>tfw finally stop being a rockist
Tfw finally stop being a rockist
What umbrella genres are you into now? Based btw
Agree I got into jazz and haven't looked back
jazzfags are rockists
Rockism isn't about listening to rock music. It's about applying rock standards to other forms of music such as only listening to full albums or putting emphasis on things such as authenticity. Now I listen to everything, albums, EPs, singles, comps, etc. I still very much enjoy rock but have been getting more into jazz and classical.
you're a rockist until you start listening to your library on shuffle
what about having playlists that I listen to on shuffle?
that'll do and is based and redpilled
Yeah I agree but listening to rock is pretty rockist you fucking idiot
Anyway yeah keep going, good work user, you will one day make a fine contributor to this board
All roads lead to trad folk
I can stop being a rockist. I tried, but I can't. I listen to mostly full albums in electronic music. I just can't break away from this format.
>All roads lead to trad folk
>tfw listened to a 4 hour comp of trad folk yesterday
being a rockist means listening to albums all the way through? i thought everyone does that...
is it because you have the music cataloging autism?
listening to trad folk comps is about as rockist as you can get
How does one even arrive at this opinion?
>dude muh comp albums
>literal guitar music (aka rock)
yeah i had that phase 3 years ago, you're still a rockist bro
No, you can listen to full albums and not be a rockist. You're a rockist if you think the album format is the default or best format and apply it to all genres even when genres such as Electronic or Pop have historically been more singles dominated.
>inb4 "b-but i listen to gamelan comps"
still a rockist
??? kek what
If this is bait good work but if it isn't you're an absolute cuntard
Trad folk of cultures all around the world, almost none of what I'm referring to features guitars
Uh how?
>the album format is the best format
That's objectively true though, rockism or not
>dude it's not a guitar it's an ancient chinese instrument with a bunch of strings over an echo chamber that you twang with your fingers
So any music featuring a stringed instrument over an echo chamber is rock music, and anyone who listens to it is equivalent to someone listening to Dark Side of the Moon for the 300th time and calling it the best music ever made?
Ok can't believe I replied to this shit, nice bait. You're only getting a (You) because I feel so strongly about this.
Proud rockist here, haven't listened to music on shuffle in 8 years, stay mad virgins
the right format for music entirely depends on how the music is conceived by the artist. Wanting to force everything into the album format is as pleb as refusing to listen to full albums
you seem to confuse a rockist with wrong generation prog. fedora
Well shit man, yeah. I just don't know where to shove all these singles.
imagine being this retarded. imagine thinking artists can't have incorrect conceptions of what makes good music.
There has never been a single in the history of music better than those rare, genre-defining, legendary albums.
Strawberry Fields Forever
Holy shit. Are you fucking retarded? If an artist releases an album, you're supposed to listen to that album start to finish. Thats why they released it that way. Nobody releases an album and thinks "I hope people only listen to a couple tracks. I really don't want them to hear all of it."
Calling it """rockist""" to think otherwise is just making excuses for albums with bad tracklists / track sequencing. Stop making excuses for bad art.
Shut the fuck up, you pasty little button-up-shirt-wearing, glasses-wearing dork. I knew so many little fags like you when I was in college who thought they were the authority on music because they read a Pitchfork article and took an "intro to music history" class.
A bad album is a bad album. Regardless of genre.
>Imagine actually thinking the artist was wrong with the intent of their art
What makes it bad?
PROTIP: "because I don't like it!" is not a valid answer
Theres plenty of genres where albums are just a package of good songs and filler to get more money, otherwise people would only buy the good singles. that doesnt detract from the songs that are actually good. EDM genres have the odd artistic masterpiece albums, but is mostly about releasing singles
also where did he say you shouldn't listen to a full album? He says not all music should be released in the album format to begin with
>t. little fag who thinks he is the authority on music because he browses an Alaskan beluga whale field recording imageboard
>not all music should be released in the album format
So why do artists continue to do it when it doesn't suit the music? That sounds like a bad album to me. If an album shouldn't be released as an album, and the artist releases it as an album, then it's fair game to criticize it as an album and compare it to other albums. If they don't want to be judged for their albums, don't release albums.
>If an album shouldn't be released as an album
How do you know when this is the case?
>implying MMT isn't a masterpiece
Imagine unironically "woodshedding" to "build up your chops" before going to "swing" and "jam" with your "cats" and thinking you are not in fact literally Eric Clapton
Led Zeppelin
I'm not the one arguing that music shouldn't be released as albums. I'm arguing against that claim. Ask these faggots:
I'm simply arguing that its not "rockist" to expect albums to be good. If an artist releases their music as an album, then I'm going to criticize it as an album. If you don't like that, just release singles.
>I'm simply arguing that its not "rockist" to expect albums to be good.
And I'm asking you, how do you know it's "good"? Because that's your argument, right?
All punk/folk is refuse, so its best to listen to the real mccoy
No, not at all. Are you retarded?
>tfw rapfag
>but also a progchad
>how do you know when it's "good"?
When most or all of the songs are good. Bonus points if they sound like they belong together or have a cohesive theme instead of being randomly thrown together.
>Theres plenty of genres where albums are just a package of good songs and filler to get more money, otherwise people would only buy the good singles. that doesnt detract from the songs that are actually good
This sounds like a bad album. If I have to skip through a bunch of filler songs to get to the good ones, the album is bad and it's a waste of my money. Don't blame it on my "rockist" attitude. Blame the artist for making a bad product.
>When most or all of the songs are good.
How do you know if they're good or bad? You seem to be avoiding answering this question.
>Bonus points if they sound like they belong together or have a cohesive theme instead of being randomly thrown together.
What if that's what the artist intended (White Album, for example)?
they dont care how rockists judge their albums. its boosts sales either way
sure, i am not arguing for the albums being good, i was arguing for the albums not mattering. Fans of the genre wil give the album a listen and then just add the good songs to their rotation, playlist, mixes etc;