Listen to The Cure
Listen to The Cure
I prefer Archers of Loaf, sorry.
i do
i didnt know they had a black guy btw, dope
That's okay
at least the smiths were all white
I still like The Cure though. I just prefer Archers of Loaf.
I love The Cure.
Head on the Door is my favorite
This is a band I should like right?
I was around in the 70's and I hated the crappy boy bands like Bay City Rollers and glam rock idols like Glitter,Bolan and The Sweet so a group of musicians who played rock and sang about madness and lifes experiences etc etc should have appealed to a youngster like me.
You see the trouble I have with the Cure is they are credited with being King of The Proggers and I hate prog music,all that fucking about with `interesting` sounds for two minutes(you know pointless machine sounds,the sound of somebody yawning,farting, etc etc)then the vocals that eventually kick in for a couple of minutes,then some more artsy fartsy guitar with a riff that goes on forever or even worse flute player(yes I know not in the Cure but on countless other prog rock classics)droning on for another 5 minutes whilst the singer sings some obscure shit about life and goat slaughtering etc.
what is this from
it's from
But Smiths and Cure have literally nothing in common, why the fight
Andy Anderson used to make shroom tea for his band mates and drummed with Smith from 83-84 during the psychedelic Glove/The Top years
mark prindle, the most retarded faggot on the internet
>Porl is a tranny now
this lol why is it a debate
I have listened to The Cure, many many times
In fact I wrote just over 13,000 words about why I like them so much on my blog and going through their entire discography, and all without any understanding of music theory whatsoever haha
>not Renaldo
I do.
Kill yourself
Cringe, neck yourself brainlet
I don't know, it's retarded, the two sides will argur different points since the two bands attract different type of listeners as the two bands do something else
Listen to Disintegration AND NOTHING ELSE.
You got it pal!
Pornography too
shut the fuck up myke