
they say "after laughter comes tears". how will their next album sound like, Yea Forums?

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She looks like she hit the wall hard

I said this in your last race-baiting Paramore thread but I'll say it again
The contents of the album "After Laughter" were what came "after laughter"

Take your autistic nigger lover thread up your ass and fuck off with your feminazi waifu you fucking queer

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You sound like you suck big cocks
Is that what you wanted to say?

She aborted chad's babies

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does anyone actually think people do this?

are you saying it doesnt happen?

It will sound like more shitty pop crap,
So fuck off waifufag

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Thanks for bumping this fucking shitty thread again you blatant depravity

Imagine being so much of a beta to agreeing on this Just because your autistic waifu tells you to do it
I hope you get licuated you fucking Chemical monstrosity

Thanks for sucking cock all day long like you do

Oh so because i insult you that means i'm a cock sucking waifu fag like OP? Why the fuck don't you let me do an enema in your ass with a fucking axe you aborted gorilla?

not into it
keep looking though, someday your prince will come

What music do you like user?

based "fuck off waifufag" poster

I wonder how she feels about miss sunday's execution and deanerys' sack of king's landing

imagine cumming in her while she's ovulating and feeling your penis graze her cervix as it floods her womb with potent seed

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