When did you realize this is actually best NIN album?
When did you realize this is actually best NIN album?
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Since the very beginning user
That and The Line Begins To Blur are best tracks
I will never understand how people don't consider this their best album.
"It's a little upbeat in places and Trent isn't completely suicidal throughout entirety of the album's run time, also it's the most accessible album therefore the worst, as accessibility = bad"
this, but unironically
Why are you like this
it's a curse
Used to be my favorite NIN album, but PHM has been getting the most love from me these days.
I find some similarities between With Teeth and Pretty Hate Machine, not necessarily musically, but the way it approaches its themes. They both feel to me like the most honest works, no real giant concept or message tying them together, just a man expressing his thoughts about his current state of mind.
Maybe Hesitation Marks could fit into that too. They're also all transitional albums, all three, where huge changes in sound would take place, yet I like them the best
I can agree with that. I don't think there was anything dishonest about TDS given Trent's state of mind at the time. However, I get that it is still a concept album rather than an autobiography. I think I just like PHM a lot these days because I've been listening some older post-industrial stuff like Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly lately. PHM reminds me of some of that stuff.
People say this is his 'pop' album but to me Fragile has the best hooks he ever came up with, and so many of them. But being a single album this one is probably a little more to the point.
Yeah, I don't mean to say TDS was dishonest somehow, to certain extend, as big theme on the album is drugs, yet, Trent wasn't that deep into them yet during TDS' production
I think both have really strong hooks, I think With Teeth has some amazing vocal melodies. Stuff like the ending if Every Day Is Exactly The Same is beautiful.
Nope. Year Zero is peak NIN.
Respectable choice
Is NIN Yea Forumss favourite band?
I can't think of any other band/ artist or project that gets as much love as they do on here. NIN might be the only one that gets almost unanimous praise, even their albums that are generally disliked more widely like The Slip and Hesitation Marks have a lot of fans on this board.
I'm very happy about this btw, and to answer your question OP, for me it's Still
This and Neutral Milk Hotel, and for me, it's The Downward Spiral.
Hard to say, there are a lot of people who dislike/hate NIN on here. For various of reasons, I'd say it's comparable to David Bowie, where you have really passionate anons who are fans and then you have others calling the artist a hack.
I do not know why those two albums are disliked, I tried to look on other places and most people tend to like these two albums too. They are still underrated, but not many people would call them shit. Even RYM has theese above 3.00. I think Hesitation Marks is incredibly underrated.
Most normies don't like Post Fragile as it isn't as aggressive for them and that's all what they want, I guess anons on here realize these albums are amazing in their own right.
For me, it's really hard to pick favorite NIN album, it's either Hesitation Marks or The Fragile.
i think people who dislike nin just stopped caring about it. back in late 2016-mid 2017 there were a lot of people shitting on reznor.
This, a lot of hate stermed from either the angsty lyrics, the fans or what they believe he did to Industrial.
It was also because during that time NIN was ridiculously active and there was a lot of hype for the next release
Not at all, Yea Forums loves Radiohead, Swans, The Smiths, The Cure far more, just a few examples
Maybe The Cure I can see, but no all the others you listed get shat on just as much if not more than they get positive threads, especially gaydiohead
>during that time NIN was ridiculously active and there was a lot of hype for the next release
oh absolutely, talking about the trilogy on Yea Forums was a blast. trontposting was at its peak too.
Because it's a progressive rock album and not the typical post-Industrial stuff people knew NIN for.
The fact many considered it the best NIN since ever also helped, I think these latest releases also made other anons go back to past releases and liked them more, I see more love for Year Zero more than ever.
Year Zero is shit.
At first he had me hyped up thinking it was going to be a noise album, then it was released as a funk rock pop rap mess.
The only reason people cared for it was because of the ARG.
Nine Inch Nails is the greatest band of all time.
Everything about it oozes quality.
Trent Reznor created an actual drama series and turned it into a musical band.
That is how I view Nine Inch Nails, it's not just music it's more like a video game or movie, there is this entire world he has created with sound.
As for the production itself, it's so meticulously crafted and detailed you can listen to his music for the rest of your life and still find new details and aspects to the sound.
No other band aside for Skinny Puppy (up to Last Rights) has managed to create such an interesting project.
Other bands always fail to achieve this and the ones that do end up creating a really interesting album usually fall flat right after that.
>le drum machine edgy lyric man xD
i wan fug u lige aminal :D
Trent doesn't really use drum machines that much and when he does it's very subtle.
NIN is more about live percussion.
Also Closer used a sampled percussive track not a drum machine.
