When kurt asked me to join my band i told him he would have to get guitar lessons if he wanted to play with us...

>when kurt asked me to join my band i told him he would have to get guitar lessons if he wanted to play with us. needless to say, it didnt work out.
>nirvana was really the product of extreme limitation.. kurt couldnt play so he had to write songs with what little he know. luckily for him, musical incompetence is popular among the masses


Attached: main_melvins_buzzo480.jpg (480x454, 49K)

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based buzz

Wow how innovate, another thread with a fake quote. This is groundbreaking comedy

Dave was the "real musician" in Nirvana. Probably played guitar better than Kurt too.

Attached: dave.jpg (610x717, 207K)

>not liking buzzposting

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Shitposting aside, what's the best Melvins album?



>implying I can read

>tfw it should’ve been Dale who took up the mantle of Kurt’s representative in the Melvins

Objective Top 5
1) Houdini
2) Bullhead
3) Lysol
4) History of Bad Men
5) The Maggot
Honorary mention: Eggnog EP

>I mean sure the physical comedy was good but the true reason Krusty got so popular was because of how he looked. If he had looked like Fat Albert nobody would have given a shit about his jokes which is understandable since artistically speaking Krusty was always a pale imitation of me. Sure he had some great laughs, I guess, but none of it even comes close to my output and he knew that. He tried so hard to make jokes like me but he just couldn't. He really did love my style and would have killed to copy it but I wouldn't allow that. When I heard he was caught robbing Quik-E-Mart I laughed out loud. Sure it was sad, but at the same time I found it hilarious that it bothered him that much that I was always the better comedian, and here I am, still making jokes, and he's in jail, not hard to work out who the winner is here.

Attached: king bobbo.jpg (1440x900, 103K)

based except for 4

this machine kills artists is good

>Dave was the "real musician" in Nirvana.
Dave, get off Yea Forums and go record some more mediocre FF songs.



>Dave played every instrument on the first album
>literally better than every single Nirvana album
This song slaps most Nirvana songs and although he denies it, you just know it was about Kurt.


lol classic opi-rage
when he joined apparently they couldn't shut up about how good he was out of his earshot

lmao he just ripped off breed