>why yes, i do have a large vinyl collection at home? how did you know?
Why yes, i do have a large vinyl collection at home? how did you know?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're only proving my point
Your point being?
>Vinyl is alright. I prefer collecting CDs though
That this whole meme is stale
He doesn't have one, he's a seething s0yb0y.
>He thinks he is better than "s0ibois"
>soi boys on suicide watch
confirmed seething s0yb0y
>Posting a literal "NO U"
>posting literal onions
How does it feel parroting the same shit over and over?
What can I say? Women love my 12 inches
How does it feel to be a seething s0yb0y?
Get more material other than S0yb0y memes. It's boring
s0yb0y sure is seething
Go back to your hugbox, fag.
you can feel the s0yb0y seethe that went into this image
Is that all you can say?
>so angry that he couldn't even spell "seething" correctly
keep replying and getting madder, s0yb0y
>He thinks he is making someone he dosen't know mad on the internet
>I'm not mad but I keep replying
seethe harder s0yb0y
I'm only replying to test how long you can say the same shit.
t. NPCs
>gets mad at memes being posted
>posts meme
Looks like s0yb0y seethed so hard he slipped up
Holy shit you people are autistic
t. s0yb0y
See, you're only proving my point, you keep posting the same shit, as if you were programmed to do so
Lel, you have no point. Now keep seething and replying that you're in fact not seething, s0yb0y.
I'm proving you're autistic
>resorting to autism meme
Keep trying, s0yb0y.
t. autistic
>this is you
t. s0yb0y
t. autismo
>fag apologist
LMAO this nigga don't have any self-awareness what so ever
keep seething, s0yb0y
I know you are but what am I?
niggers tongue my anus and jannies lick my shit up
Keep posting the same thing, autismo
Keep replying and seething s0yb0y
no u
>posts same thing
Keep seething, s0yb0y.
How do we know you're not the one seething?
Because I keep calling out s0yb0ys and the keep replying.
You don't sound very alpha
Seems like you have a really fulfilling life
t. seething s0yb0ys
>getting mad about s0yb0y memes
Sounds like you have a really fulfilling life
Hey, you're the one "calling out s0yb0ys", coping
And you reply to it because you're a seething s0yb0y.
You just know a nu-male made this
Theres that word again!
There's that anger again
At least call me something else other than s0yb0y
why do you retards keep replying?
you won't win lmao
Why? S0yb0y seems to make you nice and angry.
Because it's boring nigga.
t. s0yb0y
now get mad and reply
hahahahaha hahhahaaha