Also I really fucking hate people like you.
You're so fucking boring.
Why do you assume that music should only be the equivalent of a blog post?
You don't realize you can approach an album the same way you do a horror movie or science fiction video game?
Do you shit on people who watch horror movies and call them angsty edgelords?
Sounds like he pirated a copy of fruity loops
>inb4 it's supposed to sound bad
t. Angsty edgelord
Here is where the sample comes from:
As for sounding like fruity loops ... who cares?
It's an aesthetic, you either like it or you don't move along.
Where do I start with NIN?
Is there a best order for listening to all their stuff?
That depends really.
Do you want "Industrial era" NIN?
Start with The Downward Spiral and then move on to Broken and from there Fixed and Further Down The Spiral.
For Nine Inch Nails as appreciated by the fans start with The Fragile and then move on to With Teeth and Ghosts I-IV.
If you haven't ever listened to an entire NIN album in one sitting I would suggest starting with The Fragile and after that The Downward Spiral.
Chronologically is always the way inn my opinion, but here's one of those meme flowcharts if you prefer
Lil Nas x
2005 - On is best Nails production. I prefer Hesitation Marks and the Trilogy, but WT is up there.
Thanks bros
The Cure probably
I'm going through their discography and I've reached The Slip. With Teeth was great but I still think TDS is their best. What do you guys think of Ghosts?
there were like 12 threads a day after AMSP released. Yea Forums gets fucked in the ass by hype
wtf are those With Teeth highlights
I've probably listened to Ghosts far more times than any other NIN album because I put in on in the background when I write, if you like it you should give some of the movie soundtrack records Tront and Atticus made. Pretty sure they even took some of the tracks from Ghost and altered them slighty for reuse in a couple of them
The sound/atmosphere is nice but the way they approached it kills it for me.
Ghosts was an experiment where Trent and his tomodachis would get together and make a song every day for a month or so then release it as an album.
If they had instead worked on Ghosts as an actual album then it would probably be my #1.
I can appreciate it for what it is, but it doesn't sound fleshed out enough for me.
""This music arrived unexpectedly as the result of an experiment. The rules were as follows: 10 weeks, no clear agenda, no overthinking, everything driven by impulse. Whatever happens during that time gets released as... something.
The team: Atticus Ross, Alan Moulder and myself with some help from Alessandro Cortini, Adrian Belew and Brian Viglione. Rob Sheridan collaborated with Artist in Residence (A+R) to create the accompanying visual and physical aesthetic.
We began improvising and let the music decide the direction. Eyes were closed, hands played instruments and it began. Within a matter of days it became clear we were on to something, and a lot of material began appearing. What we thought could be a five song EP became much more. I invited some friends over to join in and we all enjoyed the process of collaborating on this.
The end result is a wildly varied body of music that we're able to present to the world in ways the confines of a major record label would never have allowed - from a 100% DRM-free, high-quality download, to the most luxurious physical package we've ever created. "
Still a much better experiment than what the Foo Fighters did.
This is actually an interesting view to look at the band
I still think it was mostly a noise album, Hesitation Marks is far more funky, Year Zero, not so much
When I was 17 years old. Then I got older and realized it's one of his worst. Actually correct ranking incoming:
Year Zero = The Downward Spiral > Ghosts > Bad Witch > The Fragile > The Slip > Pretty Hate Machine > Add Violence / Not the Actual Events > Hesitation Marks > With Teeth
I agree with Year Zero.
You're underrating Hesitation Marks though
What is noisy about Year Zero?
To me The Downward Spiral and Fixed are his noise albums.
There is a lot of noise and distortion on the album, I don't know necessarily what's that funky about it, not sure if that is the proper word, I do hear Hip Hop influence to it, I guess.
Stuff like
>Beginning of The End
>My Violent Heart
>Meet Your Master
>The Great Destroyer
Have all plenty of noise and a lot of songs end with it as well.
The "noise" on Year Zero is just glitch.
This is NINoise:
It's glitchy and noisy
I don't hear any noise in Year Zero
It's easily one of his worst.
Lake Glitchygoomy
I do
no but the last few tracks are godtier, from Sunspots to the end.
It's good but Downward Spiral is best
please, get the updated version
I think all of the tracks are god tier
I think that's not a totally right way to look at it. The Fragile is very honest work, because it's actually a story about making The Fragile, about exact state of his mind at the time, battling between what he thought he was and what he really was, or at least trying to recreate a sense of identity after the years of touring, and actually diving very deep into it (by grieving, mostly). And let's not forget that With Teeth also came from a "concept", the "Bleedthrough" one that re-appeared in Add Violence, a concept that is also extremely present in Hesitation Marks, where its all reconsidering the past from another point of view to help himself go forward. The way out is through, all that. All those concepts of alternative dimensions and stuff are, I think a way to understand better what the fuck his going in his head, or our heads.
