Why would someone CHOOSE to play bass?
It's like choosing to be 4th place in a race
Why would someone CHOOSE to play bass?
Fuck off bass is based and basspilled
Because it's not as common as a guitar. So you're much more likely to get a job playing one.
bass is underrated and the world is filled with mediocre guitarists so why join them
There would be no Seinfeld theme without bass u libcuck
when you are retarted play the same chords as the guitaristand and get drowned by all the other instruments, but when you play original outstanding notes, a bass creates an unique atmosphere and adds a lot to the music.
Wow dengvayne is a faggot now
The natural habitat of the bassist is usually somewhere just between the lead guitarists amplifier, and the snare of the drumset. Keen to avoid any and all possible human attention, the shy creature can still usually be observed skulking within the dormancy of the shadows in this area, stooped and hunched over the long neck of its instrument, seemingly perplexed by its fretboard. These "Gremlin" like beings will occasionally bob their head in time to their respective drummers much more accomplished and multi-faceted rhythm section whilst they themselves attempt to play something that vaguely resembles the rhythm guitarists arrangement. But without any of the "hard bits", like palm-muting, or playing more than one string at a time.
If you encounter a bassist outside of their normal environment, please, remember to be patient. If they respond in mumbles, seek shelter in dark corners, or look confused without another person's steps to follow, just know that there isn't anything wrong with them, they're just a bassist.
Most of your music needs a solid bass line even if you realize it or not. stop being a child and running with a stupid decades old meme.
someone has to do it
if you take away the bass something is missing
that's why it generates jobs so why not do it if you don't have anything else to do, it's not like it's hard
Bitch please
Tony Levin is based
sometimes it's just easier to understand
guitar can be a little too... ambient? i guess. might not know what to do with it and may as well just be playing bass if rhythm is all you can imagine
They don't choose to play bass. They intend to play guitar but just do not possess the talent or discipline required, so they settle for bass.
Bass players are the kids who just want to hang out even if all the other kids do is make fun of them and make them steal cigarettes for them.
there's no man cooler
>i value a strong job market so i became a musician
fuck you the bass is a class act
wow sounds like the perfect instrument for me
This is the reason.
more like bassed and basspilled
bass player and I jump about stage front.
Because it’s art.
I’d play bass given the choice between not being in a band or being in one.
Also, sometimes bassists are the primary creative force in the band: Roger Waters.
Why would OP CHOOSE to be a lame ass bitch?
For me it's Pete Wentz
I sat in on my friends bass lesson and learned how to play the intro the War Pigs when i was like 12, and it felt more natural to me than guitar ever did. Bass just feels good.
It’s like Football, the lead singer is the QB, the lead guitar is the flashy Wide Receiver, rhythm guitar is the Running Back. The drums represent the Offensive Line. And the Bass is umm... the towel water boy ?? Anyone?
this. also when i listen to music my attention always shifts to the bass
Bass guitar is the punter. Nobody respects them but technically they are important.
Because it is legitimately more fun than playing guitar.
bassists are based as hell
oh sweaty, that was actually played on an electric piano
Maybe the Bassist is like a TE. Half rhythm half leads. Much like the TE has boring blocking assignments but can also catch a pass here and there.
You know there’s some F1 driver out there that probably only ever makes it fourth, sometimes that’s all you can be OP.
The guitar sounds fucking weak lol, I like feeling the earth shake when I play
also the guitar's a fucking joke outside of rock music
any bass heavy genres outside of rock are a joke
>bassists are based as hell
>posts a faggot who always lip-synched the vocals and mimed the bass
Apparently people react better to the rhythm when it's played at lower frequencies. Bass is pretty important harmonically and rhythmically.
Also, sidenote: guitar players need to fix their fucking rhythms in general
The Punter, all about territorial control. Keeping things in margin.
For me it's Jaco.
Bass players either the worst or best musician in the band.
Imagine believing this
>no girlfriend to convince to play bass
>he isn't married with 4 kids in his sleep
cringe and incredibly bluepilled
I chose to play bass as I love the groove you can get from it. 95% of bass players are shit though, they don't really understand what the bass is for or what it can do. It isn't for playing root notes, that's how you spot a failed guitarist thinking the bass is easier when it's played in a different way.
GOOD lad
Because they like it...
Is this bait?
>anything involving skill
comfy bassfriens
to be fair, electric bass is shit on jazz, mostly because it gets relegated to shitty jazz fusion
I'll give you that it's more a jazz fusion thing but jazz fusion isn't shitty. Jazz bass is boring desu I don't think I'd want to play a double bass in a jazz band but playing the electric bass in a jazz fusion band would be great fun.
Being in 4th place to keep the manlets from getting ahead
Cause at least you can participate in the race, even if you're just playing a glorified stringed metronome.
I mean, I'm sure jazz fusion bands need a bass player, but you'll probably get more of a bang playing bass on a rock band or a prog band.
Depends what you're into
Bass is of utmost importance and is most of the time crucial to holding a piece of music together sonically.
I like the timbre, something is really "soothing" about it? Even if its abrasive shreddy licks, something about the sound makes me feel good.
