Who are your favorite synthpop artists?

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fuck off lardass

the one who's halfway through making the AOTY

Attached: TRST - Destroyer 1.jpg (1200x1200, 173K)

he cute

i'm not brandon, twat

Junior Boys
Neon Indian
Little Dragon
Jessy Lanza


com truise?


the units?


My mind and ears say Kraftwerk, but my dick says Lavren...

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You should be castrated

Drink bleach, faggot

Yeah dude, way to prove me wrong. Good job.
Reminder anons: Get your retards (like this one) spayed or neutered so they cannot spread their stupid gene

Why don't you eat your carrots?
Let people enjoy synthpop.

Go right ahead faggot
Just get fixed, please. For the good of the species

For the good of the species, we should genocide Africa and India, impose sanctions on China and get rid of Semites. Problems should get fixed another way.

The Knife

fuck off

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