Name a single song by Morrissey or The Smiths that is about "confronting parochialism".
I'll wait.
Name a single song by Morrissey or The Smiths that is about "confronting parochialism".
I'll wait.
>Trying to rebuke a doctor
ah yes the band about a narcissist whining about not getting fucked enough or being fucked too much was politically radical in retrospect because now dude is being honest about his politics
it's gonna suck for these people when they realize that most dudes with glasses like that are quiet conservatives. you can't be a successful indie musician without turning into a weirdo libertarian navel gazing fucktard maybe they should get the sex strike
"How Soon Is Now"?
>I am human and I need to be loved
>Just like everybody else does
whiter shade of pale
>The Queen is Dead
>Barbarism Begins at Home
>The Headmaster Ritual
>Paint a Vulgar Picture
>Frankly, Mr. Shankly
>A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours
>The Boy with the Thorn in his Side
>Death of a Disco Dancer
>Nowhere Fast
A lot of them are parodying life in Northern Britain, you can generally assume there's a heavy amount of complaining amount the North in songs that don't talk about specific things - I Want the One I Can't Have, What She Said, Rushholme Ruffians, Vicar in a Tutu, This Night Has Opened My Eyes, Reel Around The Fountain, Suffer Little Children. He's also against the Monarchy, rather fervently.
Whinging about life isn't "confronting parochialism". It's built into the DNA of English people and is about as parochial an activity as you can find, torn right out of the national cinema and kitchen sink tradition.
Panic, for what it's worth, is an anthem against black music that calls for lynching.
Why is it so hard for people to accept that the Smiths were NEVER good?
some girls are bigger than others.
i love Moz
>bored by bigotry
Yes, and the form of bigotry has changed since the mid-80s. The bigotry is now aimed at white men, who are the new minority.
It's not simply "whinging about life", if that is as subtle as your understanding of the lyrics go then it is no wonder you don't recognise Morrissey's direct criticism of small minded attitudes.
Surprise, bands and regarded as good or bad largely based on their image and politics. The Smiths were good when people agreed with that image, The Smiths were bad when people didn't agree.
It's quite amusing that you think your reading of Morrissey's lyrics is so profound even though it contradicts his own explicit political affiliations and statements going back to the 1980s.
There is nothing funnier to me than when big heroes of the libfag community do shit like this and turn their fans against them
came to post this
why is it so hard for cucks to accept that muzzies SHOULD NOT blow up little girls with nail bombs at concerts?
why are people pretending that their views can't change?
>The bigotry is now aimed at white men, who are the new minority.
lol, i wish this was true
more evidence Yea Forums has always been the faggiest board
"Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now"
it's basically about doing narrow wants that lead to wider problems