Other urls found in this thread:
Gets me every time
This image single handily made me stop wanting to ever get autographs/pics with celebs
No one thinks its cool and it just makes you look lame
You're so above the norm, damn
Not saying that, just sayin I used to like getting things autographed by artists i like
Now it feels corny
Bruh this nigga got an AnCo shower curtain
6'1" thoo
Kevin Shields tho
igor=10/10 thooo
shave it
You guys still stalking my Instagram?
Why tho
imagine making a music imageboard your entire identity
Imagine being paid minimum wage
Was in Taiwan for 3 weeks
whats your handle tho
what musician smelled best
he cute
>was in taiwan for 3 weeks
I dont get why he put that there
Imagine looking down on the honest blue-collar Americans that provide the backbone of our society
Not him but
>coping wagie
Lol ok you know the country collapses without wagies doing the shit you think you're too good for right
Mind getting me some extra ketchup on the side?
Lmao I'm unemployed
Me on the left
wtf beto must be 6'4 cause that other dude is 6'2
jesus fucking christ dude that's the worst instagram account i've ever seen
do you have no self awareness on how shallow this makes you look
Instagram itself is pretty shallow, like I care.
That was at the airport. They signed a shitload of stuff.
Why did you want their autographs?
Something about his looming posture is funny to me
im not paid minimum wage though
stop projecting faggot
at least u didnt deny that u make this stupid website ur entire identity u ugly fag
you obviously do since you curate it like this
this is a new level of narcissism and autism
at least hot girls on instagram showing off their bodies worked for their bodies. you did nothing but stand NEXT to someone that worked
seek help
>getting autographs just to sell them
you are scum and tons of artists hate this shit, such a moocher not only socially but now trying to make money off of as well
ok this is based
lmao, the dude from Oh Sees messaged me.
You guys tell him or you lurking ITT rn.
you guys are hilarious.
I would be so pissed if some faggot was making his living selling shit I signed, do something that contributes to something other than your bank account you fucking idiot, gas station attendants do more for society than resellers
Not the other guy posting pics but BOb is fucking based so this pic is based
What's he like in person? I tried getting his autograph last two shows but he never came out
hope your mother suffers a stroke tonight, lame ass leech
He's 100% right.
You do realize how lame it is to be an autograph collector who just sells them, yeah? Also ruins it for people who genuinely just want autographs because they really like the artist.
>living Yea Forums's dream job to the point that they write shit like
I got an autograph from a musician a few nights ago and he literally wrote like a whole paragraph worth of stuff on it
I'd feel so shitty selling that later. Bad
my dream job isn't being a leech on society lmao
idolization is lame, read the bible you goober
>this faggot lives in Austin too
>he's a liberal Beto faggot too
cringe AF
lmfao, the dude got will toledo to sign 40 posters.
"OMG, that guy gets artists who aren't actually his friend but are just posing out of politeness to take pics and then sells their autographs on eBay, I want to fuck him!!!"
>thinking ANYONE would want this
>Making Will do that
This dude really lacks a lot of self awareness
What a douche, now I don't feel bad roasting on
>0 watchers
>0 sold
nicest way someone telling you to get some friends I've seen, you should take his advice
so much gosh darn clout
Damn shit taste AND ugly
Couldn't fucking pay me to go to a Car Seat Headrest show lmao
dude, just forge the signatures. that way you dont have to wait for hours before and/or after a show to meet the musician
imagine having 1 (one) life and wasting it begging for autographs
no wonder you're single
Is this guy the new brandon?
Why would you screencap and post someone telling you you're lame and implying you don't have friends
wait so you pay for tickets for a show and then skip the end of the show to get a pic with the artist? wtf
>Making Will do that
Yea dude, because I *made* him sign 40 posters against his will, lmfao.
Gee, I wonder why $_$
do the artists not realize you're selling their shit when they see you take a pic of them autographing stuff
He signed them thinking you were just a fan
"Hey Will, can you sign these 40 posters (for free) so I can sell them on eBay for a profit? THANKS BRO!"
