>Skips first six tracks
Skips first six tracks
If you actually think like that you don’t like this album. Retard.
Is this a Jojo reference?
No I just really dislike the first half of the album
Just listen to Brian Eno
What in the World and Sound and Vision are great
You're skipping the best song, Speed Of Life
Why do you dislike music, fucker
But you'll be skipping the best song Always Crashing in the same car
Eno really deserves more credit for low and heroes. The instrumentation is so heavily based off of that st elmos fire bullshit or wtever its called.
Bowie's good albums are the first 6 and Blackstar.
>skip the five last tracks
are you actually a mentalist?
are you actually a retard?
Philistine of the unbased kind.
dangerously bad opinion
a side is clearly better
>skips everything made by this hack
I don't really care about the last 4 tracks, the rest are amazing
>skips to side B
Objectively wrong
Lodger is a fantastic album.
>skipping tracks on Low