Definitely. The greatest of the bassists, Jason Knewstead, whose preliminary meditations in the art of bass, the, "And Justice For All" sessions, which are now seen widely as a precursor to the technological boom of the 2000 era, once famously said, "You may not be able to... hear, the bass in this work, but make no mistake. The bass is always there. The gravity, the glue, the... strings, like bass strings almost... keeping the underlying mantra, the... energy of the music, the... sonic aether, if you will, intact, innocent and yet uncompromisingly vulnerable to invention".
Noosteed later reaffirmed his stance quite violently when an offhand remark questioning the authenticity of his presence on the album was bought up at one of his many world palaces during one of his guru sessions.
It’s funny because in perfect Football theory you never want to punt the ball.
In perfect Football Theory you'll want to only run the ball.
A good bass player is more essential than a good guitar player. 90% of guitarists can't stay in the pocket for shit but get away with being stylistically 'sloppy' or loose, whereas a song will sound like trash if the bassist can't lock in with the drums properly.
The kicker. Simple job but good luck winning the game without one
It does have a great sound to it, such a mellow tone and even high up the neck it sounds great.
Excuse you, faggot
what the fuck are you talking about? a lot of jazz past the 40's use electric
Bass is kino unless you're the cuck who just plays under everyone
I agree, which is why this is the only thing they did this when the game first originated, running the ball is old school and a plus to drain the clock.
Bass needs to be loud.
he really let himself go
#resist that paycheck
bass is important but you don't need to be a bassist to write a strong bassline, so I don't know why anyone would take it up as an instrument
Doesn't get more cringe than some tryhards going woo in the audience on a bass solo that is always just slapping
its pretty dang good dude. Don't act like you can easily play that well. I play guitar and bass a little so i have at least a little frame of reference and that definitely would be very hard to play well
to get into a band
You don't need to play an instrument to write music for it. What kind of argument is that?
You could teach pretty much anyone to play that in like two weeks. It's just a bunch of pentatonic licks and 16th note triplets.
I agree, pretty much the only person I've heard play an actually compelling electric bass solo is Squarepusher.
i'm a very lowkey asocial guy and it suits my personality better than flashy guitars/drums
Want some tasteful bass playing, listen to Bryan Beller.
two weeks? What the fuck? your head is up your own ass. I am done talking to you, snob. Nobody can play like that in two fucking weeks, asshat.
u mad? The only thing remotely challenging about playing like that is tone control.
go ahead, amadeus, post a vocaroo. Yeah, it's really easy right? Let's hear it, pal.
Women and men with low t don't have the competitive drive to be the best and brightest in the room like we do. It's a sad existence.
because bass is the superior instrument. both rhythm and melody in one instrument. plus the low end sounds fucking amazing
lmao have you even held a bass before? get your head out of your own ass you entitled dumbass
How, theres slides and slaps in it
it is a synthesizer, that is a fact. I think in fact all the notes have the "slap" tone to it. It's a pretty good sample and sounds realistic. The slides, idk how to explain that. It could be one of those little pitch knob thingys on the side, not sure what they are called.
A pitch wheel. Interesting
Haven't owned a bass guitar in years. But seriously, just try it, a few days of concentrated practice and you should all but have it.
It was played on a synclavier or something like that, so he recorded the sounds himself.
>Why would someone CHOOSE to play bass?
You'd have to ask Paul McCartney, Sting, or Carol Kaye.
There are two ways to play bass. As a imitative mirror/support for the rhythm guitar, or, as a sort of lead instrument in its own right. So, if you're creative, you can do a lot with that instrument.
I started off playing bass, but switched to 6-string. Someone asked me why I switched. I answered, "Because anyone can play bass, but only few can play bass *well.* I'm not one of the latter."
mccartney and kaye only played bass for money.
Someones gotta fill out the low end
Carol Kaye is the only one of those that isnt shit
Being a bassist is like being a rhythm guitarist but even worse.
To help you understand this, I've drawn a nifty little picture on MSpaint describing the natural hierarchy of a five piece band in this day and age:
Al is bass’d you nigger
The bass is a great instrument.
But you're too stupid to realize that. Maybe you should go kill yourself?
ITT: People who have no clue about music
If you can play a bass, you can usually play a fucking guitar and vice versa.
I'd say Bass was at least a few evolutionary steps down.
It's like a monkey and a human. A monkey could peel a banana. A human in turn could feasibly peel another banana, and then rearrange the peel back onto the banana with enough dexterity and focus.
But a monkey couldn't do that, no way.
I think that's the difference. A bassist couldn't realistically peel any sort of fruit, whereas a monkey could.
fuck this dude
A good bassist is a good lead guitarist
Its literally the same thing just without bends
Can someone explain the hate for rhythm guitarist?
Bassists hands have evolved into a far more "primitive" state. Curled, curved and clawed, they usually remain sheathed in deep pockets of skin, sunken within the wrists. Deep callouses are often seen, almost stone-like in texture due to repetitive abrasion and healing on the outermost dermal layer, forming a paw-like extremity that scientists have begun to refer to as "quaver-finger", to denote both the condition, and the bassists rather simple timekeeping function.
its retarded memes, like the bassist thing. you will do good to ignore it.
Name a cooler instrument than a Rickenbacker 4001, I'll wait.