Take the advice from this thread, stop doing this shit. Take down your Instagram on on Tinder just ONE celeb pic is enough and for the future you can just whip it out if some girl happens to mention one you have on hand
I doubt you will take this advice though and will remain le autograph collector man
brandon actually made a meaningful connection with an artist
this retard never will
OP is the guy filming this
do you go to UT? I think I've seen your autistic ass around
what's the issue with wanting autographs from musicians? if i have an LP of an artist i do like getting them to sign it just for me. i think its weird when you sell it like OP but don't think there's anything wrong if it's just going in your own collection
he doesn't "like" any of these artists
he doesn't have a personality or his own music taste
he's literally just a leech
is papa roach christcore?
It's literally his job to beg actually talented people for autographs because he has no skills
He's turned what should be a cool personal thing into a 100% vanity/for profit (which I dobut he's making much, most of his auctions have 0 watchers)
All he cares is about showing it off on Instagram then selling.
>I'm an autograph hound for a living
I thought this nigga had an actual skill lmaoo
Fucking hilarious. I love how the autographer puts some logic at 2:17.
I'll be serious for a sec, you know most of the people that buy from me are mainly from flyover states and have no access to these people? I'm just the middleman between the buyer and the musician/celeb. If anything it's promotion for them and their posh life. One of the only celebs that has got it down is Steve Wozniak. He signs anything and charges for it on his website, making eBayers useless.
And you know there's FB groups with huge communities that do this? It's not new.
HAHA, my friend knows this guy.
>(which I dobut he's making much, most of his auctions have 0 watchers)
I'm going to japan/thailand next year from my job, kinda funny how mad you guys are.
you have no health insurance retard. when you get a stroke (or hopefully your mom gets one tonight) good luck paying for it :)
>I'm going to japan/thailand next year from my job
people with regular jobs could do that this year
>I'm going to japan/thailand next year from my job
I'm alerting Melt Banana of you so you don't trick them
>lol you guys are so mad i'm literally monitoring this thread to brag to strangers on an anime pornography image board but i'm totally no mad please think i'm cool
How small ur dicc bro
I was in taiwan this year :^)
thats pretty fucked up budy
Ricky who is the most famous person you've met?
Also, who did you ask for a pic and they said no?
3 weeks in Taiwan tho
This guys stare/smile is creepy
I'm actually the middleman tho
>that difference
>2 inches
>Ricky who is the most famous person you've met?
Yea Forums-core or in general? Natalie Portman and Death Grips for both cases I guess.
>Also, who did you ask for a pic and they said no?
Tim Hiedecker (huge prick)
Aziz Ansari (huge prick)
Joan Baez
Death Grips (at least i tried tho)
>Tim Hiedecker (huge prick)
Please elaborate.
What'd he say? Why was he so rude?
what did Aziz and Tim do that made them pricks? I met Tim once and he was pretty nice.
Tim's a smart guy and probably realized this guy was up to no good
how was tim heidecker a huge prick?
he means Tim is hung
are you gay and did you vote for obama?
He was drunk the only time I met him, I'm meeting him tomorrow again on his on cimena tour so I'll see how it goes.
Aziz doesn't sign more than 1 and is either a picture or sig, even for fans.
And dave chappelle was drunk off his ass after the show.
Voted for trump in 2016 literally due to /pol/, big mistake tbqh.
lol Aziz is wise to your scheme
>Voted for trump in 2016 literally due to /pol/, big mistake tbqh.
im telling Natalie Portman
someone tell tim about this dude
Faggots like you are the terrible parts of Austin. If I see you at Mohawk or Stubbs I'm going to punch you in the face
>Aziz doesn't sign more than 1 and is either a picture or sig, even for fans.
Because of faggots like you, makes sense.
Entitled cunt
I wonder. What do most venues think of autograph hounds like Ricky? Do they care at all?
ppl are so mad that he got the chance to meet Aziz and they didnt lmao
Yeah someone should warn Tim that this guy is going to be trying to leech off him tomorrow
lmao @ joe rogans height
When's the best time to meet musicians? Do you have any tricks of the trade you can share?
Some are obviously easy but there are some artists I have never been able to meet after a show. How long do you usually wait?
