Do these tards even know what experimental means? God the faggots who vote on genres on RYM make my blood boil.
Do these tards even know what experimental means? God the faggots who vote on genres on RYM make my blood boil
t. cuckold
They’re kids user
theyre right youre wrong
You retarded reddicuck, you just called yourself a cuckold.
Reminder to rate this shit 0.5/5
Does anyone have that photo of a kid flipping off the camera with odd future clothing on? It was a Yea Forums post a while back
it's experimental relative to most hip hop
im going to rate it a 5
Why would I listen to you, faggot?
how the fuck has it got a higher score than nothing great about britain
OP is a retarded faggot. Experimental hip hop now refers to a specific, already established style rather than the avant garde and the actual act of experimentation. Just listen to that guy who tries to cover his receding hairline with a bandana whose production sounds exactly like El-P's who Fantano always sucks off, I forgot his name.
B A S E D and R
>almost 3K ratings in a day
>a site infested with autistic trannies
>surprised it has highly misleading info
lmao fail
>specific, already established style
seems like a bit of an oxymoron to me...
anyone has that /pol/tier drawing of a homosexual with a grave next to it and something about AIDS?
That's the point. Angry receding hairline guy is considered experimental when all of his shit sounds heavily influenced or even exactly the same compared to something another artist has already done.