Does he know music theory? It seems like most of his stuff is just some jazzy 7th chords randomly thrown together.
Does he know music theory? It seems like most of his stuff is just some jazzy 7th chords randomly thrown together
I used to think he must know some theory since his tracks are full of minor9 chords but then I found out that there’s a patch on Garage Band that plays a minor 9 chord when you press any individual note and it was clearly what he uses.
Boredom is litteraly ii-V-I's stacked on each other, so yes he either knows or got ridiculously lucky
music theory is dumb and pointless in todays musicsphere.
Lowest IQ post.
wait.. you mean jazz isn't just random chords put together?
He's right
Theory limits creavity. Only psudos will disagree.
Obviously not
Go back retarded zoomer cuck
This is halfway true. Abiding by it religiously will do that yes, but calling it pointless and dumb is indicative of a frighteningly low IQ
>7th chords are “jazzy”
that’s gonna be a yikes from me
Also this. OP you are not as intelligent as you think you are
90% of those who "learn by ear" will only do the most basic shit for their entire lives because they learn by playing basic shit. That is why experimental rock music is based on timbre and fluff, it is what you do when you can't break conventions on a more fundamental level.
t. untalented squidward that thinks you need a "music degree" to make "good and approved" music
>implying music theory isnt a set of tools and guidelines
He stole all his chords from jazz or r&b music, he admitted on twitter.
Also around Wolf he took music theory classes but seems he didn't stock with it.
Hes music is really simple, its just beat music, except for his chords, wich are stolen like I said.
I had respect for him as a producer but in this last album seems like hes not even trying anymore
What if you learn by ear from non-basic shit?
Imagine being this dumb. Even in academia no one cares about "approved music", quite the contrary. This isn't the common practice period. The thing is, you can't experiment if you don't know what you are experimenting with.
You’re a fucking retard
You probably won't. You can pick up single pieces of interesting concepts, like noticing a chord substitution that sounds cool, but you won't be able to build it because you don't know the theoretical framework that enables it. Experimenting without knowledge is throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
Some people that have a really good ear may start noticing musical structures by themselves to the point of building their own intuitive systems, but chances no one here is one of them and there is no reason to reinvent the wheel when there are hundreds of years of accumulated information to build upon.
this is true although like you pointed out there are exceptions to this. even still not really since those exceptions have an innate grasp of music theory, they just don’t think they’re using it
forgot to add that I am literally an example of this, I’m so glad I sat down and actually began to learn theory because it was just confirming what I already sort of nonverbally all my life. i fell for the meme that it would somehow “limit my creativity” when all it’s done is helped my playing and music reach new heights
>you can't experiment if you don't know what you are experimenting with
Wow you really are a grad student
understood nonverbally*
If it sounds good it sounds good mate
I'd rather be a "psudo" than an illiterate retard.
>stealing chords
"he stole all his chords..."
imagine thinking this lmfao
Understanding how to apply some basic chord voicings/substitutions (like 9,11,13 chords or inversions) over a simple ii,V,I progression in a hiphop beat is not rocket science. Especially if you are using a piano roll on a DAW. I think Tyler knows what he's doing but for all you guys to get so opinionated over such entry level application of Harmony shows how fucking dumb you guys are. It'd be like saying Mac Demarco is a psued for using a major 7 chord in his music. Any musician knows this shit is the most basic stuff ever. The more complex stuff would be soloing over each chord voice and using a variety of positions. But you guys obviously aren't musicians so I might as well be speaking Mandarin to you. Fun fact. If you use a 7th chord or hear one and start saying "jazz" around anyone who actually is a musician you will sound so fucking dumb.
>That is why experimental rock music is based on timbre and fluff, it is what you do when you can't break conventions on a more fundamental level.
what is the entire Avant-Prog/RIO subgenre
Thinking learning how music works "limits creativity" is like saying "learning how to read limits literacy" you are so fucking retarded if you actually think this stuff.
Learning music theory does not mean you'll make good music
Relying solely on your ear does not mean you'll make good music
Both benefit from one another. I don't know why you guys still have these ideas about this. Even the greatest Jazz musicians knew it isn't about theory but they still learned it so they could communicate and understand music better.
A fucking catposting memer should not be the one to have to tell you this.
I could say maybe, I mean he should, but doesn’t mean he would. All DAW’s have chord presets. Maschine specially puts all of your shit on chords relative to the tonic. So, I don’t know. It’s ok, tho’ he makes catchy songs.