How many of the celebs have you met that you've also seen naked?
For example, Natalie Portman was naked in Hotel Chevalier and the chick from Ringo Deathstarr has nudes online
Ironically, people who do that shit just raise the price of their signature for people who manage to snag proof of signature.
Lmao, I'm not much of a prick irl. Just talking shit rn.
I'm cool with most venues.
Lmao I have my own life I don't need to pretend to know famous people for instagram likes
lmao stubb's. kill yourself asshole.
meet me at Swan Dive at 10pm. I'll beat the fucking shit out of you.
>the chick from Ringo Deathstarr has nudes online
Now what if someone (not me) were to send an email warning the most popular venues in Austin about leeches like Ricky? Would they care? Probably not but who knows.
what's wrong with stubbs you double nigger
why would they care? if a celeb doesnt want to be bothered they'll bring security.
You'd be better off sending individual musicians Facebook/Twitter/Instagram pages with screencaps of him taking pics with then selling their shit
You could find these signed albums on eBay for 350 bucks. Fuck autograph hounds
Tylo be chillin tho
Has a girl ever matched with you on Tinder and been like "WHAAAAAAT YOU MET DAVID SPADE????"
I hope no one does this to you, Ricky. Stay frosty, bro.
They wouldn't give a shit. There's only one venue in austin that REALLY cares, but you can catch them outside anyways.
This doesn't do anything either, my ex gf doxed me on /r9k/ and I honestly think she's the one behind these shitty ass threads.
Happens with mac demarco a lot, but I don't even use tinder anymore so I don't even get why these threads still get posted.
this girl is a goddess and i would happily lick her asshole after a sweaty day out
>this entire thread
>my ex gf doxed me on /r9k/
and was she a robot too?
howd u meet
>he went out with a fembot
>Fuck autograph hounds
Why? For providing a service? The guy could've easily had his bodyguards tell him no.
512 boys report in
Riverside here
proof you can be an insufferable autist and still get laid because you're 6' + and not genetically deformed
how do you go from pic related to THIS
West Campus, last final is tomorrow and here I am shitposting on Yea Forums
Ricky don't let these neckbeards discourage you vro. SECURE THAT BAG!!!!
Wealthy elites are out there committing atrocities everyday for their fortunes and no one bats an eye. You ain't doing shit in the long run. KEEP HUSTLING MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!
Crack dealers provide more of a service
10 items a month, seems to be for an average of 50$ or maybe less. minus ebay and paypal fees thats 400$ a month, minus shipping maybe 300$, minus all the concert tickets transit etc. he might not even be making a profit let alone minimum wage. yeah buddy im sure youre flying around the globe LMAO
t. professional reseller (not autographs)
Ricky if you got a pic with Trump would you post it to IG?
Dude are you teeth rotten? You never fucking smile?
thread's theme
Paparazzis and these guys are exactly the same type of vultures. You can't argue with them. They're animals.
Almost like getting laid doesn't really count for shit
Because I initially refused to pay her when she wanted money from me. I ended up getting one of her drawings signed and am selling it on ebay for a shitload after getting it signed by DG, pic related.
I'm on riverside as well lads! HMU on instagram if you wanna come meet people tomorrow.
Fuck no lol.
>feedback = items sold
>not selling on FB groups
wew laddie
it's honestly because he's pretty close to le 56% face in appearance and you kind of expect him to be crosseyed
Someone post his ex
you think you can afford dental insurance by selling autographs? hello no. this dudes ugly on the inside and outside
>Because I initially refused to pay her when she wanted money from me.
For what?
nevermind, half that is buyer feedback. hes literally making like 100$ a month LMFAO
>Fuck no lol.
but you voted for him?
would you ask for a pic?
Do you also buy Record Store Day limited edition items and flip them?
don't have an insta m8
Do I really gotta post my fucking plane itinerary? Stay salty little nerd.
Nah, too much work.
I don't even know who that guy is but he's 100% right and fags like you ruin it for people who are true fans.
should include that he called him a huge prick and he's a trump voter
please learn to resell properly or get an actual job dude, your numbers are embarrassing. i can make 1500usd net a month with no effort
Nah, too much work.
bitch you wait for hours before and after shows to get a pic and get artists to sign shit. RSD is two days a year.
