If you know so much about music name literally 1 song

if you know so much about music name literally 1 song

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Plastic Love

the dark knight rises

The Beatles

Nigger Is The Womans Of The World

uhhh... jackie chan

dont happy be worry

jackie chan

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mac milar

fatboy slim

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true love will find you in the end- Daniel Johnson

International by Sweet Trip makes me cry


johny ca$h - i hurt myself today

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

damn nigga this is the second time youve said this tonight

no I'm a different guy i'm the guy who posts car seat headrest threads


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Darude - Sandstorm

Music? Is that anything like gusic?

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uuh... errr..


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Ok let me break it down. Beethoven’s 14th quartet is probably the greatest piece of music ever written

Yes, some nice comfy gusic!

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I REALLY have to be the one to do it?
...Tim Heidecker - I Am A Cuck

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you know the one that goes rum ti tum tum bop bop bop

I can name a song. I just don't want to right now. Besides, I listen to music all the time, believe me, nobody listens to more music than me- I've listened to thousands of music records and songs and I can name more than Beethoven and Mozart... I actually wrote a lot of Mozart's stuff

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Eight hundred five eight eight, two three hundred, EMPIIIIIRE


Healthfood faggot with a bartered bride

Kek. My sides