I keep hearing Yea Forums shilling for this guy and saying he has a based taste, so I checked out his list of best albums. As soon as I saw Astral Weeks on the list I just burst out laughing. This guy is a joke.
Scaruffi is a hack
Other urls found in this thread:
That's the only decent album on his list you faggot
imagine not liking astral weeks
astral weeks is good dumbass
kill yourselves normie plebs
explain why it's bad
you know he can't articulate himself, he's here to spout nonsense and hurl insults
shit I can't find any memeable scaruffi quotes on the van morrison page to retort your opinion. you win this one.
I agree Astral Weeks is highly overrated but there are much more laughable entries on that list.
Don’t fall for the bait. OP just picked the most well liked album in scaruffi’s top 25 to trigger Yea Forums. Astral weeks is a masterpiece, scaruffi is right sometimes, and OP is a faggot.
The musicians featured on it were hardly familiar with the songs. Van Morrison haphazardly threw together a random assortment of jazz musicians to record an absolute wank of an album that results in songs meandering aimlessly for an excessive amount of time with little to no climax. They are uninteresting and mind-numbingly boring. Van Morrison's voice does not save the music, and neither do his lyrics. There are various points where his voice sounds strikingly similar to a goat. (I'm not kidding!)
I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. I have read that Van Morrison's other albums are different and more interesting than this tripe.
It's Everything terrible about the 20th century in one convenient dog dick shaped package.
Everyone was so wow'ed by the first track that they forgot to listen to the rest of it. Never has there been such a disapointment after something like that first one. The rest is unlistenable stuff.
Boring, pretentious, self-righteous, and silly.
so just vague meaningless bullshit
>It's Everything terrible about the 20th century in one convenient dog dick shaped package.
That's most of his best albums list, lmao.
so are you actually going to explain why it's bad or just make subjective statements and spew buzzwords
I just explained myself.
the whole thing struck me as twee and affected, and slightly overblown in the wrong kind of way. Ambition is to be applauded, but the whole thing's success rests on how much twee one can take. I also disliked the rhythm of his lyrics.
What can we do when the music gravitates around an annoying, unpleasant, voice? It turns the audition into a nightmare.
His voice tone reminds me of Björk's one, but the singing pattern is more far-fetched.
Did you expect anything else?
so what you're saying is that you don't appreciate it so anyone who does is a pleb who is inferior to you?
You’re right OP it’s a joke that twin infinitives isn’t a 9.5. Otherwise his list is super based
Yeah, and he's based.
no, that's just autism.
Based autist.
Reminder that this is the type of subhuman who calls you a tourist on other threads.
Pere Ubu in top ten = Patrician as FUCK, even if it's the wrong album
Nice, everyone is just ignoring my arguments because they have no rebuttals. Hope you enjoy the taste of Scaruffi's dick.
you didn't make arguments. you just said opinions.
You didn't even say opinions. You don't have anything to say.
Reminder that this is the type of subhuman who calls you a tourist on other threads.
It's supposed to be like an ethereal stream of consciousness. Van's shouting accent adds kind of a mythical ecstasy to it. If you don't get it that's fine. A lot of people see it as incredibly beautiful and it may be the most justified thing on Scaruffi's list (along with Blonde on Blonde).
Also i don't think you get what twee means.
neither do you. but you made a whole thread about your nothing.
Pretty sure Dub Housing is also on the list.
The doors s/t, pere ubu, tmr, and tvun just from that picture alone are all deserving of being in any GOAT lizst.
>forgetting about Velvet Underground
Jesus Christ. If you actually go with the most "justified" albums on his best albums list where he goes completely in line with the critics consensus, they are (in order):
1. The Velvet Underground & Nico
2. Blonde on Blonde
3. Astral Weeks
4. The Doors
5. Loveless
6. Trout Mask Replica
All in the Top 100 most acclaimed albums of all time. Many of his others are in the Top 500 at least. His actual dissenting opinions are with a rare few albums only Scaruffi fans praise like Type O Negative, Vampire Rodents and Royal Trux.
Beautiful???/ How can it be beautiful if I can barely keep myself awake?
Listening to this is like someone gives you to chew cardboard and then he tells you it is the best cake you'll ever eat.
The only good thing about this album is that THEY CAN PLAY INSTRUMENTS. And that is end of story. Music itself is lifeless improvisation without any real emotion. Everything sounds the same from begining to the end of every composition. There is also not any decent melody, only neverending boring improvisations.
Listening to this feels like somebody is saying to you: "look, there is a man walking down the street....... look, yellow car just passed by..... look, there is a man on that window...... look, there is a bird on the tree...... look, there is a sewer"
Yes, I SEE! And my answer to that is "SO WHAT!?..... WHO GIVES A FUCK!?"
This music is like somebody is trying to prove me that life is meaningless and listening to this, life truly becomes meaningless considering the amount of lifelessness that this album can bring to you while listening to it.
But I can imagine all snobbish folk listeners who like to consider this to be "heaven for ears". I didn't know that heaven is so boring, lifeless, emotionless and sterile, but that is probably "good music" to all tasteless listeners without any true sensibility for music.
There is even more emotion in Kenny G's "Songbird" composition than in this overrated piece of crap.
Give me instead of this, great Glenn Miller.
This is not even good background music for masturbation.
Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something
so why do you keep posting?
>stop liking the thing i don't like or i'll scream!