Imagine making money off other people's name and talent and having no marketable skills of your own
Imagine further if you will using this poor choice to garner notoriety on an anonymous forum
Thread never fucks girls like this
OP wins
Ricky this autograph shit is kinda gay and cringe
You'll make a lot more money flipping hypebeast shit.
Yea, there's no way this isn't my ex posting these threads.
Too much work for too little profit bro. Price per print is less than a dollar.
>clothes reseller
I bet you also post on /r/fipping and go to the goodwill outlet like a bitch.
go to literally any town in american and you can fuck some slutty 6/10 with facial piercings with 0 effort
>Trump voter
>GBV fan
>Fucks Tinder/r9k sluts
non-ironically based as fuck
OP is 6'1", I'm 5'8". It doesn't work for us type
she's hot. grats Ricky
Found the r9k thread you piece of shit
>if you wanna come meet people tomorrow.
What's going on tomorrow
nope, i do everything online. hence the no effort. enjoy your xiu xiu shows you shitskin fag
even earl is like "no way am i touching this guy. this is why i dont like shit and i dont go outside."
Lmao anyone who doesn't look like they live under a bridge could fuck a girl at least that hot, stop letting thots dictate your self-worth bros
listen, lil nigga. there are a lot of desperate/crazy girls out there. any jackass can get a girlfriend or boyfriend, so don't let it get you down that Ricky or any one else had one at one point
>tfw 5'5"
hes also brown and ugly as fuck. if youre white and not hideous you should have no problem
Thread also never got doxxed on /r9k/ by lasses like that either
Anons 1 - Ricky 0
Damn, she cute too
Based user
ricky fucked this roastie then told her to fuck off when eh wasnt fucking her anymore
just be confident you fucks, if op can get a crazy and desperate girl, then you can too
>OP gets to fuck prime teen pussy while being a pajeet looking ugly fuck
>I'm weird bby
>I hope your relationship goes well tho
because some girls are really fucking desperate, user
Lmao nice one rick
Nah this level of petty posturing is a beta pretending at being alpha
she didn't even dox him tho?
yeah the fact he kept responding is pretty beta. there was no reason to even keep the conversation going or explain anything
OK I think Rickys Tinder is working because this is all he had to do..
no i think this is a conversation he just asked to take a picture with
idk about this ricky d00d but if you're down to do something do u have a discord or snap
It's literally just his height isn't it
Damn son.
>pathetic value leeching pics
>not in shape
the ultimate blackpill
Lmao why the fuck is that so funny
unironically yes. He wouldn't be pulling shit if he was 5'8"
Even beyond that the fact that it's posted here means he's either putting screencaps of his convos on his social media or he's saving them to post them himself to look cool on fucking Yea Forums. Either way, desperation and insecurity. Goes double for
wtf I love David Spade now?
lmao just imagining this face asking to take a pic with a text message
It's time to stop.
no he literally went to /r9k/ to boast about backing out of a deal and getting cucked
Is Rickyposting, dare I say it, the best Yea Forums meme of the year?
Ricky would you take a pic with Tylo Be Chillin?
fucking based and blackpilled
This nigga may be an autograph hound but he a pussy hound too
>Ricky getting roasted and exposed
I love you /moo/
Do you understand?
Like I care. It's happened on /r9k/ and /int/ already.
I'm sorry but I still need photographic evidence of Ricky being with a girl. No texts.
there's only evidence of him banging one poo in the loo r9k/Yea Forums girl
Someone post it please
Why do you show off this stuff on Yea Forums?
Why did you post your Tinder in first place?
It has literally 0 benefit to you. It can only potentially hurt you (via doxers) and then others will roast.
Tylo be chillin - misunderstood autographed (with proof) $100
the absolute fucking state jesus christ
I think he's lowkey fucking the Ringo Deathstarr girl. There's no way she could resist his 6'1 charms.
