How are you holding up Yea Forums?

How are you holding up Yea Forums?

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>sadbois are too busyy making tyler threads to post

fucking lol (im listening to mac demarco and reviewing tinder thots after my gf left me desu)

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I'm finally giving in to the urges despite my overly christian upbringing and asking a guy out to a date. Any gayfag music for this feel?

thought i was doing alright but i guess not

listening to f# vinyl whilst thinking about losing my job, my failing family relationships, the future of my career and life aspirations, and what i'll say to the art hoe i matched with on tinder

could do with a /nightwalk/ if i wasn't so fucking shattered

The sounds of eternal hellfire

>tfw finally took the kpop pill
Pretty good desu

As a straight white male....

thinking about quitting crossdressing
I'm tired of this shit desu

With that attitude

Sky high with a heartache of stone

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Surprisingly good, doing great at the university, only need couple of bucks so I can buy some albums

i'm going to die

like we all are or you got a date?

>eternally single
>haven't heard from friends in 6+ months,
>have to be up by 4am for custodian job,
>can't sleep
>Doomer life.jpg


never had one

my contrived libtard joke wasn’t a hit on fb, but I got a new needle for my turn table so I’m feelin pretty okay

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new needle *cartridge

my dealer is fucking playing with me i have the money for the weed oil pen but she isn't answering me i need this to escape for the summer

Eh pretty good. Just drinking some beer. Will probably watch a movie later.

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>tfw your dealer's busy getting her ass clapped by Tyrone but you just wanna get high

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i don't care who she's fucking i just want my drugs

finished my first day at a new job sore as fuck but feeling good


i still can't shake the thought that pic related looks kind of comfy

what she has always been there when i needed it the most

Except for now apparently


I'm not doing good at all.

I turned down a friends offer to see Endgame to ask a girl to it she said no lol. Music for these feels?

my finally has some direction and I'm feeling less depressed, but now I'm overwhelmed by crippling loneliness instead of feeling like my life is pointless
I'm going to be 22 in 2 months and I've never even gone a date with someone, albums for this feel?

I have zero friends and literally the only thing I do is listen to music.

rec me somfing

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Fucking hate women dealers. Incompetent as shit

what the fuck is wrong now?


that job sounds very comfy. can you listen to music all day?

Friends are now pretty overrated when you can just talk about your interest will people instantly online. Yeah I said it

love it

rec me something I probably haven't heard.

>decide to check out dating apps
>make account
>first girl
>ooh looks nice
>flip next picture
>girl who broke my heart is right next to her
>delete app

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This desu

drop nineteens

horny and lonely

I'm a lonely socially anxious virgin who has one more year of college and I have no idea where I'm going. I would rather procrastinate on Yea Forums and play games/listen to music/watch anime/read, instead of be productive. On top of that I've been having gay fantasies for a while and have no idea what I'm feeling.
Just feeling frustrated.

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Lost my job. I'll talk about it later after I get drunker.

Me and my ex just decided to reduce contact between us after seeing each other for a few days, because she's in another country now and it's unlikely we'll live within a hundred miles of each other in the foreseeable future

Guess I should move on already because it's been 10 months since we actually broke up

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It's probably behind the fridge. Whenever I lose something that's usually where it is.

>user, things will be okay

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alright. broke up with my gf of three years a few days ago, now i'm just listening to tyler bored as shit while drinking. i forgot how much time i spent with her when i wasn't in school.

it's ok brother. relax for a bit and move on to better things. if you broke up once it probably wasn't mean to be.

Dude college is literally the best place to come out of your shell. It's way harder afterwards, trust me. Join a bunch of societies and see which ones you like

I have cycles. Sounds like a woman shit but its way different. It starts good, then comes the beginning of the end, then disgust, then depression, then a wild phase of recklessness which culminates into a major event of self destruction, then redemption. Then I go through a major state of depression or skip to the first phase right away.

Currently at disgust. Its this weird anxiety. The end has already begun and I can't help it. I might do things right or wrong but it doesnt matter, I end up jacking off and being pissed at the world when the day is over. I try to distract myself, but none of the methods available are effective. Eventually I will get tired of trying all the healthy coping mechanisms and distractions and will fall into despair. The depression stage is short, but intense. That's when I start dropping responsibilities. Eventually I fall into a state in which I dont give a fuck anymore and self destruction begins.

I'd try to prevent it, but alas I can't. It's happened many times and I can feel it happening again. I've felt it all along, since before the beginning of the end. I tried to prevent it. I tried to prevent disgust. I'm trying to turn the tides. But when the day is over, I close my eyes and dream. And when it's dawn, I remember my dream clearly, and it always reveals the truth. As much as I'd like to lie to myself, my dreams are always right.

isp sent copyright notice . . .

It's probably behind the fridge, Brandon

Thanks man, good luck to you too. We'll both get through it

I go to a commuter school where people are not interested in making friends.

it's not the same at all. I've got a friend irl and when we hang out which is every few days we have like 9 hours of fun. you can do whatever you want. and sometimes you can do nothing at all and just watch tv. it's nowhere near as boring as typing out to someone on the internet. not even skype beats being in the same room as someone.

Walk a mile in my shoes man

>sleeping on a piece of fucking cardboard is comfy
Are you insane, with all due respect

Try quitting meth

I can’t relate I can have the same amount of fun watching shit alone. When I’m with someone I like to do actual engaging shit though besides watch tv (unless I’m fucked up) so to each their own

I actually went to rehab. Alcohol tho. Currently fighting the urge to drink. I'm still not fucked enough, but I wont be able to fight it in a couple of weeks unless something really unusual and good happens.

Sounds like your brain's rebelling and fucking with you because you're depriving it of what it wants. Brain transplant, problem solved. You could have mine but I also have an alcohol problem.

