>sharethreads are dead
>daily threads are dead
>more waifushit threads than ever
>more off topic shit and shitposting than ever
>some shitty hip hop album takes half the catalog
What is the point of coming to this shithole anymore
>sharethreads are dead
>daily threads are dead
>more waifushit threads than ever
>more off topic shit and shitposting than ever
>some shitty hip hop album takes half the catalog
What is the point of coming to this shithole anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
hating on retards
I only come here because it's a "safe space" away from my troubles since I stopped giving a shit about this board like ten years ago, so I can shitpost freely and not care about the state of things
The board is more about hype than culture now
>What is the point of coming to this shithole anymore
>>daily threads are dead
>bunch of insane egoists obsessing about their image and trannies
I'm surprised pic related isn't being discussed more. I don't think it's getting the recognition it deserves.
Well this board has always been a rotating door of underageb&s and newfags desu, and it just goes to show how little the current generation knows about music at all, they're all retarded. Previous generations at least grew up with shit like MTV and VH1 and music magazines which gave them some insight into things, kids these days have a much narrower view
for cardgageposter
There is no point in coming here anymore just shitpost like the rest of us
I know this is a joke but I hope you get violently raped by a factory of tyler the creator clones and turn into a real igor
This violent rape fantasy reminds me of the slim shady factory from the real slim shady lol
I just realized nobody here stores their music anymore, everyone just streams it. Holy shit. Everyone here is a Spotifyfag
i use apple music
I still Download everything or use YouTube sometimes
All of my music is stored locally in FLAC.
Fuck that shit I store my music digitally and have physical copies
fucking yikes
I know you think you're being ironic but it really isn't getting a ton of legitimate discussion on here. Why won't ktt go back?
I come here to shitpost and laugh at stupid shit. But lately Yea Forums has been really garbage to the point where I don't even have any interest in lurking.
kek you're right
>it really isn't getting a ton of legitimate discussion on here
Where were you like 5 hours ago?
I rarely come here and just came randomly to see the igor shit but I have to say all of Yea Forums is getting shitty really fast. Yea Forums has no standards anymore and is full of ironic weebs, /r9k/ is full of normies talking about their gfs. I don't even know about the other boards because I don't even bother anymore.
At least its not 80% tripfags anymore
I used to store my music but I gave up. Spotify is just 1000 times more convenient
The Love Language
>indie rock, indie pop, lo-fi upbeat stuff
The Love Language (2009)
Libraries (2010)
Ruby Red (2013)
Baby Grand (2018)
I only download music. In fact I even have to buy a new hard drive, because holy shit, this shit gets full from day to night.
>more waifushit threads than ever
Speaking of waifus, if I had to choose a waifu, I think I'd have to go with MatPat's wife Stephanie, the queen of Yea Forums.