He posted a pic of in his bed
dude why are you still using this site lmao you're anonymous stop giving us kek fuel
fucking based
>tfw no 6'1 Ricky bf to pull off autograph scams with while he says "tho" as he fucks me in the ass
why even live bros
>using emojis to mask the seethe
why would you make this public
If you actually think a creatura like that fucked that girl you need help
spirit theyve gone, spirit im a faggot
these are two very low iq people conversing
if you are jealous that they rubbed their genitals against eachother, please consider your values
So what’s up does he stalk deathstar or something? The only phote i took with an artist was Thor Haris and i definitely do not use it to get underaged bitches ln tinder this is sad!
He looks like the type to believe this
Yeah, he's fugly but he's 6'1 and has "met" artists.
not ricky but hes far from ugly, probably above average if he cleaned his fucking skin and smiled
The mental image of this happening is so funny
nah he's ugly as fuck
put me in the r/Yea Forums screencap
>not banging aryan chicks as an ugly shitskin
what's your excuse Yea Forums?
Is that her teeth or gums?
her tongue always looks nasty desu
i'm white and took psychedelics until i lost interest in socializing
It's not fucking fair.
I lift. I have a job. I'm white. But I'm 5'10 king of manlets and a virgin at 23. I'll never experience this feel.
you might be a cringelord, a dumbass, and pathetic, but goddamnit i'm jelly af
Ricky - who is the one celeb you would most want to meet and you wouldn't flip their shit online?
That's it. 'Face made for IT' weirdo can get a girl then none of you incels have an excuse unless you have crippling Aspergers.
Is this another person you asked to take a picture with?
you guys seriously need to stop putting such importance on having sex, if you freed yourselves of this neurotic attitude towards pussy you would enjoy life so much more and find that you really don't need anyone else to be happy in life. it comes from within bros, unironically be yourself, not everyone is gonna be down with hitting clubs and pulling random thots. find something that makes you happy, we'll all make it guys
255 / 53 / 42 / 1
That about sums up this thread
>who is the one celeb you would most want to meet and you wouldn't flip their shit online?
Jeff mangum. I own 3k of his drawings and one of the 6 original NMH postcards. I've met all of NMH beside him but my autographer friends say he's weird. So I think it's for the best I haven't met him. I've talked with him online, he seems friendly but you never know. Whatever.
Did someone say once in a lifetime???
Jesus christ.
god damn some funny shit is happenin in this thread
this thread has given me solid keks idgaf
but I am relatively happy, I exercise, I read, I go to live music, I work with drones, my grades are good. Literally everything is going pretty swell for me except for the fact I get ZERO attention from females and at this point of my life it's really starting to get to me
did she turn her back when you asked to take a pic with her?
>Jeff mangum.
Holy shit. You're a walking meme, my dude.
It's almost like people conversing or something.
Ight how's he ugly man? He's got a good jawline, ok eye area, slightly asymmetrical but not too bad, nothing is really "terrible"
>Ricky...I agree you can take a photo but did you really have to get in bed with me?
almost like it's a fun thread with a gaggle of keks going for everyone
people who say this haven't been socially isolated and a virgin their entire lives. no thanks ill just make as much money as possible then kms at 40 and donate it to charity
271 / 57 / 45
You guys care more about this kid more than any music
you can't break down attractiveness to a checklist
he doesn't pass the eye test
he's ugly
iktf. honestly once you get it you'll look back and laugh at the fact that it bothered you so much. the only difference between a virgin and a nonvirgin is that they've had sex. it doesn't solve any problems or magically fix feelings, you literally grind your crotch into some chick for a while and it's back to the same old life you always had.
it's probably because you lack confidence and/or social skills. might also have a bad personality.
oh my god
clearly not if he can fuck a chick that's way out of most people's league here, he's not fucking ugly, people are just projecting
Let me guess, you lost your virginity like at 16 or some shit?
how the FUCK do you do it ricky? listen youre not a completely ugly guy but goddamn that girl is so out of your league how did u manage to get that?
i used to not really care about sex but man recently its been physically painful. my social life otherwise is really healthy just havent fucked in a year now and the girl i did wasnt super attractive
also dude get that fucking death grips shirt off you im sorry its not a look
loneliness is just as bad as smoking cigarrettes or some shit like that, its not just hurr durr i wanna get my dick wet
All OP btw
I was an awkward proto-incel through all of middle and high school, I got with a few girls and was felt no different. Platonic relationships can be so much more meaningful and the whole social attitude towards sex has only become so pathetic and gross it's no shame to be an adult virgin. Hold out for someone you care about, don't lose it just to lose it. I guarantee you everyone on this site can make it and achieve what they want to achieve.
did you not read?
she fucked him for a commission.
you don't need looks to get a gf or to get your dick wet, user
>how the FUCK do you do it ricky?
