)
Kill yourself you edgy teenager commie wannabe
Fuck you pussy all my military friends got deployed over getting george bush oil and a lot didnt come back
killing innocent civilians is more commie than anything user. need i remind you how many civvies died in the carpet bombings? more than the 2 thousnad that died in 9/11.
who's the filthy commie now you dumb fuck
based mudslime
Good, I hope none of them do
No one cares about shitskins, they started it
"Mississippi" by Bob Dylan was released on 9/11 and has some haunting and prophetic lyrics
"Sky full of fire, pain pouring down"
>Narcissistic Americans think they're the world
The United States runs the world. When the US President says/does something the whole world pays attention. Foreigners are obsessed with the US because they know everything we do has an impact on them.
It was irl propaganda that would spawn our allegiance with Israel, and forever Demonize Islamic culture in the United States. Fetishizing 9/11 and fear mongering is an easy way to persuade our old heads in congress, well that and bribery. Oh sorry I mean "Lobbying", but there really is no difference.
cuz it was orchestrated by Israel, the trashiest excuse of an ally ever
Did you know in the late 90s disaster movies were very popular. Like about asteroids and meteors and such.
This is why i believe either it was a false flag from the lizard people or the hive minds subconscious exists
Music related
Or maybe you're a delusional retard??!
Not even american, but I guess you're a zoomer if you don't feel the impact of 9/11 even nowdays on our societies.
i was born in 91 and can remeber the late 90's. It really sucks to be born at the tail end of when america was great then turn like 12 and it starts to decending into a surveillance state and nigger music
Im old eneouge to have come home and watched TRL on mtv sonneh
Stop browsing /pol/, dude.
Don't forget about a video filmed on the day the attacks happened;
stop coming to this website reddit, he's right.. surveillance did increase in the 2000's and hip hop blow up in the late 90s/early 2000s and still remains the most popular form of music, besides pop.
A dude is someone who works on a farm
They we're just fucking office workers trying to get through there shitty day. Imagine your sitting in the bathrooms at your job scrubbing shit and cum off the walls for a grocery store and a fucking 737 flies into the front door. Fuck that
you answered your own question, its a big deal because people think its a big deal.
Fuck America
>t. zoomer who wasn't alive before 9/11 and doesn't understand how much this one terrorist attack affected the way the entire world works
not enough amerilards died
I will never be able to listen to that album without hearing Chris verbally abuse it's fans and the writers who sold people on it for being garbage
where are you from? Europe? Australia? I'm going to assume you're a bong. Fuck you and your country, you're already half-way to becoming a caliphate. I can't wait for the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the crown and rape and pillage the entirety of the UK.
they were office workers directly perpetuating capitalism and US imperialism. fuck every office worker there. but respect to all the blue collar ppl there like janitors and shit
>There is a moral distinction between somebody who types at a desk versus somebody who empties garbage bins all day
The irony of you probably at University typing this right now in a dorm room. Wanting to talk about blue collar..get the fuck out
I'd wish death on you but your diet will take care of it rather quickly
Stories was considered a back-to-basics "guitar" album for Polly Jean until 9/11 gave it a whole new meaning. It was also called her "New York" album a la Lou Reed. The whole album sounds like an abandoned city.
particularly "High Water"
I think the best late 90's proto 9/11 album is of course. Kid A
Imagine it. A world ruled by limp bizket and britney spears. And then you got thom over here dancing like a spastics and yelling ICE AGE COMING ICE AGE COMING WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST
Who's in a bunker?
Who's in a bunker?
Women and children first
And the children first
And the children
I'll laugh until my head comes off
I'll swallow till I burst
Until I burst
Until I
Who's in a bunker?
Who's in a bunker?
I have seen too much
I haven't seen enough
You haven't seen it
I'll laugh until my head comes off
Women and children first
And children first
And children
Here I'm alive
Everything all of the time
Here I'm alive
Everything all of the time
Ice age coming
Ice age coming
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both
Ice age coming
Ice age coming
Throw it in the fire
Throw it in the fire
Throw it on the
We're not scaremongering
This is really happening
We're not scaremongering
This is really happening
Mobiles squerking
Mobiles chirping
Take the money run
Take the money run
Take the money
Here I'm alive
Everything all of the time
Here I'm alive
Everything all of the time
Here I'm alive
Everything all of the time
Here I'm alive
Everything all of the time
This was the first album that came to mind
Why are mutts constantly seething over GREAT Britain, RULE BRITANNIA
Such shitty closure LOL
In War there's no morality, you see an oportunity you take it.
Because before 9/11 they thought nothing like that could happen in america and they were invincible
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags that unironically vote against their own economic interests