The concept for With Teeth was made rather secondary though, so it wouldn't restrict Trent's song writing.
Was the concept actually reused in Hesitation Marks? I thought that was supposed to be more of a retrospective on TDS and his current life.
As for The Fragile, it's also incredibly honest work, the only album that doesn't have that "diary" feel would be TDS for me. Not saying it's a bad album due to that
could be, but With Teeth and Year Zero (among others..) really nail their ending so well that I can't not think of those last tracks as above the rest. trent really knows how to land it.
That's true, he really knows how to end an album every time, the last piano notes of Right Where It Belongs always move me incredibly.
Indeed. The concept wasn't reused in Hesitation Marks, but it's still an evolution of it, imo. An alternative way of looking at the events, realities seeping into each others. Each album adds onto the previous one, that's what makes all these albums all so valuable.
You need better ears
The ones that do it for me are the added notes at the end of the Still version of The Day The World Went Away. While the album version ends on an intense emotion, this version ends more content, peaceful. Adrift & at peace, I guess. Well, until And All That Could Have Been right after.
Fixed should segway to Things Falling Apart
That is a good point, I do feel like NTAE continues where Hesitation Marks left off, once again focusing on Trent's darkest hour.
I always have to listen to NTAE after Black Noise, works really naturally
Unironic best song coming through, losers.
Someone on this board once described WT as the NIN album that turns betas into alphas and I can't say I disagree. Trent released this after rehab, he re-emerged buff, and even though the songs aren't as self-loathing as his previous material, they still pack a testosterone-fueled punch. If you're a bro and you want some edge with your tunes, this is the album for you.
Honorable mentions to The Collector and Getting Smaller, btw. Some righteous fuckin' moments on there.
Exactly ! It segues perfectly. Almost like the next album was already planned
I like NIN but I loathe their cancerous fans.
Same thing with Tool, + Maynard is a knobhead.
With Teeth still has self loathing in it
For me, With Teeth feels to me like the therapy album, Trent is getting better but still has issues, he is recovering, sometimes he has happy days, sometimes still feels suicidal. It has some of the most depressing but also playful lyrics, it seems like the most grounded album, most realistic one. Which makes it hit the hardest for me.
I used to be one of those fans, I'm sorry about that.
stop going on facebook maybe
Yes, it was the album "do I know how to make music anymore or not"
that's not TDS
just want to say this was a fantastic thread, bump to try and keep it from dying a little longer
>I always have to listen to NTAE after Black Noise, works really naturally
Fuck, this was a good post. Makes HM better for me.
I agree user, one of the best NIN threads in a while, no shitty forced Trent memes or anything, just comfy album discussion
It also makes sense in context of Hesitation Marks, the album sounds like rejection of Trent's dark side, attempting to reject it until In Two starts when he confronts it, and he finds it hard to distinguish them. And then the "good side" dies in "While I'm Still Here". That's when NTAE starts.
I also found "She's Gone Away" fitting nicely into this, ever since The Fragile, Trent named his bright side "her". And in She's Gone Away she is gone.
While we're talking about HM and NTAE, am I the only one who thinks the chorus riff from Everything would go great right at the end of Branches/Bones?
By that I mean, we get to the end of B/B where Trent goes "AND I DON'T CAAAARE" and immediately after, the drum beat continues (since it's so similar to Everything) and those massive guitars kick in for 16 bars.
That sounds neat, I always found those songs similar as well
Maybe someone could edit that.
Has anyone heard and compared Hesitation Marks' audiophile version to the CD master? Anyone noticing any significant differences? I got both versions and been almost exclusively listening to audiophile one.
The audiophile version still peaks at times, but not as often as the regular. I remember people bitching at the time of its release that it doesn't really solve the problem, only minimizes it somewhat.
ehhhh it's either this or The Fragile, which i'd consider to be peak NIN. Downward spiral is obviously a classic but I've never been as into it.
I'm happy to see With Teeth getting the love
Hesitation Marks will get its love too in like ten years from now or something
That's the definition of a drum machine.
1000 IQ lyrics
>I have this net, it drags behind me
>It picks up feelings for me to feed upon
I like this one
I'm unironically partial to the big boi line. He certainly became one in the early 2000s.
I like how homo erotic lyrics as I feel like they're intentionally like that for self depreciation