Just walk in, give your qt pi crush a good firm handshake, look her in the eyes, and get her number. It's as simple as that.
I didn't put my penis in a vagina until I was 20. I got head once when I was 17 and fingered a gross fat girl at 19. I literally had no friends except the gamer sperg kids and people thought I was a fucking weirdo. You just have to let it go, life isn't about living up to some social expectation.
>until I was 20
Dirty and sloppy. Fuckin' love it.
>i used to not really care about sex but man recently its been physically painful. my social life otherwise is really healthy just havent fucked in a year now and the girl i did wasnt super attractive
I'm kinda half watching this thread but if you're in Austin then lmk. We can go autographing and I can tell you some tips I guess? Tinder is really weird and you have to be direct with what you want. I don't even have tinder anymore because I look like absolute shit and am focusing on my diet and gonna start lifting soon.
That's a different chick. The commission girl is and the person who is spamming these shitty fucking threads. Where the fuck are the mods tho.
292 / 60 / 47
You guys could be getting laid, but instead you’re on here talking about how this guy isnt?
You guys are fucking losers have sex
how many matches did you typically get per week?
Ricky here, agreed.
After a ton of laughs in this thread this is the funniest post I've ever seen holy shit
>We can go autographing
Imagine going autographing with THE Ricky in all his 6'1 glory.
it's just a number dude, if you don't obsess over it and become neurotic it has no effect on you. it's literally so irrelevant. you can rise above it, don't look at yourself like you have this shameful mark, no one knows and only sex-obsessed idiots really care
doubt it mate, ive gone through college surrounded by pussy and nothing has happened, the work force is going to be even worse. when you are meh looking and autistic you have no hope
He's really not bad looking guys. To normal people outside of Yea Forums brown skin =/= automatic ugly
When I was using it, probably like 2-5 a day? It was a lot worse in taiwan, managed to fuck one and that was it, they don't like brown guys lol.
the fuck
is there good music in Atx tomorrow? Kind of just getting into live music so I'm am unawarez of what's going on
>managed to fuck one and that was it
What's your lay count Ricky?
And would you ever purchase an autograph yourself?
every time someone replies to it I read it and laugh again, honestly a based post
you seem to want to have a defeatist attitude about it but I believe in you lad you can do it, it's no shame to not have had sex, you don't need a sexual relationship to be fulfilled
not a defeatist, its a realist viewpoint
>no shame to not have sex
I agree for those who DONT want to have sex, but its pathetic for those who do.
I'm mexican and I'm the one thinking he's ugly as fuck
everyone knows mexicans worship white people so you're opinion isn't worth that much
Even then it's just a thing you wanna do but haven't gotten to yet. There's no deadlines. Do your best and it will come in time.
Tomorrow is the best day dude. Hmu on insta, I'll be out and about by 10AM tomorrow. Just hoping it doesn't rain so I can get that $$$.
Probably like 10-15 chicks at this point. Most of them aren't lookers tho, lmfao.
Also, pic related is for that dude who needs help getting laid. I'm ugly as shit dude, you just need to upfront with what you want while being respectful.
not even really sex, just a meaningful relationship, which most normal human beings need
hell no, i hate white people bro
we all do
we're just tolerating ya'll
I don't have an insta and I'm not interested in getting autographs, but can ya just tell me who's playing in Austin tomorrow? Or I can give you some other social media if you want
Just give me some other social media, I don't want cucks on here to ruin it by contacting people.
snap: mariocg_97
My fucking gigasides
>ITT: white bois cucked by pajeet
posting in an epic bread
fuck yeah