IGOR General - /ig/

ARE WE STILL FRIENDS is this era's equivalent to Bohemian Rhapsody.

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you are underage

you fell for bait

so many people in this board have the biggest self-dick-sucking egos about their intelligence and think some online iq test proved they're a genius, then fall for the most obvious fucking bait in the world

i don't mean to be an ass, or specifically against you, but it's annoying how common this shit is. especially given the attitudes of a lot of people here

Are most Tyler's vocals purposefully bad? I don't enjoy that.

>too cool to like new music
>proceeds to tell someone who likes said music to “grow up”

I think you need to take a look at yourself

man tyler is basically a producer now
he didn't even need to rap on this at all, and he barely does
this is a good record, he needs to land a job producing for someone

What frustrates me the most is that there are absolute hints of gold within most of his songs on the record

And unlike Flower Boy, his best album, the quality peaks in the middle

Still, a solid album

Good album, when I heard some of the same vocal contributors as on Flower Boy I was afraid he'll repeat himself in some R&B tropes, but he really managed to surprise me, what a creative and at times unpredictable album. His vocals suck ass though, as well as his rapping, I don't know how he managed to develop so much sonically and somehow devolve rapping-wise.

if he rapped on IGOR i think this could even be an AOTY material
such a missed oppertunity

Some of the production and sounds on this album are tight, Tyler's vocals in places not sounding fantastic, but then they work really well in other places (Might be a case of needing another few listens to adjust and hear it differently)

The album certainly lacks the amount of rapping I was expecting, but that's not really a BAD thing, I think it just hits a different chord without it than what many people (including myself) expected

>IGOR General - /ig/
Instagram is where you should take this shit discussion and normie album.

shut up faggot, imagine letting people talk about new music on a music board

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Is it shit?

6.5-7/10 on first listen. Thematically I really like it. Sonically it is pretty good, but not perfect.

>ARE WE STILL FRIENDS is this era's equivalent to Bohemian Rhapsody

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>Bohemian Rhapsody

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I love it! I had fun listening to an album! Cuck me for it!

I’m sure you have a massive brain and cock

Lol grow up kid

No it's just white people rating a neo-soul album who'd rather listen to a "politically conscious" hip hop album instead because that's what's in nowadays. These people also love bands like Radiohead

Flower Boy > WOLF > Bastard > IGOR > Cherry Bomb > Goblin

Gotta think abt it sum more though

but Are We Still Friends is actually good

What the actual fuck is this SHIT
Tyler is Dead to me

why is Yea Forums hyping this shit
when yves tumor runs circles around this loser

why does every "alternative rapper " make an album now which consists of random noises,vocal cuts, sample overload and the rapper not rapping 90% of the time and why is this considered good and "experimental"?

because its the slow death of hyper-masculinity that has ruined the black community for generations

Are the vocals mixed a bit low or is it just me? I can barely understand some shit because i cant listen to what they are saying

You just gotta get the vibes and the aesthetic they are going into mostly, smoking weed also helps

LOL you think niggers listen to Tyler the Creator?

upper middle class blacks do. i don't like tyler myself. but i can spot a trend. i mean even in mainstream hip hop u got guys like chief keef and carti making feminist friendly songs like mileage.
black culture is changing

Nope, you're only allowed to like In The Aeroplane Over The Sea here. Anyone who likes anything else is a normie fag.

I think you're being too optimistic. That's like saying white culture is changing bc celebs and the media are left leaning. These people are still on the fringe

This is mu. You should expect to be hazed for talking about Tyler the Creator here lol

>I think you're being too optimistic
nah not really. im not saying its going to become the norm. blacks are praised for their hyper masculinity because lots of whites are too scared to do that. there's a new conscious slowly growing. i don't like the music from these guys because IMO its still a bit too white appealing the sound. but i can see in another decade black music getting on a jazz level of something new but also not just plain stupidity

WHAT'S GOOD, IGOR'S THEME and NEW MAGIC WAND are the only good tracks.

Fuck you guys it's a 10

ITAOTS is extremely normie music, newfag. Fuck off back to plebbit

Interesting choice in song.

Tyler shills feed their families cat food

>producer now
He's always been a producer.

That's the most fucking 'normie' opinion I've ever heard. Nobody uses that term anymore, faggot. ITAOTS is more valued as a piece of Yea Forums and Yea Forums culture than an actual piece of music now (although it is great). You're just being a contrarian fag.

>Hey you kikes, you wanna cancel Jay-Z?
>We gotta gas six million maybe

I thought this was a pretty fucked up direction to take his rapping, especially with the music being so pretty


this is the most reddit post I’ve ever read. it’s so obvious you found this board in the past few years from fantano that it hurts. fuck all the way off with your lecturing about this place you insufferable retard

I've been here since 2014.

ITAOTS predates Fantano

t. 0ldfagg

>Yea Forums
lurk more newfag

gay yeezus?

I ike it a lot, it's my favorite Tyler album which makes sense because I'm not a hip hop guy and this is a r&b/pop/soul album. I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE and ARE WE STILL FRIENDS really stick the landing.

>Wakanda is the only real nation ever known
>Once we kill whitey, this whole planet we'll own

Yeah, idk man. He just seems so... angry. Still AOTY territory.

What is Tyler's best song ever?


this record just took the parts I enjoyed the least about Cherry Bomb and Flower Boy and fuse them into one forgettable record

Tamale or Who Dat Boy
basic bitch answer, I know

This album proved black people can't make real music.

yeah, so you found it through fantano. 2009 here
Yeah no shit but gawking at it like some sublime object of Yea Forums culture (or talking about it like it’s some deep cut Yea Forums treasure) indicates you’re a newfag. no one here seriously thinks it’s some deep inaccessible high point of fucking art it’s just the random album we somehow manage to all think is kind of okay. or at least it was before redditors flooded in who genuinely s.o.y face over it which is embarrassing

You almost completed a sentence without using made the fuck up meme shit, you're improvin'!

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Yeah I'm no oldfag, but it's been more than a couple of years. Wasnt even through fantano either, I learned about Yea Forums from my friend.


Haven't given it an official rating yet but I'm thinking this is a strong 8 where Flower Boy is a decent 9

redditor's swarming Yea Forums, oh boy

What about an artist like Prince homie he challenged that "hyper-masculinity" a long time ago and it remained on the fringe. What's new about it this time?

please stop posting

I mean a significant portion of the album is devoted to gay and sad. I wouldn’t say people primarily looking for woke music are disappointed.

Tangentially the only album I can think of that’s gayer and sadder than this is twin fantasy, no wonder this board likes IGOR so much.

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SMUCKERS for sure

I like what's good

IFHY tho, also Garden Shed might be my favorite soulhop instrumental ever

Boredom imo

Those are definitely up there, but that instrumental on smuckers is too godlike.

collective of other artist joining him and da internet
prince is still inspiring these kids anyway

arca has made gayer and sadder music

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