>I mean sure the music was good but the true reason Nirvana got so popular was because of how Kurt looked. If he had looked like Fat Albert nobody would have given a shit about his music which is understandable since musically speaking Nirvana was always a pale Melvins imitation. Sure he had some great tunes, I guess, but none of it even comes close to my output and he knew that. He tried so hard to make music like me but he just couldn't. He really did love my band and would have killed to play in it but I wouldn't allow that. When I heard he killed himself I laughed out loud. Sure it was sad, but at the same time I found it hilarious that it bothered him that much that I was always the better musician, and here I am, still making music, and he's dead, not hard to work out who the winner is here.
I mean sure the music was good but the true reason Nirvana got so popular was because of how Kurt looked...
Other urls found in this thread:
>the music was good
stopped reading there
Kurt looked like a smelly transient
He never said this, you cocksucking tranny
all this sad C O P E
Fact is, Melvins wrote edgy metal music for incels, Nirvana wrote pop rock music with pleasant vocals for everyone. Plenty of ugly ass bands have gotten famous, look at that goblin Ed Sheeran
based, FUCK kurt cobain and fuck nirvana
yet so striking
if he never got successful and he approached me while i'm passing through aberdeen to get to the ocean i would give him ALL my quarters
The only reason people listen to Mevlins is because of how Buzzo looked.
LMAO so fucking bitter
have sex
nobody actually thinks this except contrarians and buzz himself
Nirvana is a t-shirt band. They're more famous for being a t shirt that 14 year old girls buy at JC Penney than for the music
did he really say this? can't find source
No he didn’t, but OP certainly has said “fuck me harder in my ass daddy” more times than we can count
calm down Buzz
this made me laugh so hard
melvins would be nobodies without their association with nirvana