I'm writing out my critiques on Astral Weeks and why scaruffi is an idiot. You are just here to try to defend your precious internet critic from the backlash he deserves
Okay i ignored VU. Still close to the most popular pick. I wasn't talking about his lists accessibility though.
Probably more people have felt the exact opposite than you. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe come back to it much later and look at it as a kind of stream of feeling.
they're not critiques. they're opinions. i don't even like sacruffi, but your only "argument" is
>i don't like it
>reads dozens of paragraphs proving astral weeks is trite and boring
>"you still haven't explained what's wrong"
Scaruffi is the critic that entertains me the most. I like his way of articulating arguments and describing sounds, and how harsh and straightforward he can be. His criteria are respectable. On top of that, he's made listening to music the biggest time investment of his life. He can be trusted, and this is verifiable more often than not
you called a psychedelic folk album with lush production and pretty grandiose and off-kilter vocals "twee." if you proved anything, it's that you're a retard
how accurate is this?
It definitely lacks post 2000s stuff
Pretty solid though
Scaruffi doesn't really like rap
He gave his "best rap album ever" an 8. Joanna Newsom got a better score than that.
he works in mysterious ways
>that's just like your opinion bro!
>le buzzwords
>death grips
lel scaruffi confirmed Yea Forumstant
let me test user. Name your:
>favorite jazz album
>favorite classical composer
you could say something specific about a specific song
it is your opinion. posting a soi image doesn't make you opinion fact. you're out of arguments.
you're proving user's point by only responding to buzzwords with buzzwords. what's your response to you cowardly soi fucktwit
>My Favorite Things
>I don't listen to classical
yet further evidence you are a massive cocksucking pleb
I think fagtano made this thread.
>My Favorite Things
twee album
"Beside You" is overwrought, oversung nonsense
i wonder if christgau knows who scaruffi is
funny how butthurt people get when I call out Van Morrison for being twee
aquemeni is literally the only good album on that list
who cares these guys are all losers
buzzword is the only real buzzword.
i'm quite calm knowing you don't know how to use that word
>continues to avoid the post that refutes his central point
>it is your opinion. posting a soi image doesn't make you opinion fact. you're out of arguments.
no you just redefine the word in your head because you realized that your precious van morrison falls under its actual definition. Oh the horror! Van Morrison is twee! get over it and listen to some real rock
keep going. i love these funny pictures!
I have no central point you schizo
>keep going. i love these funny pictures!
Someone took actual time out of their day to make this jpg. That's really sad.
haha! that one's even funnier than the last!
>Someone took actual time out of their day to make this jpg. That's really sad
>haha! that one's even funnier than the last!
>getting pleb filtered by Astral Weeks
Now try listening to TMR and Twin Infinitives
If hating this unfunny trash which has nothing to do with music is reddit I don't want to be Yea Forums anymore. But since I've wasted 15 years on my life on this piece of shit website it's just stockholm syndrome at this point. Yeah I love Yea Forums! It's really great seeing how many variations on soi and wojack and pepe we can make. Haha none of that got old when the incels at /r9k/ first shit it out. It's a real laugh riot lol onions hehehehe.
please keep going! i simply cannot get enough of these hilarious images!
>If hating this unfunny trash which has nothing to do with music is reddit I don't want to be Yea Forums anymore. But since I've wasted 15 years on my life on this piece of shit website it's just stockholm syndrome at this point. Yeah I love Yea Forums! It's really great seeing how many variations on soi and wojack and pepe we can make. Haha none of that got old when the incels at /r9k/ first shit it out. It's a real laugh riot lol onions hehehehe.
Why are you talking to yourself in green text?
I don't think I have anymore sorry mane
bwahahahaha! that's the best one so far! he looks so silly!
I don't watch cape shit. I don't make gaping faces. I never smile. Yea Forums hasn't been good since they implemented the captcha. The entire internet is like this now though. Even reddit has millions of posters just like you. The only reason I keep coming here is because I can tell you to kill yourself. No matter how much you posture or how many memes you post you know it's always going to be in the back of your mind. If it's not I'm here to plant that seed. Nobody loves you. Nobody wants to have sex with you. You will never reproduce. You will never make a musical composition as good as anything on Astral Weeks either. Hell you won't even make something as good as this: youtube.com
lol calm down dude i was just meming around. ive never even listened to Astral Weeks
So you don't like Astral Weeks because it just doesn't sound good to you, that's why you burst out laughing? I think the guy that listened 100 times more music than you is at least entitled to his opinion. Do you always burst out laughing when you see opinion different from yours? Didn't need to make a thread about it
it's funny that there is a hivemind around this scaruffi idiot who thinks astral weeks is a masterpiece
How is he an idiot? He's a university lecturer and pretty knowledgeable, hes at least not stupid
Wait, Astral Weeks is the one that did it? That's literally universally regarded as one of the greatest albums ever recorded. What kind of contrarian retard fool are you?
The image of it got this guy burst out laughing, he must be really ahead of everyone else's art understanding by hundreds of years. And all he needed to support his argument is to say that it sounds boring to him, how can we even compete
>Shilling Scaruffi
Yeah that Italian dork pays us to talk about him talking about music
>Le I'm trapped on Yea Forums meme
>Le mad about memes
lmao my dude
It's not a meme bruh, it's my life. Be careful or else you're gonna end up like me. Go forth young one. Get social media accounts. Have sex. Whatever it takes to resist being a cringy old autist like me. It's only a matter of time before it happens.
Even Lester Bangs considered it the greatest album of all time...