>Kanye is based and redpilled caused he supported Trump


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Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=2Wn7BgAAQBAJ&pg=PA93&lpg=PA93&dq="all the things that hitler was to do so well later, "&source=bl&ots=kZhkWAK09q&sig=ACfU3U2oUKltLt8hyCqMoYzw784Aputkyw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjVraGU_KPiAhUCOK0KHYPbBFkQ6AEwAXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q="all the things that hitler was to do so well later, "&f=false

What does that picture of Chris Rock have to do with anything?

>unironically being a nazi
>even ironically being a nazi or any other meme ideology

what is a "meme ideology?"

>supporting trump makes you a nazi

It doesnt take a 130+ IQ to realize that trump nor his rhetoric remotely resemble that of the nazis

But Trump is pro-Israel though...

you can be republican and still loathe the far right. in fact most republicans don't hold in high regard anti semitic rethoric

anything that isn’t center left or center right. i say this with zero irony. fascism and communism are pipe dream memes

What's wrong with being a Nazi?

>inb4 muh jews

>being an unironic liberal
Jeez I hate liberals so much, you're so fucking far up your arse. You're retarded if you think neoliberalism is good enough to handle our current problems and make sure the world is safe for our future generations.
Read some books god dammit, read about imperialism and leftist theory.
>hurr durr communism
fuck off.

Literally everything, what is even one good thing about nazi's?

Free healthcare?*

*for whites only

Based actual leftist, neoliberalism is a fucking cancer.

Universal healthcare is available in every civilized nation on earth. Unironically racism isn't cool or good in any way.

nazis killed more white people than black peoplev

*listens to chapo once*

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lol your faggot socialist paradise will literally never happen and all your marxist literature is a massive larp from the incels of their day

>listening to Chapo
Those cunts are just as annoying as liberals

the world is extremely boring and gay and it needs to be purged with hellfire. people think they're entitled to comfort as we all turn into a brown mush and it makes me sick

Chapo are LARPing liberals.

>dude we make hundreds of thousands as pretend-play champagne socialists doing a podcast but we're totally real leftists!!! look how rude we are to whitey and centrists!!!!!!
They get the gulag too


Fascism and ethnopluralism are the only valid political beliefs though

Whyte bois trying to claim something they didn't invent yet again.
books.google.com/books?id=2Wn7BgAAQBAJ&pg=PA93&lpg=PA93&dq="all the things that hitler was to do so well later, "&source=bl&ots=kZhkWAK09q&sig=ACfU3U2oUKltLt8hyCqMoYzw784Aputkyw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjVraGU_KPiAhUCOK0KHYPbBFkQ6AEwAXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q="all the things that hitler was to do so well later, "&f=false

Wtf i love fascism now