Why is groove/prog metal not discussed in this board...

Why is groove/prog metal not discussed in this board ? It is undeniably the most based form of music ever existed (other than classical obviously).

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Because most of it is absolute garbage.

Is groove/prog a specific genre now or are you talking about the two

Also, wouldn't groove/prog be what the zoomers call djent?

But not all of them ? Take Animals As Leaders, Meshuggah and so on...

metalfags are cringe

Groove prog is terrible compared to Gentle Giant, Cardiacs and Magma.

Ruined the genre with that Djent shit

progs gay and 95% of groove is gay so no

talking about two
Yes djent is very specific term (AAL is djent)

Pretty based list band choices.

based on what?

Based on good taste

Can you list any other good bands in the genre besides Meshuggah? I love Meshuggah and I've gone through probably literally hundreds of bands searching for anything even remotely as good in the genre and have not found it.

>le ebin taste may may xD

Between the Buried and Me

why are you upset

>le ebin upset maymay xD

avant-prog, zeuhl and brutal prog are the only prog worth listening to

What's brutal prog?

>(other than classical obviously).
ebin virtue signal

it's prog but, like, brutal

>not all of them take [shit bands] and so on
no thanks
>le ebin green font mayme xD
prog for fags who need to pretend like they aren't listening to prog

>>le ebin green font mayme xD
>uses green font may may

>Meshuggah a shit band
lmao kys nigger

autism metal sucks

make me an essentials chart and I'll get back to you and discuss it with you user

Sikth if you want something a little wild

>It is undeniably the most based form of music ever existed (other than classical obviously).

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