The 3rd Best album of the 90s is now 20 years old
Say something Nice about it :)
The 3rd Best album of the 90s is now 20 years old
it's not even in the best of the 90's lmao the fuck you on about?
Feeling yourself disintegrate is one of the only songs that can consistently make me tear up every time I go back to it.
My mom died of cancer at a very young age and that song always makes me think of her last days.
only the first song is good: the album
Stop dickriding that italian pedo you faggot
>A Spoonful Weights a Ton
>The Spark That Bled
>What is the Light?
>Waitin for Superman
>Suddenly Everything Has Changed
>The Gash
>Feeling Yourself Disintegrate
Is there any footage of them playing The Gash with a full orchestra?
Giving it a listen for the first time, I'm enjoying it so far
Oh wait I’ve changed my mind the other post is now cringe, I’m convinced
>t. pleb
>me must be like based Scruffi
>Scaruffi is real patrician
My nigga. Mercury rev is better than Flaming Lips.
They literally copied the Flaming Lips at every turn
why'd you post a picture of yourself?
Soft bulletin is a poor man's Deserter's Songs. Educate yourself.
>he greentexted a t.
What instrument does he play again?
You mean Deserter's Songs is a poor man's Zaireeka
I think both bands were copying each other actually. Both albums had recording sessions at Tarbox Studios at the same time since both albums had the same producer and I think Wayne Coyne admitted whoever was in the studio first would use the same equipment the previous band was using and share ideas.
what does t. means?
Regardless, FLips album came out first and beat them to the punch (just like Ambulance beat Yerself is Steam)
It’s something from /bant/, I think it’s a Swedish or Danish initial put at the end of letters before signatures similar to how “Sincerely,” is used.
dickless faggot
It predates /bant/ and it comes from Finnish
thanks user
>The 3rd Best album of the 90s
What are the two better?
The Black Album and something else
That album is trash. Yerself and Boces are goat though
>Yerself and Boces are goat though
>what is See You on The Other Side
spotted the pleb