I'm gonna get shit for this probably so im not checking replies but my gender dysphoria is getting stronger but im unable to transition because i would get harassed and most of my family would disagree with my. it makes me feel like a freak. im just a weird minority that barely has support. atleast in my area.

Move to california

hang in there senpai

Brain's been fucked since before drugs. When I'm functional my brain is great tho. Problem is when it malfunctions it does so in a tragic fashion. I'm so good at math but so bad at emotion. I'd trade some intellect for stability any day.

Heh, *hang* in there xD


not him but fuck off

i'm ok living on my parents expenses

Not too well.

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What was the worst thing you did that warranted rehab?

Eat fistfuls of magic mushrooms until you feel better

Why am I surprised that a 'how are you holding up' thread is full of faggots and losers?

welcome to Yea Forums

I don't like black culture anymore. It's tired and being propagated by a certain tribe.

Welcome to Yea Forums retard

good for you man, best wishes on your date

Have you ever tried Live at Folsom

strange desu. im on lexapro and Bupropion. some days im fine but i get sad semi frequently.
i really like a girl. thought i could make a move but a friend told me he likes her too. havens told him how i feel. been kind of messed up about that

I don't like white culture anymore. It's tired and being propagated by a certain tribe.

calis great

except for my isp notice

I'm tired of being tired ya know

>registered for college classes
>stopped being stoned 24/7
feels good bros, i feel like i can finally start working towards something real and have a positive impact in my community

I recently spent my 21st birthday alone crying and wishing I was dead

Cat by the tail. Good on you, bro.

i think i finally grew out of weed.


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Just know life is hard. The media makes it out to be sunshine 24/7, but that's only to sell shit.

Best of luck, user! It takes a bit of courage, but you deserve happiness and a life where you can live as who you are.

Best wishes, and listen to the Let's Eat Grandma album

it only gets worse

The girl i bought weed from last year was pretty good, she gave birth then a week later was back selling lmao.

grippling with the fact that i will most likely die alone, never knowing what it was like to be in a loving and meaningful relationship

Thanks bro I'm honestly pretty pumped rn
I've already gone through rock bottom

Anything Pet Shop Boys really, but

You deserve love and to live the life that you want and need as the person you are. Transitioning and coming out must be extremely difficult. I suggest you go to therapy to help you reach your goal.

Best wishes and much love, user.

I'm shittossed right now. I just want my job back.

so i am on submithub promoting my upcoming album, i give constructive criticism to a pop punk band calling themselves "indie rock". my comment is simply "this isn't indie rock". it's not. it's some greenday pop commercial pop punk. it's not bad. but i am not a fan of pop punk.

so now these guys are dislike bombing my new track.
if this were 5 years ago, i would be upset. but i've been in the business for going on a decade now. it doesn't phase me. it's just fucking petty and pathetic.

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Its a long story that makes no sense without a lot of context and I dont feel like talking about it, but to get an idea of how full retarded I went, I appeared on tv and over 60 unknown women sent me friend requests on facebook. I was also trending topic on twitter locally for a day and got a couple of hate messages, along with some weird "we're praying for you" ones. When the cops found me they took me to my mom cause she wanted to see me and we had to meet with her in a random street cause the media was all over her place. There's still pictures of me when I google my full name. Yeah larp whatever I dont even give a fuck. It was kind of funny at the time but its just lame as fuck now.


post the webm please

then tell what happened and stop being vague or shut the fuck up

I'm so lonely

I'm selling my house soon so I can move to a very rural area, buy a cheap small house and invest the rest of the money so I can live as a hermit and perfect my drumming. And no, I don't have delusions of 'making it' I actually just want to live a simple life and play music til I die

Same here user. But I think it's for the best, most women will cheat and/or break up with you and it's just not worth committing to it.
But you can find other things to enjoy in life, it's what I'm trying to do and just come to peace with the fact.
We'll get wizard powers soon mang

that would be the ideal
getting sick of the noise and decay of city life

Tell me about it. I get to listen to jets taking off and landing at the same points during the day every 24 hours and, while that's only one small thing, it's chipping away at my sanity. I must absorb myself into nature or I won't last

godspeed user, what distracts you from the crippling loneliness?

was recently demoted from manager because i sucked so bad at it. at a fucking little caesar's.

do you guys think we'll be okay

Drawing and painting, not great at it but it's very relaxing. Sometimes I spend an entire day or night drawing, very good for the mind

sounds like amateur hour
I bet their music fucking sucks too

Wanting to have power over others is often a sign of having a micropenis. Just be a minion and be happy, less responsibility and stress. Less money but you'd probably only spend it on shit anyway. I would.

gays don't have emotions beyond lust user. best of luck though.

Honestly, no.

terrible, everywhere I go I see this fucking IGOR album

not well
I'm very lonely and very horny and angry and sexually frustrated which are a bad combo

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Creative outlets are the best. Thanks for the inspiration lad.


Of course not

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if you keep being le ebin doomer you won't but if you say fuck it and live how you wanna you will

I'm having a really good day, I'm about to go get a snack

Fair enough but if you expect the worst you can't be disappointed, and if the worst doesn't happen it'll be a genuinely pleasant surprise.

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I'm working on an album and I'm going to kill myself after I finish it. I'm almost considering it a suicide note in the form of an album. I'm not holding up very well.

Why is Pet Shop Boys the definitive gay band? Almost every homo seems to listen to them. Is it because of the "boys" in the name?

Paranoia, fear, and just this lingering sensation of being natively unattractive for whatever reason. Not even fat chicks like me. Friendships, work relationships - that's all fine. It's the romantic and even lustful ones where it falls flat on its face.