>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding /#F!mMYGhBgY!Ee_a6DJvLJRGej-9GBqi0A >General Folder #2. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and /#F!Y8pXlJ7L!RzSeyGemu6QdvYzlfKs67w >General Folder #3. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital /#F!kMpkFSzL!diCUavpSn9B-pr-MfKnKdA >General Folder #4. Renaissance up to late 19th /#F!ekBFiCLD!spgz8Ij5G0SRH2JjXpnjLg >General Folder #5. Very eclectic /#F!O8pj1ZiL!mAfQOneAAMlDlrgkqvzfEg >General Folder #6. Deutsche Grammophon stuff. Also there's some other stuff in /#F!DlRSjQaS!SzxR-CUyK4AYPknI1LYgdg >Renaissance Folder #1. Mass /#F!ygImCRjS!1C9L77tCcZGQRF6UVXa-dA >Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks) /#F!il5yBShJ!WPT0v8GwCAFdOaTYOLDA1g >Debussy /#F!DdJWUBBK!BeGdGaiAqdLy9SBZjCHjCw >Jewish /#F!lk0lGSTQ!SAIvBwgyVF1EGEMUjranEw >Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late /#F!4EVlnJrB!PRjPFC0vB2UT1vrBHAlHlw >Book Folder #1. Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc. /#F!HsAVXT5C!AoFKwCXr4PJnrNg5KzDJjw >Book Folder #2. Comprehensive list of the most important harpsichord and piano pieces through /#F!1xJgVSLA!i2eLakjehx5DY8qYUzS0Zg
>Classical music /
Attached: beeethoven.jpg (940x1295, 719K)
May 17, 2019 - 12:42
Who wrote the best violin sonatas?
May 17, 2019 - 12:56
Reminder that Paul Mccartney is the greatest musician of all time and this board is worthless, and you pseuds are pathetic because you ignore Paul's greatness on purpose, just to gain some mad Yea Forums cred.
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May 17, 2019 - 13:00
Life sure is great since I took the Handelpill.
May 17, 2019 - 13:50
tannhauser overture makes me tear up every time i listen to it
only just started listening to classical /watch?v=dnlaCenlNHk
May 17, 2019 - 14:12
somehow I've totally avoided listening to any Mendelssohn pieces in my entire life
does he have any pieces that are worthwhile, or have my lifestyle choices been just fine?
May 17, 2019 - 14:25
damn, you're convinced me. I'm done with classical music forever.
May 17, 2019 - 14:39
John is /classical/'s best Beatle, so get the fuck out
May 17, 2019 - 14:59
Who is the /comfiest/ impressionist composer? /watch?v=GKkeDqJBlK8
May 17, 2019 - 15:02
Paul was inspired by classical music, also he hasn't done shit worthwhile since Hey jude
May 17, 2019 - 15:34
Boulanger, Emmanuel, Roussel, and Tailleferre
May 17, 2019 - 15:35
Ravel, almost certainly. >Menuet sur le nom d'Haydn >Le Tombeau de Couperin >all his works done in the style of someone else, especially the one in the style of Chabrier
May 17, 2019 - 15:48
John was superior. "Because" is incredibly interesting.
May 17, 2019 - 15:55
Richter owned so many Brahms pieces
May 17, 2019 - 16:34
you say what i am too afraid to speak brother
May 17, 2019 - 18:02
Based and handelpilled
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May 17, 2019 - 18:30
can someone find me an url to download davidsbündlertänze? i'm at work right now
May 17, 2019 - 19:09
Thanks user, god bless you.
May 17, 2019 - 19:21